The out-of-shape and out-of-practice Black Hammer heroes must contend with a suspicious Justice League as Colonel Weird and the Green Lanterns try to unravel the mystery at the heart of this dimensional switch-and the DC heroes marooned in Black Hammer Farm make a surprising discovery that may offer them answers.
The adventures of the Black Hammer heroes may be finished in their own title, but this miniseries gives fans one last chance to spend some time with them. Plus we get to see them interacting with the greatest team of heroes in comics. This story is a Jeff Lemire's gift to fans of both universes. Read Full Review
Pick up this series immediately. This book and Black Hammer in general are one of the gold standards of comics at this point in time. If you are a fan of DC, Black Hammer, Dark Horse or just interesting crossovers then this is the series for you. Don't miss out. Read Full Review
Jeff Lemire is a master of the small character moments, even in the middle of a massive comic book event, and the last third of this event promises to wrap up another great arc of the Black Hammer mythology. Read Full Review
Images Courtesy Of Dark Horse Comics and DC Entertainment Read Full Review
While there's a kind of known predictability about a book like this it really is the journey that matters. And Jeff Lemire is making it a very fun one with some of what he does here in how characters react to situations, the small but sharp snark, and how the fights unfold. I like the reveal of the villain as it wasn't one I even thought of as being involved here – figuring it would be a Black Hammer original creation – but it fits really well. Michael Walsh has been delivering since the start and that only continues here with another strong looking installment, whether working with the League or the Black Hammer crew. It's all great. Read Full Review
At this point, it's hard not to think this issue could have taken place in half the issues instead of drawing it out a few extra issues. Read Full Review