MexiCayde-6's Profile

Joined: May 11, 2023

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #1

May 11, 2023

One of the best starts to an ASM run in years. It isn't perfect, but after reading through the whole run again it is exactly what fans of Spider-Man want: for him to be happy, moving on with his life, and together with MJ again. I wish Nick Spencer had stayed on the series rather than them changing hands to Wells, as his run has been an abysmal waste of time and one giant middle finger to the fans of ASM.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #25

May 11, 2023

I genuinely cannot fathom the level of awful decisions made for the whole of Zeb Wells' ASM run. This entire series of events can only exist if the characters are written entirely different from how they are characterized. MJ, even after years alone with someone else, would not give up on Peter. Peter may be emotional but he is still a genius, he wouldn't attack his friends and risk his best chance to save his should-be wife, just because they need to verify his identity. He definitely wouldn't work with the man that killed his first love just because he says "I'm not evil anymore I swear". 10,000 characters is both not enough and too much to write a review because I could say so much more about it and how much I genuinely hate every little inconsistency. But nobody would read that much. So I'll leave it with this. Marvel has been preaching about the evils of things like misogyny, yet at the first chance they get they will take a strong female character that fans love and they will do everything in their power to ruin them, and to make fans hate them. That's what is happening with MJ, they hate her, and hate that fans love her so much that they will have a character in the story refer to her as "The Scarlet Woman". A scarlet woman for those who don't know is a historical derogatory term for a prostitute, or a woman that has sex with a lot of men. The equivalent of this term in the modern day is a 'slut'.

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