Sollywoods's Profile

Joined: Dec 04, 2019

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A.X.E.: Eve of Judgment (2022) #1

Jul 13, 2022

This comic was so boring. So boring. There was nothing particularly wrong with it, I take no issues with characterization, the plot idea is kinda of fun, I enjoyed the free comic book day teaser leading into this. I could not keep my attention on the boring dialogue and almost no pacing, in that the story goes next to no where the entire issue. The Eternals, in my opinion, have always been so uninteresting. Neil Gaiman's run was okay, I've read other appearances in old Avengers, even their New Warriors appearance from 2012 (around there) and I just can't find a way to care about them. I picked this up because I like the Avengers (most of the time) and I read X-men and X-Force, so this is going through several series I follow and felt I would need to follow this too. I cannot recommend this to anyone unless you are some die hard Eternals fan or just happen to like reading page after page of boring dialogue where, an otherwise good artist, just has next to nothing to illustrate. This comic took an interesting premise and made it as boring as possible. I even skipped parts because it just kept meandering. ugh.

A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) #3

Aug 24, 2022

There's no major problem with this issue other than it's just really boring. With a major event story with 6 issues (plus an omega) you would think that each issue progresses the story. As far as progression, there was barely a pivot from last issue. This rivals Empyre for most boring event comic. That being said, I don't think there are any major flaws. The art is good, there's a lot of characters to juggle and for what it is, that was managed fairly well. This may be a harsh comparison but it reminds me of when I first watched the second Transformers movie. Lots of action but so boring that I just wanted it to end. (For the record, this story is still much better than that movie). All in all, I regret having bought this series. There's worse that I have purchased, for sure, but there's so much better. If you enjoy it, great, it's always good for someone to find something they enjoy. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone though.

A.X.E.: Judgment Day (2022) #5

Sep 22, 2022

First of all, none of my issues with this, um, issue, is about death in comics. Death and rebirth in comics is just another plot point, especially in a story about death and rebirth like this one, so let it happen. That's part of the fun here. There's just not much fun here. The event overall, I've found to be very boring. Not for lack of action, action for the sake of action can still be boring. This issue was a bit more interesting than previous, I'm certainly not saying it sucked, it just hasn't made me care about it. The random people it spends time on, only for like 2 pages but it feels like an eternity to read such dull things. I don't usually find Gillen a boring writer, (Die was bloody fantastic!) just this time through. It also bothers me that Thor has a perfectly good weapon for slicing through Celestials like butter. He has an enchanted ax, specifically for killing celestials where it sliced a world destroying celestial down in Uncanny Avengers but he can't be bothered to go get it for this crisis? Also, I know Civil War 2 was a far worse story than this, but that started with everyone getting together and stopping a Celestial from destroying the world, and it appeared to be with not much effort on part of the super hero community. How about using similar strategies since it's worked in the past against Celestials or at least explain why this is different. So for me, this was still kinda boring to read, the characters didn't seem to make smart tactical decisions against an enemy they have experience with so because of that, a generous 7.5 feels about right.

Alpha Flight (2023) #1

Aug 16, 2023

This was a delightful surprise. I didn't know a new Alpha Flight series was coming out so I picked it up going in blind. I've always enjoyed Alpha Flight and this is a good start from a writer that seems to understand the characters. I'm not a fan of heroes fighting other heroes unless there is a very good reason (most stories just end up making the characters look like childish idiots) so we'll see how that turns out in the end but so far it's working for me.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #50

Oct 15, 2020

This gets a 10 because everything worked in this issue. It was all about the reveal of Kindred and this issue built the suspense the entire time. Although it was a longer issue, I didn't think it was padded to fill space. I know many people were not surprised by the reveal but that's not bad. The clues leading up were enough to work it out like any good mystery. If it was another character just for the sake of telling people they were wrong would have been stupid. (Like the Gaunt reveal in the clone saga. They just pulled the robot master out of complete obscurity instead of following the clues leading up that it was suppose to be an Osborne.) Anyway, the reveal of Kindred is good. That particular character needed something like this done - alright fine SPOILER - Harry was needlessly brought back at the end of One More Day and has been a useless character ever since. Harry was interesting until his death in Spec 200 which was a good end for him. They brought him back in OMD but have done nothing interesting with him in nearly the 15 years since. So I'm excited that just maybe Harry Osborne will again get a story worth telling.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #53

Nov 18, 2020

It was hard to rate this one as not much happens. After a reread I did enjoy it more and raised my rating to an 8. As mostly a rehash of ASM 545 (which shockingly was like 300 issues removed now. That's like the creation of spiderman until Venoms introduction approx). At first I thought the issue wasteful since the reader already had the reveal. Peter didn't though and now I'm glad the reveal to him wasn't done lightly and had an issue to bring it out. I'm very happy the OMD nonsense with Harry is being addressed since Marvel basically did nothing with him for 15 years so it seemed pointless to bring him back. I really like where this is going and hope Spencer sticks the landing and that will make this a classic spiderman story. OMD is well known for all the wrong reasons. I barely stuck with Spidey after that. Don't let me down, Spencer! I'm just asking you to turn garbage into gold. You can do it!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #54

Dec 9, 2020

While its true that this issue will fit in very well in a trade as part of a bigger picture, not many answers given or progress made, it was still fantastic! Whatever Harry has become is truly frightening and I have no idea how this will end! And kinda spoilery - did he just kill Peter several times? Getting Ben Reilly vibes. Evil Ben was kinda stupid but still - the whole I died and came back so many times that my soul is evil now, just reminded me of that. Kinda side - I hope a well written Ben Reilly shows up sometime in this run. Not the Jackyl version but the one that was fixed by Spidergedden. I like that guy.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #55

Dec 30, 2020

I wanted to give it a 10 because it was a great issue BUT nothing concludes here! What the hell are they thinking by saying this is a conclusion issue. It's still on a cliff hanger, nothing is resolved, it's still in the middle of the damn story! It's a good story, I'm enjoying it, but a little pissed off at feeling like I was lied to. If you haven't read it yet, know that it's a great middle chapter, maybe penultimate issue, but in no way is the conclusion. my rage is not about it being bad at all, just that the publisher created an anticipation for a conclusion and didn't offer one at all.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #56

Jan 6, 2021

This was hard to rate. It's by no means a bad comic and the art is great. It's been said by other reviewers and I will reiterate. Nothing happens. I mean, yes stuff happens, but not what was teased and what led on readers. Then main overall progression from LR was the identity of Kindred. The rest was all tease. Are we going to wait for issue 100 or something to get it all out? Pacing man. It's brutal.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #72

Aug 25, 2021

How does still nothing happen? Is the next issue going to be massively oversized? There's a good story in here, at least I think so, but the pacing is worse then reading something written by Bendis. The art is decent. Nothing wowing but no complaints. What we did get was some retconning for Norman, nothing terrible that ruins his past, I don't even mind how they worked that in but it wasn't a whole issue worth of reveal when it doesn't really seem to matter (perhaps it will but it's just another plot point that needs to tied in next issue). And then it looks like another twist coming for Kindred. The Harry Osborne reveal was good 20 issues back. Now it might not even be true. I really want to like this story but Ive felt so disappointed immediately after reading the past few issues (sinister war included)

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #73

Sep 8, 2021

This gets an automatic pass for retconning past sins. I enjoy the heavy attention to continuity. Not enough writers write as though they've not even read a Wikipedia article on the character (I'm referring to you Loeb and Bendis). I like Spencer is trying to weave everything together. The problem, and why I just can't rate it any higher, was that even for someone like myself, who has read all of the stories referred to, had to reread this jumble of a story to try to make sense of it. From a story telling perspective, this issue and entire arc has been poor. My enjoyment of explaining away past sins may be clouding some judgment here but that fact that I come out of this comic with enjoyment of any sort means it's a good comic. I read this stuff to enjoy it so the bottom line is fulfilled here. I just would have preferred this information to be spread over the past few issues, not an issue of information dumping that still leaves many questions unanswered.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #75

Oct 6, 2021

I enjoyed this a lot! I almost have it a 10 but one minor gripe, maybe being a bit overly critical but a 9.5 is pretty good. First off, for me this was a comic I read and then immediately read again. You know it's good when that happens! I'm a fan of Ben Reilly and was really hoping he would be written better than his last series a few years ago. And he was! I always enjoyed Peter and Ben's relationship at the end of the clone saga. They were like brothers and acted like family. The jealousy of who is a clone or not was past them. I can accept Peter not being at that point anymore after what was unfortunately down to Ben when Dan Slott brought him back but this issue looks like it's fixing that without ignoring it. My minor problem... I'm just not that into a spiderman with so many gadgets. I like the webshooters and costume with the occasional gadget thrown in when planned out. Spidey and gadgets for criminals go way back the beginning, so I can't say it's not something spiderman has down. There's been so many costumes with various powers. It just seemed a little over down here, like Ben had just the right wacky tech in his suit for multiple specific threats. Reminds me a bit of the campy bat belt that has a solution for everything. So that's really my only issue here, and it's just a completely subjective preference. If you like an OP spiderman then you will probably feel different and that's fine.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #77

Oct 27, 2021

The little comment about Broccoli men, referencing the awesome but mostly forgotten nextwave series by Warren Ellis from 2007ish was enough to make this issue awesome. Now if only the captain makes an appearance I will give that issue a 10 regardless of everything else.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #81

