In this issue, we finally get the whole (more or less) of Norman Osborn's sins. The retcon here is... good, I'd say. I was initially mixed about it, but the more I think about it, the less I dislike it. Norman sold off Harry to Mephisto to gain success in his business ventures. That part of it makes perfect sense to me. Norman has always been terrible and this is just yet another thing to add to the list of awful things he's done. So, that part I buy completely. I even really like the idea that the Green Goblin costume is based on Mephisto. That's a cool retcon. The part I'm iffy on is how this affects Harry. By selling his son's soul, Harry's life became nothing but sorrow and failure. It becomes a question of agency. This is no doubt tragic, and in my opinion, it actually strengthens Harry's death in Spectacular #200. He's able to be a hero despite literally having hell against him. But then you have to question how much of his struggle was his own? I think of it as Harry struggling to be a good person despite an insurmountable fate and dread. That interpretation is the one where I don't have a problem with the retcon. The other interpretation is that all of Harry's downfall is because the devil made him do it. That's not quite so nice. But I choose my first interpretation. And with that in mind, I'd say this is a good retcon. It makes Kindred's hatred even more warranted, as now we know why the betrayal of Peter making a deal with Mephisto hits so hard, beyond a general disdain for the devil and a vague insinuation of what that meant for Harry before. And speaking of, now we know why Harry ended up in Hell, and why there are two Harries. Mephisto had a reason to keep the original in Hell instead of changing that along with everything else. The other thing about this issue is that Kindred may not be Harry after all? I'm thinking he might be a Chameleon or something, and this had all started out back before Harry had died originally. I mean, we still don't know exactly what Chameleon's role here is, and they've referenced Pursuit so many times in this run, including this issue. I'm not sure how I'd feel about *that* one. I guess I'll just have to see, but I'm on board for this so far. more
The story really starts to pick up in this one. Great issue can't wait for the next one
It is pretty evident that Norman Osborn made deal with Mephisto for his personal benefits. He wanted his Oscorp to grow. So he might have sold his son, Harry soul to Mephisto. This makes Spec 200 death even more hard. He became a good guy but his soul can't go to Valhalla or something. Right of Harry soul has been licensed to Mephisto. Man Osborn is literally worst Father. Having father like him is worse than having no father.
By the way, Making a deal with devil to improve his life style in return of someone important to him is perfectly in the character. While in OMD, Peter making the deal, atleast IMO, is way out of his character. Parallel between two thing established. (Is he criticising Peter's characterisation during One More Day?)
European House, Clone Tube,Sins refers to Stacy Twin(or maybe little May from Clone Saga too but seems unlikely).
Harry getting to know about his father deal then his best friend deal. How their choices has affected his life. This hurts pretty much. The very person he considered family affected his life so much. Ruined his life.
Disney and Norman can be compared. Both wanted to acquire what they wish for. Both can go to any extent. We don't know quite what dirty Disney does behind the scene.(I am pretty sure something Dirty Disney would be doing. They do make compromises.) But for Norman we know, he sold his child soul.
Starting Dialogue of Kindred and Norman dealing parallel Nick Spencer dealing with Substack too. (Is he subtlety rationalising his deal with Substack even though we don't need it?)
Harry isn't what we think. This is actually bothering me. Harry being Kindred is making sense very much now. How he got these demonic power? We may not get answer to this. I don't bother now. Please let it be Harry. I just hope that Kindred is Harry but something we haven't thought of is being revealed now. Maybe Harry himself is demon like Mephisto.(obviously less powerful than Mephisto.) Post OMD Harry is just good part of Harry being separated. Demonic Harry is actually angry that how he is not the one who is there with Liz and Normie. I don't think we can question on Harry love for Liz and Normie. He truly loved them.
Art was preety good IMO. Looks little bit manga-ish which I liked.
Spencer had huge pacing issue but he is good on characterisation and on plotting.
I think there are 5 part of comic book writing:
1. Characterisation: 9/10
2. Deciding Plot: 8/10
3. Mapping: 4/10
4. Summarisation: 4.5/10
5. Scripting:7.5/10
Spencer needs to work 3 and 4 part. more
I liked this a lot more than I did the main books. These tie-ins showcases the best of Spencer's writing and the main book showcases the worst.
