God is Dead #2

Writer: Jonathan Hickman, Mike Costa Artist: Di Amorim Publisher: Avatar Press Release Date: October 2, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
6.2Critic Rating
4.8User Rating

JONATHAN HICKMAN brings the wrath of the gods to comics with his new series, God is Dead!  Modern man turns all his technology and destruction to bear against the deities of old.  But what good are guns, tanks, and even nuclear missiles against the power of the divine?  In their hubris, humans have ruled for too long.  Now the gods of legend rule and to disobey them is death.  But something is brewing just below the surface of the newly returned powers...  A war of the gods themselves!  Available with a Regular cover by Jonathan Hickman, End of Days cover and a premium Iconic card stock cover that is limited to just 5000 copies more

  • 10
    Geeked Out Nation - OOSteven Oct 2, 2013

    Sometimes I sit back and wonder what it is about Hickman's writing that is just so damn mesmerizing and captivating. I mean he takes a provocative title such as God is Dead for the name of his series and then inside proceeds to bring back pantheon's that haven't been widely worshiped in millenia, okay that may be stretching it but you get the point. Creating a new world dynamic that is just incredibly awesome, some believe some don't others have military might behind them it's just a plethora of new and old ideas clashing in the most unexpected yet brilliant of ways. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Oct 4, 2013

    This feels like a Hickman book in the broad strokes, but nothing about the book itself either has Hickman's brilliant ideas, nor Costa's gift for crafting compelling dialogue. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Oct 8, 2013

    Meh….this series doesn't seem to want to address the really deep questions. It would rather show a Godly battle with tanks and other Gods. What's more, it doesn't seem to have that hard edge that I associate with a Hickman story. He usually has some point and he is going to poke you right in the eyes with that point…..but I'm not sure what he's trying to say here. Read Full Review

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