Dec 15, 2021

I was initially let down because I forgot Miles was going to be in this issue and the cover art made me think that was Kaine, and I frikkin love Kaine and could rant about the untapped potential he has as a character but writers just don't seem to use him enough... Anyway, I shouldn't let my mistake affect how I feel about this. Instead, we get a fairly generic short hero vs hero fight, for no good reason really. Hero vs hero fights, in my opinion, need to stop. Unless there's a very good reason for it, it just makes one or both characters look like petty idiots who just lash out violently without thinking. Not very heroic. That was Miles here. At least it was short lived and spidergeddon was recognized. I always enjoy a writer who pays attention to continuity. The throw away villian was boring also. I want to see more character work. I want more Ben and Janine, more Beyond employees and moving that plot along. I just kinda feel this issue was treading water and wasting space with dull superhero tropes without telling much story. I think this is my least favourite of the Beyond issues so far. 7 more a generous mediocre

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #85

Jan 12, 2022

This was probably my favourite issue so far in the Beyond story. A lot of meandering up until now. More than inches of plot progression, I mostly enjoyed the character drama. Characters interest more than super hero fights (the action is fun, but I'd trade an issue of good character dialogue over an issue of explosions) Doc oc was good and I've really enjoyed him for the most part since the superior days. I never cared for him pre-superior spiderman but since that run it's exciting to see him again and he did not disappoint. I would've given the issue a ten but seeing Otto stay conscious after those angry punches is a bit pick I struggle with. I can see spiderman pulling his punches with someone like Otto, but when loose cannon Ben gets frustrated and angry like he was, those punches aren't going to be pulled so good. I thought the last page was great! While I'm not generally a fan of writers constantly giving Ben the "whoa is me, I'm a clone and sad" thing, the writing in how it was done here made that tired story beat fresh again. Clone or not, most in Ben's situation are going to be hit with self doubt after learning what he did and that would just be magnified but previously overcome insecurities brought to the surface again. This was good stuff

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #88.BEY

Feb 9, 2022

This wasn't bad but it also wasn't great. I'm a fan of the original Slingers, their big 12 issues from the 90's. It was good. I think you are a Hobie Brown fan you might like this more than if you are a Slingers fan. It's mostly about him and I just never really cared for the character. I also think the writer may not have known about the last guy to wear the hornet suit (from the last scarlet spider ongoing series). Also, where was Prodigy? That's the character that made me interested in the Slingers in the first place after reading about him in the Avengers Initiative run. (I love that entire series and if you've never read it, go check it out. Probably one of my most re-read series ever!) So Prodigy isn't here at all. Sad Slingers reunion. I guess the plot sheds more light on the shady scope of Beyond but the main series has plenty of that. It's not a bad story, it's a little disappointing and only adds a little dimension to the main story. If you like Hobie Brown, get this. There's not too much here for you otherwise.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #90

Feb 23, 2022

This was some great spiderman! It's always fun seeing Peter overcome when the odds are against him. It's been done before but I do not find it stale when written right and this was great! I'm not totally sold on the goblin queen being interesting... The goblin stare thing is kinda cool but I just don't know who this person is enough to care much. Not even hints, just some beyond experiment. I hope there's going to be more development or else goblin queen will just fall into villian obscurity like D.K. (that was the first single issue only villian to come to mind from the 90's and one of the first comics I ever bought) Despite the somewhat encouraging ending, the air around the story is dripping with approaching tragedy. If they kill Ben again... Seriously... That would ruin this entire run for me. I'm hoping it goes Jeff Lemire style where the protagonist gets dragged through the mud but somehow things find a way of working out at the end. A Jeff Lemire spiderman arc would be amazing!

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #93

Mar 30, 2022

I was enjoying this issue right up until the end. There were several ways I saw this going and I think the outcome was the one I wanted the least. SPOILER Making Ben a villian. Anti-hero at best but we don't even know. You can assume by the colour scheme and new name that he's not going to a hero. Marvel needs to stop crapping on Ben Reilly. They have an amazing anti-hero/villain spiderman in Kaine already. Use him for this. Kaine is an under-used and fantastic character. I expected, and was on board with Ben not getting his memories back. I thought it a way to forge his own path, away from Peter's memories. Instead we get the old mental break down and turn to villainy cliche. The art was great throughout. Most the issue was exciting and fun to read. That ending though... It's great when comics evoke emotion towards the characters in story. It's not great when that emotion is directed at the author. I'm the latter right now.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #1

Apr 28, 2022

I did not like this comic. A 5 was generous. Why don't I like it? The art was okay. It's JRJR so it's par for him. Don't hate it but it's not elevating anything. Maybe I'm still a bit soured about what the last issue did to Ben. But Ben's not here. I didn't like this because that was not Peter Parker. That was a jerk. There are characters who can be jerks and enjoyable. There's been some great deadpool stories. I loved Duggan's run and reread that from time to time. Punisher has some great stories despite not being a good person. But I've always like Peter Parker because he's a good person. He tries to do what's right despite personal consequences. It's not always the best choices but he usually seems human and makes mistakes but at the end of the day, he's a good guy doing his best. (So was Ben Reilly, stop screwing him over, Marvel. Yup, still sour). Not just Peter though. Apparently the FF want nothing to do with Peter. Makes them out to be jerks. Your think with the insane things super heroes go through, that they'd go be each the benefit of the doubt when things get dicey. We also have MJ saying don't call me. Screw that writing. I don't read spiderman to read about a bunch of jerks. That's what deadpool is for. But there's build up and later explanation to come to give this context... I'm voting ng with my wallet and not buying this again. I'll be back at the next number one, volume 87 or whatever it's at now.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #2

May 25, 2022

I don't know what comic those critics read but it wasn't this one! I was enjoying spiderman a lot until Beyond didn't stick the landing but then it just got so much worse. The arts okay. Not really to my liking but I've seen enough John Romita Jr to be okay with it. There's just nothing to like here, story wise. For me, reading comics is at its best when the characters are fun, interesting and inspiring. Ya know, super heroes. There's none of that left here. It even reads like spiderman goes after tombstone, not because he wants to stop him from doing something bad but because this (fake) Peter is so self absorbed with feeling personally threatened by Tombstone that he goes after him. Then loses in a one on one fight... With Tombstone? It's bad plotting. It's bad character writing.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #5

Jul 7, 2022

So I was going to drop reading this altogether since I hated the first 2 issues but it was a slow week for new comics for me so I picked up issues 3-5. So this is sort of a review of all those. Yes, I quite enjoyed it now. Issue 4 in particular had me annoyed at first, at how it seemed like such a cliche of villain captures hero and lets one of his nameless goons kill him... but then the ending spun it around in a way I did not see coming and completely justified what I had previously thought to be bad writing, was now a clever spin by the writer with Tombstones plan. The final issue continued that good plot with a satisfying ending that didn't involved a physical fight between Spiderman and Tombstone. I am all for non-violent resolutions in comics. I don't need action just for action sake and this story actually provided good reason for action (when spidey beat the Rose and his men) and had a good story to tell after that didn't require fighting. So this was a good read. I still do not like how Peter Parker is written but the benefit of the past 3 issues was there was very little Peter Parker, just Spiderman, aside from a few panels. I'm going to try to be open minded to where this is going with Peter, maybe that aspect will turn around and I can't hold that dislike against this issue. I don't mind JRJR's art but if I never saw it again, I wouldn't miss it. There's better and worse out there.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #6

Jul 27, 2022

I appreciate that this was a self contained story and not some introduction to something to come. I also like that this felt like Spiderman, something I have not thought Wells was good at doing in the previous issues. Also, when did I miss Flash coming back to life?? Where did that happen?? The sinister 6 were not written well. It felt like they were written as though they were a parody of the sinister 6. Otto was particularly poorly done. Had this occurred prior to the superior Spiderman it may not have bothered me, but this ignored all character development from Otto from the past decade. Dr octopus was not very interesting in his pre-superior days. He may be a classic villain but he was boring until the superior stuff happened, and since then Dr octopus has been a delight to read. This was not that guy. It was to the point where Otto wanted to kill Spiderman here. That felt so out of character to where he has come from. That complaint aside, the overall plot was okay. Felt like it dragged a bit for the sake of filling the extra pages. The extra stories were completely forgettable but that is usually the case on these oversized issues. Overall, 7 for just okay. Spiderman written well, Otto written poorly, decent one off story that could have been cut down a few pages.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #16

Dec 28, 2022

16 issues in and this is still going down as the worst Spiderman run ever. This is in particular continues to ruin the character of Ben Reilly. Outside the art being alright, there is nothing at all to like here. As much as I enjoy the character of Ben Reilly, Marvel should have left him dead. When Slott made him a villain it was kind of stupid but at least it he thought he was doing something right. Then Peter David screwed up his solo series that followed up. He had some redemption in Spidergeddon, which was great, felt like the real Ben Reilly was back, then Beyond started with potential only to end with the completely garbage introduction of Chasm. His design is kind of cool but characterization is the absolute worst the character has ever had. He has no plan here and is just acting like such an idiot that it is unreadable. I am glad I read it in the store and didn't pay money for this. All I ended up with was wasted time. Past Sins was trash, OMD even worse... at this rate, Wells whole run is looking worse than both of those. At least Peter was likable in those other stories.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #23

Apr 5, 2023

What's with all these bots spamming a 10 rating? This was trash. Wells continues to ruin the character of Peter Parker. I hope at the end of this run, it uses the terrible cliche of it all being a dream. That would actually improve the story telling. Romitas art is pretty good. Not amazing but pretty good.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #24

Apr 19, 2023

Each issue gets worse and worse.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #26

May 31, 2023

It's crap. Don't waste your time or money. Kamala will be back soon enough with whatever stupid retcon another writer will be forced to do. Peter and his supporting cast of once great and interesting characters, will likely suffer longer and also force another writer to find how to make a ridiculous retcon for all this.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #66

Jan 22, 2025

I'll just say this... stick to ultimate spiderman. Remember when marvel was intentionally trying to ruin the xmen brand before they got the movie rights back??? It feels like marvel is intentionally trying to ruin spiderman for reasons I don't know. But the past few years of bad writing, horrible characterization makes me think someone at Marvel wants to tank the character. Previews for the upcoming relaunch look like they are keeping the bad writing coming. Stick to ultimate spiderman. In Hickman we trust.