I've read several spoilers, so I know what to expect. It won't keep me from reading it though. One big issue to this issue is if Norman would go so low as to sell his own son's soul to Mephisto. With him you never can tell. So I look forward to seeing what happens there. Especially since I'm beginning to increasingly believe Harry never really came back and the real one is dead or if One more Day is undone he will be again, not to mention things like Teresa may cease to exist,or Jonah may forget Peter is Spider-Man and go back to hating him. Who knows how it will turn out? I haven't read spoiler on everything after all.
Spencer's run is coming to an end soon and since I've been through the whole thing since the start, I plan to stick around and see what happens. more
No mal pero Spencer tiene que empezar a avanzar en el tema
Hell, I don't know. On one hand, we have the usual "all questions no answers" from Spencer, but on the other hand this looks REALLY important as a twist. The revelation about Norman Osborn's past is controversial (I won't spoil it), but what scares me the most is the fact that Kindred may not be Harry Osborn in the end. And given the fact that we saw a European house, cloning tubes and numerous references to "sins"... I think this has something to do with two characters we all hoped were gone forever: The Stacy twins.
Norman Osborn is tormented with the one sin he can't escape, and Kindred has a few more surprises left on deck. The prose is strictly functional (and Kindred does tend to go on and on), but the structure is admirably complex. The art's still disappointing, but not outrageously so. And as a whole, this issue manages to do the nigh-impossible: Get me engaged in Kindred's wheels-within-wheels plots and pique my interest for the final revelations.
It is too much and not enough at the same time. Too many hints and switches to keep you guessing but very frustrating at the same time because there cannot be satisfying answers for all these threads. I will still be here to finish this ride simply because after 80+ issues I can't stop now. I am also prepared to forgive as long as Spencer doesn't make this another Chameleon fake out or some BS like that. I gave up on the art way back when, so this is on par with the ping pong ASM has been on for the last few months.
Im giving it a little higher raging than I should. Once again, not much gets done but, it does have some impactful parts that get you thinking.
How does still nothing happen? Is the next issue going to be massively oversized? There's a good story in here, at least I think so, but the pacing is worse then reading something written by Bendis.
The art is decent. Nothing wowing but no complaints.
What we did get was some retconning for Norman, nothing terrible that ruins his past, I don't even mind how they worked that in but it wasn't a whole issue worth of reveal when it doesn't really seem to matter (perhaps it will but it's just another plot point that needs to tied in next issue).
And then it looks like another twist coming for Kindred. The Harry Osborne reveal was good 20 issues back. Now it might not even be true.
I really want to like this story but Ive felt so disappointed immediately after reading the past few issues (sinister war included) more
Okay so In this issue.... almost nothing happens except mephisti revealing Norman osborn may have made a deal with him to get rich in exchange for Harry osborn life being ruined.
The art is inconsistent, this issue is supposed to take place before sinister war #2, and I just realized: we literally have one more issue to wrap all the remaining plot threads like how did Harry osborn became kindred, dr strange conversation, and the Mary Jane and carlie Cooper plot as well as all of spider man enemies beating up Peter Parker.
Nick spencer is gonna need a hail Mary if this event is gonna be good
Говнище позорное. Во-первых, наименее ужасная часть выпуска-это арт. Ужасен, как вообще на такой тайтл как АСМ берут таких вот художников неумелых. Скорее всего так случилось из-за дедлайнов и выхода этих номеров по три-четыре раза в месяц, чтобы поскорее покончить с раном Спенсера, но факт есть факт, смотрится ужасно. Так вот, их тут три кажется, 1 нормальный все же был, так что не знаю..пусть 2 балла хотя бы за арт. Истории....по-хорошему, стоило бы влепить ноль за то, что отретконили Нормана до подсоса дьявола. Я думаю адекватным людям в сознании не нужно объяснять, почему это плохо. Отмена жалкого синс-паста, про который все забыли, и таким образом обеление имени Гвен, стоит, по вашему, уничтожение Главного Злодея человек-паука?Ну и 72-ух с лишним номеров, трех лет бреда!. Спенсер мало того, что использовал магическую пушку, чтобы лишить его грехов и превратить в плаксу, так еще теперь и прошлое персонажа добивает. Делая того не человеком, не только идущим по головам, но и очень способным, самолично без вмешательств всяких дьяволов добившимся своего успеха. Но теперь, он, как и Питер, лох и с дьяволом повязан. Круто! Раньше синс-паст игнорировали, теперь, лично я, буду это игнорировать. more