The assassins close in around Oona and Sam, the A.I. in the boombox asks Jack for an impossible request-oh, and Jack fights his nemesis to the death. And those Ledger Women, are they here to help? Or to hurt? This issue will change everything!
Analog #9 is great, pulpy fun. It's full of action and incident, and appears to be barreling towards some sort of conclusion to the main arc, as Jack and Oppenheimer come face to face. This isn't an issue full of penetrating characterization, or mordant philosophizing about the nature of reality in a post-privacy world. It is a bright and breeze adventure, people with entertaining characters more sketch than portrait, and is all the better for it. Read Full Review
Analog #9 may be an uneven outing, but the rush towards the finish line prevents it from ever being boring and that makes for an overall improvement in a series that never found its footing. Read Full Review
This was fine.