Annihilation Omnibus

Oct 12, 2022

This is an easy 10 out of 10 for me. The Annihilation story is my all time favorite comic story. I've worn my trades out a bit from how many times I've read and reread this. This is what made Nova my favorite character in comics. Pure Comic book fun. Go read it if you haven't. But really, I'm writing this nearly 20 years after it came out. No one is reading this but it deserves that 10 rating

Annihilation - Scourge: Nova #1

Dec 4, 2019

I loved this comic more then anything I've read for a while. If you like Nova or any cosmic Marvel I recommend. The continuity has been great with past stories that it builds from. It's simply a lot of fun. You wouldn't expect Annihilus to be funny but he's freaking hilarious in this issue. The banter between him and Nova was great! The humor doesn't take away from the stakes or that Nova is a damaged person from his trauma. It's funny, there's danger, character depth (even for annihilus who usually doesn't get much) and exactly why I read comics. Keep this coming! I'd buy the crap out of a Nova Corps book if it was ever made!

Annihilation - Scourge: Beta Ray Bill #1

Dec 11, 2019

I enjoyed this issue because it's really hard not to enjoy Bate Ray Bill but I still thought it was the weakest of the 4 Scourge one shots. I'm looking forward to see how the over powered Sentry gets taken down in the end but with only the Omega issue left I hope it doesn't fail bringing everything together. Other the Bill joining in, there was much story progression here. I'm not going to say this issue was unnecessary because that's one of the laziest, most pretentious things someone reviewing anything can say (further ranting would be unnecessary and you know who you are if you review things that way. Stop it) BUT if you skip this one and go directly into Omega I don't think you'll be very lost. If you're a fan of Beta Ray Bill I think you'll enjoy.

Annihilation - Scourge: Omega #1

Dec 18, 2019

I wanted to like this more then I did. I enjoyed all the issues leading to this conclusion and the ending certainly had potential and some good stuff, it just felt a bit off. Spoilers Novas return with a whole bunch of reinforcements was great BUT taking a close look at who was there was a problem. Maybe I missed something but Airwalker died in the original annihilation. Did I miss his return somewhere? And was that Frankie's Reyes Nova who died way back in Silver Surfer 75? And as far as I'm aware hasn't been mentioned since? And Rage from the New Warriors I hear died recently in that Venom/poison event. (I didn't read it) so I found three characters who should not have been there. I'm not against character resurrections but I like an explanation, even a bad one. Art was just okay. Little drop in quality from the issues before. Not awful but nothing special. Not really buying how the cancer is just obsessed with Nova and doesn't actually care about the rest. The humour was gone mostly. All in all, it's just okay and fell short of what could have been awesome

Avengers Kang Dynasty

Aug 30, 2023

This is a classic Kang story that really should have been an event comic. This was before the flood of events and kept only within the Avengers, so no cross overs! It also showcases some great lesser known characters who were in the Avengers at the time. Sometimes the C-list characters are more interesting than well known ones. This is one of the better Kang stories. He's got some great ones (like in Uncanny Avengers) and some horrible ones (looking at you, Marcus from Avengers 200) but if you like Kang, check this out

Avengers (2018) #30

Jan 31, 2020

I liked how this ended so let’s start with the good. Spoilers! There is interesting story potential in a baby having the star brand power. I’m curious to see how this plays out. It could also go poorly but I’m on board right now. I would have rated this lower if it had not ended the way it did. My issues with the issue and story arc as a whole. Art - it was okay. I’m not a big McGuinness fan but I don’t hate it. It’s passable. If you are into this artist it likely delivers for you. There’s nothing bad aside from personal date. The silver surfer. I’m glad he came around to not advocating murder of a woman the star brand chose but he was going to until he realized she was pregnant. I’ve read a lot of silver surfer (highly recommend the awesome run by Dan Slott) and I don’t think the surfer would want to kill the woman despite the threat. He would find another way. Terrax for sure and maybe fire lord would, even gladiator I can see doing what he did not the surfer. The surfer does not always get consistent writing but but he nearly always has a love and respect for life. That’s his contrast and penance for the death he caused in the past. It’s part of what makes him interesting in my opinion. Surfer rant aside, I felt like there were story elements left untold in favour of increased action. I thought there was something more to brood Thor, why did gladiator call the avengers to help? Did he actually think they would come help him kill the woman? I feel like I’m complaining a bit much about this arc. It is a microcosm of Aaron’s entire run. There’s interesting ideas but many a little too much going on for proper follow up. Maybe everything will tie together and wrap up like a Hickmen story would but I’m not sure it all will.

Avengers (2018) #32

Mar 11, 2020

I really like these set up issues. There has been a lot of ideas introduced in this Avengers run with little follow up. This issue starts connected some dots that really needed connecting. The only parts I found boring was the pages with Blade. The whole blah blah blah I don’t belong in the Avengers boring stuff. Aside from that, all the antagonists coming together, slowly working in the 1,000,000 bc storyline into the present, I’m excited to see where this leads. It’s just looking like more detour stories for the next few months with Moon Knight. I like Moon Knight, it could be good, but my overall gripe with this series is there will be an interesting idea put out there and then side track with another story for 6 months without touching on it again. Here’s to hoping all the many parts come together in the end.

Avengers (2018) #35

Aug 19, 2020

I thought this was just okay. Art was fine, nothing special but nothing really bad. Not a ton of plot progression, it’s a pretty slow story and I’m only sort of invested in it. I like that it’s starting to connect many of the plot threads that have been building this entire run. A problem I have after reading it is that it feels like this might have been a conflict that could have been resolved with a conversation. Moon knight seems to have acted out of concern for the worlds future although that’s only been hinted at, no details about that threat aside from probably involving Mephisto. Moon knight could have just contacted the Avengers, explained what he knows about the threat and worked together or the conflict could have come from not agreeing how to work together. But he just goes in and steals most of their powers without trying to explain. I feel like this type of conflict happens way too much in comics - fight first, talk later. Makes the characters seem like idiots. Moon knight is the idiot here. Also, maybe a minor complaint and minor spoiler in the issue but why has no one thought to give that baby a name yet?? Who does that?? I don’t know how long in comic book time has passed since the avengers had that baby but day 1 they should have named the baby. That annoyed me. I’m sticking with a 7 rating because there was some good dialogue, it was mostly a fun action packed issue but I’ve given my gripes. It could wrap up well once everything comes out so I’m still optimistic for the overall story line.

Avengers (2018) #36

Sep 30, 2020

Another alright issue but nothing that stands out as great. Mostly a long fight between Moonknight and Black Panther that was fun to see for the first half but just kept going a little bit like Peter Griffin and the chicken suit man. I still have plenty of questions about Mephisto I would like answered but weren't. This entire run just has so much going on, a million subplots it seems and it keeps barreling forward with more without many answers. I thought this arc would start to bring things together such as the 1 million BC characters, Coulson and the Squadron Supreme and whatever he has to do with Mephisto, the vampires, Manor, starbrand kid... I just want to start seeing some of these dots connected.

Avengers (2018) #37

Oct 15, 2020

I think this is the lowest review I've ever given. I just didn't enjoy this story. The low review is based not on the issue alone but also as my reaction to the conclusion of this story. I was holding out from previous issues hoping that it would end well. It didn't. The story is basically this - Moon Knight steals power from the characters far stronger than him. Mephisto is killed many times. Avengers are captured and escape. Moonknight switches sides to help the Avengers. Khonshu defeated. That's about it. There was no good character moments. Constant boring Moonknight inner monologue over everything. And Moonknight has been very interesting with other writers. Here's my main problem though. Any conflict that can reasonably be resolved with a short talk but instead turns into a drawn out generic fight is not a good story. Khonshu held to the point that he just wanted to save the world from Mephisto. No plot twist or alterior motives on that. Mephistos threat still is unclear as ever despite being teased the entire run basically. If Khonshu, especially through Moonknight, just went to talk to the avengers (Moonknight has been an active avenger before so that's not unreasonable) they could discuss how to cooperatively meet this Mephisto threat. I know Stan Lee's old Marvel formula was having heroes fight heroes in a misunderstanding and then join together. And that worked in the early days when characters didn't know or trust each other. Now when they do it it just makes them look like idiots. Moonknight in this case. Everyone else was just trying to defend themselves when he attacks them instead of saying hey let's get together and plan for this upcoming threat you guys should know about. Average art again. Nothing special but nothing really ugly. Forgettable really. Jason Aaron just needs to start moving this plot forward and stop writing the heroes as idiots.

