Kaine Parker is on a mission to track down his fellow clone Ben Reilly. But has becoming Chasm made Ben beyond saving? Or is there an even more menacing presence pulling his strings?
Rated T
Ultimately, Chasm: Curse of Kaine #1 is a reminder of how great the Scarlet Spiders are, and one that more Spider-Man writers could use. Read Full Review
I enjoyed this quite a bit. Kaine is one of my favorite characters so I'm on board when he shows up. I also HATE Ben Reilly as a villian, (screw you Zeb Wells and your historically crappy Spiderman run) so I'm hopeful this series fixes that. Whether it does or not, the set up was a lot of fun, and I'm excited for what comes next.
More like a 7.75, im rounding up. I’m a Kaine fan, so I’m excited he’s playing a prominent role here. There’s enough mystery here to get me to pick up the second issue.
I'll start with the good. The art is nice. That's about all I got. The writing is dreary, the story is dumb so far, and they're not doing a good job of making me care about the characters. Ben and Eve are in the sewers hustling people for money? Wut? Kaine is just swinging around soliloquizing about his history with Ben? Corny. Everything about this book except the art screams low effort. The art is solid, but not top tier or anything. I won't be picking up #2.