You should really read the Moon Knight series before this, where all these characters are fleshed out. Would probably make this book read better.
For the new and vengeful Moon Knight, taking Marc Spector's name isn't enough - as he now turns his sights (AND FISTS) on everything Marc held dear in life!
Rated T+
Vengeance of the Moon Knight #5 is the gold standard of what a tie-in issue should be, expertly weaving an ongoing story with connections to a larger continuity. The issue benefits from MacKays scripting which centers on a potentially nothing character like 8-Ball in order to explore the lengths needed for change. Thematically, that idea gets contrasted with Shrouds motivation for wearing the Moon Knight costume, using it as a crutch for claiming to be a good person. Cappuccios artwork reinforces that focus through a specific use of composition for the two characters, bolstered by the oscillating palettes from Rosenberg. Vengeance of the Moon Knight #5 is worth picking up for both continuing readers and those looking for a companion to Blood Hunt. Read Full Review
Even with its flaws, Vengeance of the Moon Knight #5 does a lot right, and is an easy recommendation to make. Read Full Review
Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #5 brings the mystery of the “new” Moon Knight to a close with a fight, stern words, and hugsall around, just in time to send the Shroud into fits to kick off the Blood Hunt event. The art team's work in this issue is breathtaking, and all the characters get their moment in the spotlight, but ultimately, this issue fails to address the mostimportantquestion – Why have a Moon Knight miniseries without a Moon Knight? Read Full Review
I didn't think 8-Ball would be getting an issue focused on him since this was billed as a Blood Hunt tie-in, but I'm very glad it was. Yes, we got a lot of Tigra and Hunter's Moon going against The Shroud and setting up their involvement in Blood Hunt. However, we still got a good amount of focus on 8-Ball and I'm super glad he seems to be getting a redemption arc. I'm really looking forward to seeing where his character goes. Oh yeah, and Cappuccio's art was fantastic as always.
I wasn't sure what Blood Hunt would do to this title. I'm glad it's remaining on its morose course.
What the hell, MacKay & Cappuccio? "8 Ball redemption arc" should be a punchline, not a thing that makes me tear up a little
another large issue in this series. It connects very well with Blood Hunt, but closing the plots correctly, the art as great as ever, and MaCkay writes it wonderfully.
The "bad" Moon Knight mystery and reveal just hasn't been that interesting to me but the Midnight Mission crew and character work has been what's keeping me reading. Hoping the series now goes on to focus on that team with the MM being the true vengeance/legacy of Moon Knight.
I liked the 8 ball parts, but this new Moon Knight turned out to be a dud and was swiftly ignored for Blood Hunt set up.
How many issues are we going to have characters sitting on a therapists couch. I find it boring. I’m new to moon knight and these first 5 issues have done nothing to keep me interested in reading this.