Avengers (2018) #39

Dec 9, 2020

I don't usually give low grades but I just didn't enjoy this. I haven't enjoyed any of the 1million BC issues, but this was a chore to get through. Comics shouldn't have me wanting to skip bad dialogue and feel like the entire premise is stupid (keep in mind that comics often have wild subject matter and that is awesome!). And did the comic actually suggest people have been killing vegans? Even bigger issue, if this is literally 1 million BC, there were no humans at this stage of development with this language capacity. Comics, fiction, okay, still bugs me. Mutants were around also now, apocalypse being the first mutant isn't a thing anymore? Maybe that was long ago done away with, I'm not up on everything. And Odin can't lift Mjolnir even though he put the very enchantment on it? Are we going through a story of how Odin becomes worthy now? This whole Avengers run has frustrated me. There's a glimpse of something awesome at times but never a proper follow through. Remember Manor? That looked like it was gonna be good. Oh, go buy another series to follow up. Then Agents of Wakanda - go buy another series again. Evil Coulsen and squadron supreme, let's barely touch on it every other year or so. I prefer Bendis Avengers at this point.

Avengers (2018) #49

Oct 15, 2021

I'm so bored with Jason Aaron on Avengers. There was nothing particularly bad about this but despite the action in the issue, I was bored while reading it. Again. This happens a lot during Aaron's Avengers.

Avengers (2018) #50

Dec 3, 2021

It's been a while since I was optimistic about Aaron's Avengers. I've stuck around mostly out of loyalty to the comic. I can't be the only comic book Reader who does that... Right? Well I'm giving it an 8 because by the end of it I thought it was pretty good to get past world war she hulk, and onto something interesting again involving dr doom. Dr doom is basically always entertaining. I liked the girlfriend skin armor doom so that's cool to have around, even if it's an alternate version. I like my 616 Doom bordering on anti-hero anyway, so alternate earth pure evil doom doesn't have to take that away.

Avengers (2018) #52

Jan 19, 2022

This was pretty good. I've not particularly enjoyed Jason Aaron's run but I am interested in this multiversal masters of evil thing. The art is decent. I think I like where things are going but still kind of on the fence since, track record I suppose, the past 50 issues have been either boring or a good idea poorly executed (the moon Knight stuff especially). I am looking forward to the next issue again. That's how you should feel when reading a comic you enjoy so it accomplished that. My only issue is the star brand kid. She's annoying. Spoiler... She aged up at the end which I guess is good in the long run so the Avengers aren't babysitters anymore. They should've given the kid to Luke Cage and Jessica who seem to be the only responsible parents in comics by virtue of not having an ongoing series. I'd read that actually. If it was written anything like Tomasi's superman run, I would buy that in a heartbeat. I'm tangenting. Avengers 52 - hopeful for more good issues ahead. This was fun aside from the annoying little girl who is now aged past puberty.

Avengers (2018) #53

Feb 9, 2022

Well I didn't find it boring like I have with some of Aaron's Avengers run, that's a plus. It just wasn't great. For real, Namor should pound the crap out of kid Thanos. That didn't happen so that's probably my biggest complaint here. I like the idea of really powerful over the top evil Doom but I really want 616 Doom to show up and destroy him. That would redeem this entire run to have a epic 616 Doom show up and destroy that faker. I don't think it'll happen but it could! In thinking about the overall story now... Group of powerful bad guys get together to ... Fight and destroy through the multiverse... Because they are evil? Is that really the story here? Maybe I forgot something, I've not reread these issues since really I'm just sticking it out and hoping for a new writer soon. Loyalty to the brand at this point. I remember feeling the potential here after issue 50 but my optimism is fading. Just another okay issue. Everything I bought this week was just okay. It's a "7" type of day!

Avengers (2018) #56

May 25, 2022

I enjoyed this more than I expected. Maybe since I read it after the absolutely horrible Amazing Spiderman issue this week, anything would seem good after that. I enjoyed Jane as Thor. That was a great run. I felt invested in Jane with what was happening and when I feel that connection to the fictional character, get brought into their world for the moment, that's when I know the writer is doing a good job. That being said... The pacing on this entire Avengers run has been driving me crazy! It takes so long for anything to happen and the narrative is all over the place, like Jason Aaron took his brain storming chalk board and instead of narrowing down a refined plot, he just went with every idea he ever had, and tried to write a story with it. So as an individual, character driven issue, I like it. Nothing about the overall state of this Avengers run has changed though. Now with this Avengers/Eternals/X-Men crossover happening, I don't expect things to change. Eternals ruin everything touch. I feel very negative today. Maybe it's the weather.

Avengers (2018) #62

Nov 9, 2022

I cannot wait for this Avengers run to be over. Another brutal issue. I only hope that the last arc will be exciting but this issue in particular was so boring that I had to skip sections of it. Nonsense narratives, pointless Mephisto encounter, depressing and cynical dialogue... is Jason Aaron, okay? Does he need an intervention or some kind? I have stuck through this run, which at this point will be a contender for worst Avengers run ever, because I generally love reading Avengers comics. It will take a particularly poor ending to contend with the 300-340ish era of Avengers, but that's where it's going in my opinion. It's not like the story is a bad idea though. There's potential in the concept. It's that the dialogue sucks, the narration sucks and the characters are brutally uninteresting. Give me my core Avengers team again. And the whole run starts with interesting concepts and then sends it off to some other series. Namor causing trouble? That was interesting. Tough, go buy this other series. Agents of Wakanda? Interesting group you got there, especially bringing back Broo, love that guy... go buy a different comic to see that. Echo as the Phoenix... go buy that comic if you want more because you won't get it here. The art was good, otherwise, I give it a 2.

Avengers (2018) #63

Dec 8, 2022

This does not get a pass. I keep hoping things will turn around, especially for this last arc that should be action packed. It is full of action but still somehow boring. Here's why - it's full of horrible narration boxes with Jason Aaron just writing nonsense that don't inspire and make you feel like he kind of hates humanity. There's next to no good character work here. A huge cast of characters does make this hard to do, I wasn't expecting much but there's pretty much nothing. Characters fighting, narration boxes and fight banter. Dr. Doom is usually awesome. Even when not written at his best, he is still great to read about. This Dr. Doom is not so much. It's not even clear why he is doing all this. Doom at his most evil (using his old GF's skin for magic armor... awesome) was still this despicable person but it made sense within the context of the story. This Doom is evil and wants to destroy everything. For reasons. Because he's evil. The plague tactic was a good idea but after it was stopped... why didn't he try again? If the means of stopping it was now gone... just do it again. The first ghost rider burns away the plague but looks like at the cost of his life... what's stopping Doom from just doing it again now that the one who stopped it is gone? Why write it that way, just have the Ghost Rider not die from burning it all away so if Doom tries again, he could again stop it which would be the only reasonable reason why he wouldn't just do it again. If you are going to get into Avengers, just wait until the next writer starts up. Jason Aaron does have great stories out there. His Thor run was great. Wolverine and the X-men was fun with great character work. None of what made those stories good has been in his Avengers run. I'm not saying he is a bad writer, just this run is poorly written, and hopefully the next thing he works on will be better.

Avengers (2023) #1

May 17, 2023

I kind of want to give this a 10 just because it's nice to enjoy reading Avengers again. Great first issue! The art was good, the set up was good and the team is pretty good. I really like having Wanda and Vision back in Avengers, it's been way too long since they've been on the team. I do hope they squeeze in some lesser used Avengers into the team eventually. I like to see Simon Williams back, or even Black Knight. Team books like this are great for balancing the popular regulars like Thor and Iron Man, with some lesser known great characters.

Avengers (2023) #4

Aug 9, 2023

This issue was great and so far this run is off to a great start! It makes me want to hunt down other titles that Jed MacKay has been on since I haven't read much of his work. I'm just happy that the Avengers is good again! New villains can be difficult to make interesting but when it works, it's awesome to have someone new around to cause trouble.

Avengers (2023) #6

Oct 11, 2023

This is a 10 because once I finished, I wanted to read it again. McKay's Avengers run has started with an awesome first arc. This is the type of story I read the Avengers for. High stakes, good characters by a writer who seems to understand them and the art is great. This is a reminder of why I read comics.

Avengers Assemble (2022): Alpha #1

Nov 30, 2022

Half the issue is wasted on a stupid hero VS hero fight that is pointless and makes everyone involved look like an idiot. Maybe not Captain America who actually seemed like he knew this was a stupid fight. This was suppose to kick off the final arc of the this run, set up the attempted epic battle to come and it fails at that. Heroes fighting heroes rarely works and the reason to fight here was inter nonsense. It was filler and when you have an oversized issue, why are you bothering with filler??? At least the last, I don't know, third of the story started to get things going, which is why I give it a passing grade. Ghost rider not being able to use his powers was a bit cliche but after just establishing he could destroy the threat alone in the issue, I guess something needed to delay that deus ex machina. I cannot wait for the run to end. I had hopes that the final arc of this brutal run would be fun, that something would finally happen, but this was a big disappointment. I also think Jason Aaron hates Odin. I haven't followed Jane as Valkrie but I know at the end of his Thor run, (which was great, the whole time) Odin brought Jane back to life. She could show a bit more respect to the person she literally owes her life to. Instead she jokes about punching his face. Real nice person you are now, Jane. Our heroes, nearly all insufferable Jerks.

