RKS 's Profile

Joined: Oct 02, 2019

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Absolute Batman (2024) #1

Oct 19, 2024

Edgelord dogshit. This is more attention than this book deserves. 6 months from now this run will be in the dollar bin and never mentioned again.

Absolute Superman (2024) #1

Nov 10, 2024

Dog S^%t soft attempt at a reboot

Absolute Superman (2024) #2

Dec 7, 2024

Absolute Garbage. Readers need to demand more from comicbook creators. Save your money.

Absolute Superman (2024) #3

Jan 10, 2025

New writing style for those who don't know how to constuct a proper story. Garbage

Action Comics (2016) #1015

Oct 2, 2019

I guess I will start with the positive aspects of the book. The variant cover is very well done and Superman is in the book. That's about it, from here on out the book just continues to go down hill. It's basically two half stories "Frankensteined" together and neither story is really all that interesting. They could have introduced the Naomi character in 2 pages yet they choose to drag it out for 13 for some reason. There isn't even a clear ending the book just ends going from the Red Cloud fight to an iPad shot. I bought the book to keep my collection whole but other than that there is very little reason to drop the $3.99 USD on this book.

Action Comics (2016) #1016

Oct 26, 2019

Yet another "filler" issue where nothing of importance really happens. There is a lot of dialogue that is for the most part meaningless in the form of citizens of metropolis telling a reporter how "Bad Ass" the Red Cloud appeared fighting Superman. When the term "Alien Privilege" made an appearance in the dialogue the book hit an all time low. As far as villains go she would be a C-level villain at best in terms of interest or originality the character wouldn't motivate me to buy a book with her as the villain. Bendis shoehorns the character of Naomi into yet another issue because I guess he expects fans to care about her when again she is very VERY generic and if she is given her own series I can see it being canned within 16 months. The art was better than last issue however that bar is very low. It's sad to see that 16 issues out from Action 1000 which was very well done Bendis appears to be running out of steam for this book and the proposed G5 change would be the worst thing they could do for the Superman brand.

Action Comics (2016) #1018

Jan 3, 2020

There isn't really that much to be positive about this book. The cover art is laughably bad...Have a look at his head and his trunks look like they are 3 sizes too big for him. How that was green lighted by anyone is beyond me. Then you have the annoying @ style writing for the 1st bit of the book. OH I get it, it's hip, it's current, we're making a Twitter reference. #Stupid #DistractingFromStory. The we move into the origin story of Red Cloud which no one asked to know about but were provided with anyways. Suffice to say her origin story is pretty unimaginative making use of the old labertory accident results in super powers cliche. From there the book features the return of another character that was shoehorned into the book Fire Chief Moore, who wants to run for Mayor and have Superman's endorsement...WHICH at this point Clark reveals to her his secret identity for the weakest reason EVER ! On top of that he promises to endorse her! So now Superman is interfering in politics without even knowing who her opponent is or what they would represent! So in one issue Bendis has completely changed the nature of the character and written him in such a way he is unintelligent. To top it off at the end of the book is the return of the flop villain Leviathan. To be honest, I didn't really care about at the end of the mini-series. So over all this book is a complete failure from start to finsih.

Action Comics (2016) #1019

Feb 3, 2020

Hey Kids! Do you want to read as story with everything you haven't enjoyed over the last year? Well then, do I have the comic book for you! That's right this book gives you three, count them THREE villains that no that no one wanted to read about in one book! Leviathan, Red Cloud, and Apex Lex. All of them interacting with each other in a nonsensical and mashed up story with aspects of how "Woke" to social issues the author is. Not only that but you won't even have to be bothered with seeing Superman in this issue as he's only in the book for 3 pages despite being the main character! Ok, seriously this book really did suck. I have nothing positive to say about this book. I can't stand the opening format and the @ boxes. Bendis you're just horrible, you should have never been allowed to come anywhere near the flagship that is the Superman titles.

Action Comics (2016) #1020

Mar 1, 2020

Honestly, WTF??! The art is horrible, in some parts it's rough sketches or outlines of characters. I could draw better than that when I was in grade school. It's not a style, it's a serous lack of talent. I don't care who his father was John Romita Jr is a hack collecting a pay day at this point. As for the story, if you can call that it is little more than Bendis shoehorning in all his failed attempts at new characters in there...On top of that you have Bendis making an anti-Capitalist dig on the last page which is needless. Over all another garbage Action Comics issue that won't improve until a new team is put on the book.

Action Comics (2016) #1021

Apr 18, 2020

Yuck. Another book filled with characters that now one cares about. The art is very very bad. Time to give this book back to Geoff Johns or Jerry Ordway to write.

Action Comics (2016) #1022

Jul 17, 2020

This book is a mess, the concept of having Conner back is good but having him in a different world is garbage. Just restore the Pre 52 time line in full. That's it, problem solved just accept that the N52 should be burnt to ashes and never spoken of again and everything will be fine. As for the art, it looks like the artist drew this with his wrong hand which was broken at the time.