Avengers Forever (2021) #6

Jun 2, 2022

It was alright. Like the rest of Aaron's Avengers, I wish it would pick up the pace a little but it's hardly just Jason Aaron that writes so decompressed like this. It's alright in that we get an issue dedicated to this version of Black Panther. Basically his origin story and that what you get. I can't be overly picky that one issue is dedicated to that but I do wish that the bigger picture was moving along a little faster. A few more pages to the bigger picture and hinting at more to come would've been nice. I think it will be fun to see the end of all this and the hugely powerful group of multiversal Avengers that will stand up to the Masters of Evil. That's a good idea but I think I'd be more excited to see it happen if the characters were pre-established what if characters like what was done in Spider-verse. When Spider-verse came out, it revisited non-canon version of characters that otherwise many would have never seen the pages of a comic again. Aaron had a chance to do something similar but instead we get completely original versions of different Avengers so it's hard to be as excited about them. It doesn't suck but it's just okay, so I give it a 7. That's a just okay number.

Avengers Forever (2021) #7

Jul 7, 2022

I found myself surprisingly invested in this story. The main Avengers title has been really boring lately and the Avengers Forever has kind of been on par for boring with the main. This issue had me re-reading immediately after, the sign of a good comic. I always enjoy Kuders art, he is a good sequential story teller, and there was a Steve Rogers dog. Good times.

Avengers Forever (2021) #8

Aug 24, 2022

I like it better than the main Avengers series right now. Thinking of this comic just in isolation with itself, it was a good read. Bigger picture, I really really want Aaron to move his Avengers story forward just a little faster from the snails pace it's going, but in and of itself, this was a good story. The struggles of this alternate Thor made me feel interested and invested in him, and where the story ended up was an unexpected direction so that was fun.

Avengers Forever (2021) #10

Nov 2, 2022

This was... almost really good. I may have to give it a reread later and see but I'm writing this after my first impression. Tony and alcoholism has been done but I'm not oppose to it being done again within the multiverse. It's not a bad concept. I would've liked to see a bit more about giant planet drinking Tony robot but that just came and went real fast. I guess what would've made it better to me was if these other Tonies felt like their alcoholism was actually involved with their problems but it seemed more like it was about their mental health, and even then not properly explored. That's what I mean by good concept here, just not executed as good as it could've. It could've been great, instead it's just an okay 7/10.

Batman: The Detective (2021) #2

May 13, 2021

I am really enjoying this batman story. I stopped reading batman partway through Kings run but kept tabs on how things were and this series got my attention. It's been well worth it so far. I have wanted a good detective story from batman for a while and so far this is hitting the spot. The art is fantastic. It always great to see anything Kubert draws. Minor gripe though... We have year old Squire... And the adults in the room are okay with that. The people who are suppose to be heroes. I also don't like how it's another story referring to an abusive foster home. Really the vast majority of foster parents are wonderful people but it seems every story demonizes foster care. I don't mind the teen superhero thing, even the ones without powers, but I struggle to think of the heroes being okay with bringing a slightly trained 14 year old into a gun fight. Especially Batman with what's going on in urban legends, specifically not wanting another Robin. (Another story of not trusting foster care also...) I know most I wrote was about a minor point but I felt a little like ranting. It's a seriously good comic with the one bit I didn't like as mentioned.

Batman: The Detective (2021) #5

Sep 22, 2021

This was the best issue of the series so far! I wish the main batman line was this good! I'm not going to say I was completely surprised at the reveals but really, I don't need needless shock value, it's still a lot of fun. I'm like that this issue provided the main reveal which will let the final issue be a properly climax of the story. My only complaint, and its minor, is just how connected Batman seems to so many people around the world. It's a little to deus ex machina for me. I would love to see more batman solving mysteries with a handful of established allies and reasonable tech. The giant tank van thing that he had stored away, just waiting to be used was a bit much and the only reason I don't give this issue a full 10.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #1

Aug 27, 2020

I’m happy to be reading something good from Batman again! I’m one of those people who stopped reading Batman halfway through Kings run because well... let’s not go there. The art was fantastic throughout and it was one of those comics I wanted to reread immediately after at least to take in the art again. There was some progression of story while dangling continued mystery throughout. I also like the detective angle that Batman has been missing for a while. This may fall apart in the end, who knows. The concept didn’t have me excited as I thought three jokers running around and no one knew until now is a bit stupid. However, this issue has me on board and hoping Johns can pull it together make it not a stupid idea! If all Batman comics were like this I’d be buying again for sure.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3

Oct 28, 2020

This was a near perfect ending! I went into this pretty skeptical and came out loving it. The art is fantastic! Flawless really. Spoilers I suppose... The best part for me was Bruce forgiving Joe Chill. That's a super hero move and one that makes me like the character so much more. After the depressing jerk batman from Tom Kings run, this is a batman I can look up to and respect. He also showed some respect and cooperation with his allies which strangely has been absent despite the many teams ups. The final Joker reveal - I really liked how it tied into the killing joke with a very believable retcon. There is no contradiction between these stories, just a reveal. Knowing that the Jokers wife and child are still alive and also validating the killing joke as continuity I am a fan of. My only complaint, and the reason why a score of 10, is Bruce saying he's known the Jokers true identity the whole time... So why ask the Mobius chair for his identity?? Doesn't ruin it for me but it's a blip in the story telling.

Beyond (2022): Mary Jane & Black Cat #1

Jan 27, 2022

So I just wrote a review and accidently deleted it due to delay on my phone... Annoying. In short, this comic is fantastic. Go buy it.

Cable (2020): Reloaded #1

Aug 25, 2021

If you are buying this because you are a Cable fan and X-Force fan from the 90's, you will probably enjoy this comic. If you are just following the Last Annihilation story, you can skip this. I found it boring. When you are reading through a comic and start counting how many pages are left, wanting it to finish, that's not a good sign. It's the same feeling I've had when reading old 90's Cable comics the few times I've tried. There's nothing wrong with this, it's just boring and I wanted it to connect more to Last Annihilation which, in the Guardians comic, is awesome so far! Unless you are a Cable fan, I would not recommend this. Comics shouldn't feel boring like this.

Captain Marvel Genis-Vell by Peter David Omnibus

Oct 11, 2023

My rating is for this entire series. I love it! This series made me love the character and I wish he was used more. I would buy anything featuring Genis-Vell right now. The stories are good, the characters are written well, it's heavy on humor and very entertaining. Then as the series reverts to number one, it takes shocking turn while still keeping the humor only it gets rather dark. The psychological breakdown of Genis-Vell is one of my favourite storylines. I'm still giving it a ten despite the abrupt ending the series had. It takes very meta in the final issue, which does kind of suck to be honest, and then Marvel just threw Genis into Thunderbolts and did little with him, let killed him off for so long! Comic book characters rarely stay dead as long as Genis did and that's just not fair to such an interesting character. I also loved the mini-series that (last year??) came out but since then, I'm pretty sure Marvel has just left him out to dry again. Put him on the GotG at least! That book sucks so bad right now, it could use a boost from Genis joining up!

Captain Marvel (2019) #35

Jan 5, 2022

I haven't been a regular reader of the series but I started last issue because Mar-vell was around and I love me some original captain Marvel. And this issue brought me Genis-vell back! So it's gets a 9. I have been waiting years for Genis to return since he died in Thunderbolts 100. Now... Spoilers... This doesn't seem to be the same Genis, so I'm not giving this a 10, otherwise I certainly would, but it looks like his story will be told this summer. Meh. Patience. It's like when Phyla was brought back but it was an alternate universe version, it's just not quite the same. This Genis seems to either be a clone or ripped from time or even a skrull. We will just have to wait and see. Better not be a skrull... Otherwise here, art and action were good. I like the silent binary entity that seems to be its own thing now. That's kinda cool. Now I'm going to have pick up back issues.

Captain Marvel (2019) #36

Feb 24, 2022

So I rate things based on how I felt after reading it. It's purely subjective and there is no other system aside from "this feels like an 8". I will explain, because it was almost a 7 but I do feel a bit slighted for ridiculous reasons that shouldn't matter but do to me. It was overall a good ending and I think the new Binary has some good potential for story telling in the future. Here's where I feel like being petty though and why I can't rate it higher. You may think this stupid and you are welcome to... They put Nova on the cover but not in the issue. Maybe it him on the bottom corner of the second to last page drawn very sketchy... Doesn't count! Nova is my favourite character and I will buy anything he shows up in. I wasn't buying this for Nova but he was on the cover so I get excited, only expected a few back ground panels but hoping maybe a line or two. Nothing. I also wanted more Genis-vell but at least he was there. Petty complaint? Oh I know it is. Still pissed me off! The story ended well but I cannot give it any higher than an 8 because of my Nova slight from the cover. It's that kinda day.

Captain Marvel (2019) #39

Jul 14, 2022

This series has become the one I look forward to the most. Another great issue! I haven't read the entire series, still trying to hunt down back issues, but that doesn't seem to matter, I don't feel lost or anything. The characters are interesting, the plot engaging and the art is good. I just want to keep reading more but it's still on the classic monthly release schedule. Come on bi-weekly Captain Marvel! Captain Marvel (back to Mar-vell) was one of my first favourite characters in comics. Mid-2000's he felt like a legend in the Marvel Universe. That got me into Genis-vell, who was already dead after Thunderbolts 100 when I started enjoying his character. That was a great run that had a far too meta ending to really give it closure. Oh well. I've touched on Danvers Captain Marvel since it began in... 2012... I think, and I just couldn't get into them. Until now! This is capturing the fun of previous Captain Marvel run's I've enjoyed. I highly recommend

Captain Marvel (2019) #43

Nov 2, 2022

I enjoyed almost every panel of this issue and only very minor concerns if I were to nitpick. I'm not going to because I just enjoyed this issue too much to think about the little things. Large cast of characters balanced very well, the core characters written likable, believable and engaging, good art and great start to a new arch that builds of previous. And we are back in space and I love the cosmic side of Marvel that is very lacking right now. Captain marvel snuck into being my favorite ongoing series about a year ago and still going strong. If you have any desire to like Captain Marvel, this is the run the get.

Captain Marvel (2019) #44

Dec 7, 2022

This series continues to be awesome each issue. Easily my favorite series in comics right now. (TMNT is also awesome and has been for years). Just start reading it if you aren't.

Captain Marvel (2019) #45

Jan 4, 2023

Just to be clear, I'd probably give this a 9 or 9.5 but the rating before me had a 10 and I couldn't bring myself to pull down the average rating since I enjoyed this so much. It's hard to find a flaw in it actually. The pacing is just right, the characters are written well, the art is good. This continues to be my favorite series out right now. Just go start reading captain marvel. If I had any complaint, it's minor, and that the next issue is an xmen book which I don't normally get. Hardly a fault of this comic though.

Captain Marvel (2019) #49

May 10, 2023

I love this series right now and I'm disappointed it will be over after the next issue. This issue in particular continues to great pacing, great character work and the art is great. This is why I read comics. Fun characters, exciting story and well done art. Good times.

Captain Marvel (2019) #50

Jun 14, 2023

This was a great series. Great final issue. It's been my favorite ongoing for the last 2 years. It will be missed.

Captain Marvel (2023) #1

Dec 22, 2023

The Good - I enjoyed the art. Pretty solid throughout. I wasn't familiar with the artist before but I'm on board. - The new villain is potentially interesting. Not much reveal but I like her design. The new supporting character seems alright... we'll see how it goes. I miss the supporting cast of the last run, which was awesome, so changing it up completely is risky. I'm not sour to it though. The bad - I HATE the trope of introducing a new character and having them easily defeat an OP character. It's the laziest thing you can do in story telling and I hate it. It makes me want to lower the score more than a six as I think about it. I love the character of Genis-vell, and was maybe one of the few who loved the recent mini-series (last yearish) so I was mainly buying this because he was in it. It's like writers don't realize how insanely powerful that guy is. He takes down Thor, and smacks gods around. Then again, this is the same trope that writers use with other OP characters like Thanos and Galactus. These are not characters to be treated lightly with their insane power levels. It weakens the writing if they are just used to show how powerful your new character is. You new character that will most likely disappear once you are done writing this story. Another thing that really bothered me was after Yuna (was that her name...?) puts on the negabands, she's told they won't come off unless she dies. This is right after Genis just had his hands cut off and that's how they were removed. How about cut her hands off also? You literally just did it seconds ago to the last person to wear them. Instead, you get her being pushed out a window.... so dumb. Just cut her up. It just happened to Genis, that would be so much easier than pushing her out a window. That would make too much sense. Stop writing dumb villains just so you can make the plot work. Have your characters doing practical, intelligent things and make a plot out of it. It's a better story that way. On second thought, this bad writing deserves a 5, not a 6. Good art, potentially interesting direction for the series but bad, lazy writing to get there. I don't want to see Genis as a mind controlled bad guy. That's stupid also. I'm disappointed that comics in general (aside from a few gems) really suck right now. That's a rant for another day. I really want to like this series since Thompsons run, and most Captain Marvel runs actually, going all the way back to Mar-vell from the 60's, have been something I've enjoyed quite a bit. Don't be a lazy writer!

Chasm: Curse of Kaine (2024) #1

Sep 5, 2024

I enjoyed this quite a bit. Kaine is one of my favorite characters so I'm on board when he shows up. I also HATE Ben Reilly as a villian, (screw you Zeb Wells and your historically crappy Spiderman run) so I'm hopeful this series fixes that. Whether it does or not, the set up was a lot of fun, and I'm excited for what comes next.

Chasm: Curse of Kaine (2024) #2

Sep 29, 2024

My enjoyment of this series comes from a few things. First, I'll buy anything with Kaine. I love that character. Second, I'm optimistic this series will fix Ben Reilly. Marvel has been screwing with Ben since Slott brought him back. I hate what Wells did to him and hope that this series fixes him. So I'm enjoying the series because so far, it looks like that might happen. I'm not a fan of Druig. I find the Eternals marvels most boring set of characters so I would prefer a better villian. I'm actually rooting for mole man here, who also sucks but I'll take him over Druig. All in all, I enjoy reading it and look forward to the next issue. So it deserves a high rating.

Dark Web (2022): Finale #1

Feb 10, 2023

The 1.5 is that high because Kubert is always nice to have on the art side. Good solid artist. The writing though... I can say in confidence that Wells is my least favorite Spiderman writer of all time. I'd take Past Sins or OMD over this trash. Not only does he destroy the character of Ben Reilly, but his Peter is easily the worst ever interpretation of Peter Parker that has ever been made. At this point, it would be an improvement to the writing to have someone, anyone, just wake up and realize it was all a dream. One of the worst tropes in writing would improve this nonsense.

Doctor Doom & Rocket Raccoon (2025) #1

Jan 22, 2025

I need this to be an ongoing series. There's so few ongoing series that are interesting right now. Ultimate Universe aside, which is awesome, main 616 is at an all-time boring level of writing right now, but then little gems like this cone out and remind me it could still be awesome again.

Earth 2: Society #22

Jan 25, 2022

So I recently found a few earth 2 trade paper backs at the dollar store and thought, well I don't want to lose money on this, so bought them. Having known nothing about this series, I immensely enjoyed it! My rating is for both the final issue and the series as a whole. Not that I even think anyone will read this, a somewhat obscure series 5 years after it ended. I just wanted to get my thoughts out. It's not a perfect series but I'm giving it a 10 because I like to rate on how it made me feel more than as a scale of perfection. I ended up loving the characters and the ending left me smiling. I loved how Dick Grayson becomes Oracle in the end. I honestly thought him dead, which was terribly tragic after just reuniting with his son and then equally exciting to find him alive! It's a shame that this version of these characters will not likely ever be used again. But I know I'll be re-reading this series again. I'm still waiting for the World's End tpb to get here from Amazon since none of my local stores had it any longer. I say go and read this series. I can't promise you will love it but I did. It's a series that reminds me why I love super hero comics.

Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel (2022) #1

Jul 27, 2022

I loved this issue! I was happy to see Genis back, and written by Peter David, even with a hidden Easter egg to former artist Chriscross. I haven't kept up at all with Rick Jones, last I was aware was when he did in secret empire. Wikipedia should should help that though. I assume he came back in a hulk comic... Anyway, I liked that there was a quick memory... restoration...? To the Genis clone, it's sort of a way of keeping him the same character. The original was created in a tube and artificially aged to begin with, cause comics, so I'm okay with this. I do hope that the pieces of the original that were scattered across time come into play at some point but that's probably asking too much. I'm not a big fan of time skipping around stories but that's really the only reason to not give it a 10. There are several mysterious plot elements set up, good characterizations and already teasing with a big time villain at the end. Can't wait for the next issue!

Genis-Vell: Captain Marvel (2022) #2

Aug 24, 2022

This comic just serves as a reminder of how missed Genis has been from comics for nearly 20 years. He is a fantastic character, especially when written by Peter David who wrote his last solo series.

Green Lantern (2021) #9

Dec 8, 2021

I haven't read green lantern since Grant Morrison took over. I stopped then because Grant Morrisons cynicism is something I grew tired of many years ago. But I love green lantern characters, I may be one of the few who have Kyle Rayner as my favourite, followed by Guy Gardner. So this comic... I've kept some tabs on the series since I stopped reading and couldn't help myself. I bought this issue. I think I hated it. I don't say that about many things. I feel bad giving it a one but I can't give it more than a 2. I'm giving it back to my comic shop. This is not staying in my collection. From this new writer seemingly killing off all my favourite green lanterns in the few previous issue, to this idiot new character, whose name I don't remember because she sucks, and just another guardians gone bad bore fest. I want the old GL corps series back. That was so good, pre-new 52. I may check this series out when there's a new writer but they will probably have to do some terrible ret-conning to fix this trash. My harshest review yet. This comic sucks! (To quote Linkara)

Groot (2023) #1

May 4, 2023

I love the character of Mar-vell (Genis and Phyla also. I'll buy whatever the Mar-vell family shows up in. Teddy feels like the odd one out but he's alright too.) I also have no interest on Marvel bringing Mar0vell back to life, he's a character whose legacy makes him interesting. So reading about him again in a flash back was great. Groot is fun, it's his comic, but it's the Mar-vell stuff that really made me happy with this issue.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #1

Jan 22, 2020

This is a great comic! I read it a few hours ago, let it sit a bit and reread it and loved it! I enjoyed the last run and was sceptical of a new writer so quickly again but this is an awesome start. Great characterization of the main team. Very nice attention to past continuity, which is always a bonus for me when a writing understands and respects what came before. And anything with Nova, especially a well written Nova like this, is something I really enjoy. I do hope his power level is addressed. Since his return a few years ago it has been unclear how powerful he is. Fighting Zeus makes me think it's pretty high but not quite Nova Prime but it's just not been addressed by any writer. I do hope the antagonists get fleshed out a bit more but that's hardly a negative for a first issue. That sort of thing I expect down the road as the story progresses. There's a lot to love here if you are into Marvel cosmic or just superhero comics really

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #5

Aug 5, 2020

Another great issue! I love seeing an author who understands the characters and their continuity. I’m excited for the next issue and hope that a proper look at Richard Riders PTSD can be provided.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #6

Sep 2, 2020

I was looking forward to this issue a lot and it partly delivered for me. As a counsellor myself, I enjoy these sort of issues but also have a bit more of a critical view then I might normally. Also, Nova is my favourite character in comics so I like when he treated well! Art was decent. Nothing special and no problematic. It got the job done. Regarding the therapy of this issue - not everything needs to be about childhood when it comes to therapy. There was multiple references to Nova needing to get things done by himself. I don’t take issue with this concept in general but what this guy needs is freaking trauma counselling! He clearly has PTSD after being killed who knows how many times in the cancer verse and again in the negative zone recently. Then Peter dies and he feels responsible. Being most recent it does makes sense to give that some focus. Convincing himself that he should have done it alone is the issue, it’s a defence mechanism. Now writing out an entertaining super hero comic about a counselling session has its challenges and overall I enjoyed what they did. My point is, he needs trauma based counselling, not some Freudian childhood nonsense. I also didn’t read Empyre (the first time in over 10 years I skipped a Marvel event comic since most of the time I’ve felt let down by them) so I don’t know what the cliff hanger is suppose to mean. I really don’t mind the other characters not getting much attention. I also have no issues with Hercules and Marvel Boy getting together. Anyone who knows Hercules from Greek myth would know he’s bisexual even though as far as I’m aware this was the first time referenced in comics. Everyone in Greek myth was bisexual! If that bothers you, well, that’s on you.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #8

Nov 4, 2020

I really like Rocket and wanted to give this a higher review. I like a good murder mystery but this just wasn't. A good murder mystery or detective story will allow the reader to put the answers together if they are paying attention. It should take multiple issues. So for just a 2 issue story, and one that the reader see's that Marvel Boy is innocent right away, it just didn't work out as a mystery for me. The real killer was never something that could be worked out outside the narrative either. Go read an older Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie story to see how these stories do it right. Maybe it was into a Knull crossover and had to wrap it up early... Also disappointed the series is crossing into the Knull stuff. I was planning on sitting all that out. Art is was pretty great! 7.5 was mostly cause I like that it's Rocket centric, good art and I just love this series and can't bring myself to rate lower.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #9

Dec 9, 2020

I'm happy to have had a Star Lord centered issue. Even if what went on was kinda bonkers! Makes it hard to review on its own since so much of what was here I think is just the tip of more to come. Frankly, I'm not even sure what my biggest question is but it certainly makes me question everything we know about Peter Quill. I've read the original stories of Star Lord and I'm pretty sure Ewing is starting some possibly interesting retcons from that but it all remains to be seen. I'm not excited for a king in black crossover. I always prefer these crossovers as a mini series and not to interrupt the main series UNLESS the same writer is doing it and has planned the stories together (such as Venom tying into king in black) I enjoyed King in Black and was initially going to skip it, so nothing against that story, but now we most likely have to delayed who knows how many issues before getting back to the Star Lord stuff which does have me interested for more.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #10

Jan 6, 2021

I'm still loving this series. I was worried this issue would be a wasted tie in issue but I thought it worked really well and used the event in a reasonable way while still pushing the main GotG plot forward with StarLord. I'm excited for more. The new OP Quill I like. I hope he gets his fun personality back but it's understandable he seems out of touch as he's been away over a 100 flarking years now. Really, he'd barely remember the old team. Anyway, read this series. Still have fingers crossed that Genis-vell could make a return here sometime!

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #18

Sep 22, 2021

I hadn't realised the series was over with this. That's very disappointing. The issue itself was pretty good. 8 might be generous of me but I'm keeping it because I've enjoyed the character work, more than the overall plot. There's a lot of characters involved and they were written well. I well written dr doom is among my favourite reads and I was not disappointed. The plot though... Maybe it was the structure of the event, bouncing around the way it did, did not provide the scope and urgency it should have. The name of the story invokes the original annihilation story, possibly my all time favourite comic story. The structure of the original (opening one shot, several mini series and final series) made it feel big. It made the annihilation war seem like it really was a universal conflict. Planets were destroyed, established characters died, it was huge and awesome! But here, dormammu does next to nothing. His mindless army have some battles across several planets, which could have been fun if the story structure was different. Annihilus had a mindless army also but those bugs were far more terrifying than the mindless ones. I just feel the story could have been better if the one shot issues were mini series to build up the overall threat more. So missed opportunity.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #2

May 17, 2023

This was a very disappointing read... The last run of GotG was really good. Two issues into this one and it feels like the writer doesn't care about what came before, just what slightly mimics the characters from the movies. Star lords development from the previous run, like it never happened. There was even a line about how in the old days they would've just come to steal the mysterium... now I've read all GotG comics and when exactly were they a bunch of thieves? Maybe that line could be justified for the MCU GotG, given that Peter was raised a space pirate there, but the team was organized as basically an expendible group against the Phalanx. They were pulled from a Kree prison but the fascist kree will arrest basically anyone. From there, when they formally became a team, it was Star Lord actually wanting to save the universe. Individually they have some sketchy pasts but as a team it was always pretty much Avengers of space. Disrespect to continuity aside, the plot is... alright. I'm vaguely interested in what happened to Groot but I generally think stories of heroes going bad are not good stories so there better be a fantastic explanation. Maybe there will be but these type of stories more often than not don't end well.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #3

Jul 9, 2023

This is turning out to be the worst run of Guardians. Maybe something interesting will happen but so far it's boring, the characterization is absolutely brutal and the art is subpar. None of these characters act like who they are. It's a crappy mix of MCU guardians blended with the knowledge of someone who skimmed a Wikipedia page on starlord. Ewings run was solid and completely ignored here. Heroes going evil, or fighting among each other is the stupidest trope in comic story telling and I feel like that's all so many hack writers know how to do lately. This comic sucks

Guardians of the Galaxy (2023) #5

Aug 9, 2023

Bendis no longer has the worst Guardians run. Collin Kelly takes that title now. Which is sad, because I love the Guardians and didn't hate Bendis on it, he just didn't really get what the team or characters were about. Collin Kelly seems to actively hate the characters and the team. Let us hope his run is short and we can retcon this crap asap. Kev Walker is alright on art. It's what I expect from him. Neutral. Brings it up to a 4

Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind (2022) #1

Nov 2, 2022

This was not good. I'm pretty sure the writer has only watched the Guardians movies and maybe skimmed a wiki page. First of all, when did I miss world mind returning? It was messed up in the cancer verse last I was aware and I try to stay on top of Marvel comic stuff since I usually love it. I welcome e the return of World mind but not like this. Not explanation of its return and it wants to understand humans? Like it hadn't already spent all that time with Nova, even captain America briefly, but acts like it has no clue? If it's a new world mind, sure, I can get behind that, but it doesn't state that at all. It's just there with no explanation. I don't like movie Drax much and this was movie Drax, not comic Drax. He was such wasted potential in the movies (which are otherwise very good, not hating on the movies). The art was pretty good and the main reason I pass it. Just barely. I'd recommend avoiding this issue. Spend your money on something better - like Captain Marvel! That was awesome this week and pra0ctically holding the torch for Marvel cosmic right now.

Inferno (2021) #3

Dec 8, 2021

This comic had me invested on every panel. I can't wait to see how Hickman wraps this up. His track record is solid though. From secret warriors to fantastic four to the Avengers, all had big stories that ended great. I've heard (though may be untrue, but whatever) that Hickman initially intended a longer run here but had to wrap up early. Same thing happened on secret warriors. That had a good ending despite still having a sense of being abrupt. I suspect the final issue of inferno may feel like that but I trust Hickman. This issue keeps up the momentum and is the type of comic that keeps me reading comics. Full 10 for awesomeness!

Inferno (2021) #4

Jan 5, 2022

I can always count on Hickman to deliver a satisfying ending! From secret warriors, the FF, Avengers and now X-Men. I would love it if he wrote guardians of the galaxy or just overall did the marvel cosmic stuff. I wasn't sure how one more issue could wrap up what was started but it did. Now... I don't plan on keeping up with any X-Men titles after this so it didn't make me want to see what happens next. It did just satisfy me with an ending to a great story while leaving this easily open for future writers. This was one of the easiest 10's I've given. This is why I love comics, for stories like this!

Iron Fist (2022) #1

Feb 19, 2022

I was on the fence about getting this. I'm glad I picked it up though! Mantle passing of characters can be a hard sell to some but it makes perfect sense with iron fist. The characters mythology already has it so many have been iron fist and many more will be. It's not at all like Danny rand is the essential iron fist. He may be your favourite and that's fair and okay. There have been great characters to come out Mantle passing. I may be a minority on this but my favourite green lantern is Kyle Rayner. And here, Danny is still around which is great. Should the series kill him off or write him out I may be less enthusiastic but for now it's all good. Also, people giving low reviews because the new iron fist isn't white ... Just ... Wow. What if it had been a white guy? Would you still hate it? There's a few people on here that are clearly Klan members! They cry anything that closely resembles diversity and then insist others are the racists. Projection all over comments. Just like YouTube! I don't know how they got into comics in the first place.

Magnificent Ms. Marvel #14

Sep 9, 2020

I’ll admit that my ratings have somewhat an arbitrary nature. I don’t use a scale but rather pick a number that represents how I feel when finishing reading. That number is 8. Which is good. I’ll freely give a 10 to anything that gets me excited for what comes next or makes me want to reread immediately after. Neither of those were true for this comic. It was however, a good read from what I’ve come to expect from a Ms. Marvel comic. Supporting cast all touched on and Kamala’s thoughts and reactions coming out. No action but perfectly fine with introspective issues. I don’t like forced action just to put in some action each issue so thankfully that wasn’t here. I didn’t really like how Kamala treated Miles. That seemed a bit out of character but not a big deal I guess. The story overall seems like civil war junior. Not the greatest premise. Perhaps that’s why I’m not terribly excited for what’s next. I just hope I don’t have to start reading the Champions now to get the full story. That crap drives me nuts when they do that.

Ms. Marvel: Beyond the Limit (2021) #1

Dec 24, 2021

I'm happy to see this series back, at least for a bit. Ms. Marvel has been the only comic series I've been able to get my wife to read on a regular basis, so that's a plus for me. I do miss the regular side characters, hopefully they won't be ignored. The group of characters around Kamala I have always enjoyed reading about. So I'd knock off a point for omitting them. Kamala is as delightful a character as always, plot not really needed to make it enjoyable. And the plot is... It's there. It's comic booky. Fun but certainly not shocking but not every issue needs that. I'm okay with standard comic book fun. Good times.

New Avengers (2013) #33

Jul 27, 2022

This is a 10 based solely on how awesome Hickman writes Dr Doom. Best Dr doom writer ever!

New Mutants (2019) #24

Feb 19, 2022

This was the first issue of New mutants I've ever read (of any series outside any major X-Men crossover and I'd have to double check to be certain) and I bought it based on having heard good things about it. I thought it was fantastic and now I have to get the rest (on trade of course). It's a comic that makes you smile and feel hopeful and optimistic about not just comics but about life in general. Go buy this comic. If you don't like it... You might just be a psychopath. It's the new test for that I've just decided. Screw Hare.

Sinister War (2021) #3

Aug 19, 2021

Nothing happens. A few villains get added to the mix but not in a plot progressive way. The first issue was good at setting this up. The second issue had mostly brawling but at least explained how, if only basically, Kindred got all these villains set on their course. More story could've been told but it was something. This issue just gives more fighting. And fighting that ignores Spidey was stabbed in the friggin back last issue and at least should web that up so he doesn't bleed out. It seems like there is so much to wrap up in so few issues. This issue could skipped and you wouldn't miss a thing. I'm okay with big fight issues but I do get bothered when the story isn't moved forward. No good character moments, the mephisto stuff not even mentioned again, there could've been more focus on sin eater returning since we've had two issues of fighting the other guys... I didn't like issue. I like the overall story that has led here, I like the previous issues, this was just a waste. I'm glad I only paid 2 bucks for it since my copy had minor damage, which I didn't even notice, so score!

Sinister War (2021) #4

Sep 1, 2021

I thought this was better than the previous issue but it still was just a drawn out fight. I did enjoy Dr. Oct's role. It would have been disappointing if he was just another guy chasing spiderman in this mess. my favourite part of the whole series was seeing Otto do what he does best. I do miss him as superior spiderman. On the other hand, I did not like how Morlan was handled. It seems like a single punch took him out. I can buy into what Dr octopus did would take him out but the way it was told seemed like he was already taken out by a single punch. That's kinda the overall problem I have this this series. A massive fight with so many villains but almost none of the fight depicted seemed to matter or hold any weight. And killing boomerang... Yeah, that sucks. I had grown to like the character.

Spider-Man (2022) #2

Nov 9, 2022

Overall, I enjoyed this and would recommend but there are a few things that bothered me. The good - Bagley always draws well. Not my favourite but always good and not much to complain about. I also like that Shathra is the villain this time around. She hasn't been used much and is something different and very much a threat. So, for the overall story, good big bad villain. I also enjoyed the pacing of the issue. There was a lot of information given, I never felt like it was poorly delivered, and we ended up in a different pace than where we started. I quite enjoyed that we finally had an explanation for why Morlun and his family had such a spider fetish. Prior to this, I always thought they just liked the taste of spiders best, since they have been shown to feed on non-spider beings. I'm someone finally attempted to explain that. I'm satisfied with it. The bad - a few things bothered me. Rant mode engage. First, Disney princess spider is so annoying. For a parody comic, sure, I can see that as a thing, but as a gag it has already overstayed it's welcome. Also, why is there a gay stereotype spiderman? I hope Slott knows that you can write gay characters without them being the side character best friend in a 90's rom-com. A good example would be how Alan Scott was written in Earth 2 from the New 52. A fantastic series that has been completely forgotten but anyway, Alan was written as gay but completely function like a normal person, who just happened to be into men. His character didn't revolve around his sexuality, he had other struggles and character arcs that had nothing to do with his sexuality, as we get with straight characters. I think it's great to have gay characters and any other demographic, get'em all in there, but write them like 3-dimensional people, not one note stereotypes. Just like in the real world, if you define yourself by your sexuality, then something is wrong and rethink your life. Not done ranting. Where are Kaine and Ben Reilly? I know Ben is waiting to show up again for the Dark Web story that's about to come out and not likely to show up but when this story explicitly states that every other spider in the spiderverse has been changed, that would imply that he is either under Shathra's control, not likely based on what's to come for him, or he is still around and a possible, at least attempted, recruit. Perhaps Kaine was also changed by Shathra, but no indication of that. This may be addressed in later issues, but I get the feeling that Slott just forgot they existed despite having fairly large roles in the past 2 Spiderverse stories, one of the written by Slott! AND just leave the whole "chosen one" thing out of it... The story could be basically the exact same without that silly trope in there. I do think the story is good and I like where it is going and am excited for the next issue, but the chosen one nonsense needs to go. They can all go to Peter 616 because of the fact that there's not many left and also because of his track record, especially with Morlun. There, that's why he's needed so much, no chosen one needed for the plot. I don't want this to become a stupid Deus Ex Machina for the ending and ruin it. Rant over. I feel better now.

Spider-Man (2022) #7

Apr 5, 2023

It was a fun ride. As a whole, I prefer the previous spderverse stories but that doesn't make any of this bad. It gives a look at some new spider people, none which I found very interesting but maybe someone else out there liked the new characters. I don't know if Slott forgot about Kaine and then remembered so he tossed him in at the end. At least he tried something. I love Kaines character so at least he made a brief appearance. All in all, I'd be on board for more spiderverse stories but would prefer it focus on already established versions, the new ones were boring and didn't really matter much in the end.

Spider-Man (2022) #8

May 4, 2023

Not perfect but so much better than the main Amazing Spiderman series, it's a breath of fresh air to get Peter written like he is really Peter parker and Spiderman being Spiderman. I'm not yet sold on the Spider kid thing but I'm still here and overall it felt like reading Spiderman so that's a win.

Strange Academy: Finals (2022) #3

Dec 28, 2022

This series, this issue included, as has been consistently awesome. I could read about these characters sitting around eating lunch and chatting and it would probably still be a great read since each one is just so likable. Do yourself a favour and pick up the previous trades, support this series because it' an under-rated gem.

Strange Academy: Finals (2022) #6

Jan 16, 2024

So I love this series, and as an ending this was almost perfect. It needed a few more pages though. Otherwise, 10/10. Kind of a big one - what happened to Emily? Is she dead??? Kinda wish that was a bit more clear

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #1

Jan 11, 2024

This is the start of what may be one of the best Spiderman stories ever told. It is so good to enjoy Spiderman again, because I love the character, and it hurts to see how utterly horrible Wells is at writing anything spiderman, but Hickman knows. It's a new story, and so far a very good one, but the heart of it all, this is Peter Parker. When I read any story, the character is the most important part for me. Hickman knows Peter and writes it well. It's not whoever that imposter is over in Amazing Spiderman right now. And the art - just get Checcetto to draw everything. I have always loved this guys art, and this is fantastic. I know art is subjective, but so are reviews, let's be honest. There's no such thing as objectivity in a review. So my subjective response to this, is go buy this comic, it's so good! If you have any remote interest in Spiderman, this is the comic to buy. I hope this does well so we can keep getting good spiderman stories. This gets a 10 because there was not a single thing I did not like here. Every page was great, and I reread it as soon as I finished. That's the sign of a great comic.

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #12

Dec 18, 2024

I rate things based on how it made me feel. Trying to rate something objectively is a ridiculous pursuit in my opinion. It's all subjective. And this issue is bloody fantastic! From character work, the art, the ending, it's a fun ride and a comic I will read again and again. It's a 10 because this is why I read comics. Great stories like this.

Web of Spider-Man (2024) #1

Mar 22, 2024

At least Ultimate Spiderman is interesting... I knew this was basically a comic previewing upcoming spiderman stories. It's all crap though. Ultimate Spiderman and Superior Spiderman are good, but they have not much to do with what's in here. I hate Zebs Wells Peter Parker, it's the worst take on the character that has ever been in comics, I hate what's happened to Ben Reilly, and now they want to screw with Kaine. Why revert to degenerating again? He's progressed beyond that. It's like all the writers know about the characters is a quick Wikipedia scan. How do these people even get jobs as writers? Tell better stories Marvel. You won't get my money for the crap you put out, and I advise others to skip the garbage they hinted at here.

Reviews for the Week of...