Action Comics (2016) #1023

Jul 31, 2020

Horrible, simply horrible. The art is laughably bad, I actually laughed at the drawing of Lois on page 4. She looks like Keanu Reeves having a bad day instead of Lois Lane. Then there is the story if you can call it that, Bendis takes every opportunity to make Lois look smarter than Superman as she has to explain the meeting place of the Invisible Mafia to him. She then explains that she didn't call for help for herself but to protect Jimmy. If Bendis hammered readers over the head harder with his SJW pandering we would be unconscious. Honestly this book sucks which honestly makes me sad because it was great before they handed over control to Bendis and Romita Jr. The only good aspect of this book is that they had Jon choked on page 15, too bad he survived though.

Action Comics (2016) #1024

Sep 3, 2020

Another Crapfest issue of Action Comics. This comic is horrible, from the art to the over use of speech bubbles it's just bad. The art is little more than rough sketches on some pages. I mean draw the picture or don't, this isn't an art style it's a half ass effort just to collect a pay check. On one page an FBI agent has no nose or mouth...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? The only good thing I can say about this book is that they killed of Melody Morre. What a completely useless character, almost as useless and uninteresting as the Red Cloud or Leviathan. I can not wait until they bring in a writer who understands the balance between dialogue and pictures to tell a story as well as an artist who can actually draw.

Action Comics (2016) #1025

Sep 26, 2020

The series continues to be the worst book in my pull list, month after month. The seven paragraph recap of the story was a nice nod that no one is really paying attention and requires a recap because the story is that uninteresting. Honestly it has become a chore to read this book. The art continues to be ridiculously horrible as well. In one panel no one has legs they are just morphed into one big leg that comes out from their upper body. It's beyond a lack of talent the art has moved into the realm of completely not caring. Bendis promised he was going somewhere and it turns out he had no idea of where he wanted to take the reader and just shoehorned all his 1/2 baked SJW cause characters into the story and called it day.

Action Comics (2016) #1026

Oct 29, 2020

*Spoilers* Oh where to begin? Where to begin? Alright, right out on front street this issue is garbage with no redeeming qualities what so ever. The art continues to be something that I could do after downing a bottle of rye and falling down the stairs breaking my hand and blurring my vision. If anyone thinks John Romita Jr can draw well then they are sadly mistaken. Cross hatching and drawing lines on the bodies and faces doesn't constitute adding detail or artistic value. As for the story Bendis continues to beat the reader over the head with the concept of strong female characters while the male characters have been dumbed down to an almost absurd level in order for the female characters to solve everything or assume a leadership role. If you don't believe me we have a female FBI agent leading the investigation, Ms. Leone as leader of the Invisible Mafia, Supergirl figuring out how to defeat whatever the hell they are fighting in this issue, then she assumes a leadership role ordering Superboy(s) and Brainiac around. We also have Superman needlessly upset at Red Cloud for "killing his friend"...He knew her for what 5 issues? I'm not sure what how long an issue is but 5 months doesn't justify that kind of reaction, other than to allow Bendis to Bendis. This leads us to the conclusion that I could care less about Lois being arrested. Ok, adds nothing to the story. So all an all the issue is par for Bendis's run. Garbage and I can't wait until he's gone and takes Romita with him.

Action Comics (2016) #1027

Nov 25, 2020

*Spoilers* Ok, well with this issue we conclude the House of Kent storyline and not a moment too soon. This issue was just bad all the way around with a story the wraps up everything in the dumbest and least interesting way possible. Yet, before we get into that we should really mention how badly this issue is butchered by the art work. The cover is is just bad with it's disproportionate structure. Superman's hands are drawn the same size as his head for crying out loud. It continues with little more than sketches that are passed off finished product. On page four we have Romita drawing Lois blowing air out while being interviewed by the FBI but it ends up looking like she has a shard of glass stuck in her lower lip. Another example of simply not caring art work comes on page eleven we have Superman, Conner, and Jon all having the exact same head, I honestly think he drew one face and the moved it over on to the different bodies. As long as we are talking about laughably bad faces check out page 13 where the reader is treated to a weird three panel drawing of oddly shaped Lois Lane faces with the FBI...Why we needed this is beyond me. Then check out Conner's head on page 14, just God aweful. Now for the story or lack thereof, all of the characters that Bendis introduced get written off with any luck never to be mentioned again. Bendis promised to leave more "Toys in the Toybox" than he broke. He not only didn't do this he created toys no one would ever want to play with ever again. He ends the story with the Daily Planet being bought by Jimmy Olsen...Might as well have it bought by Krypto. As I said this issue is a mess.

Action Comics (2016) #1028

Dec 28, 2020

Thankfully it's over! Bendis is gone and so is the art of John Romita Jr. Honestly, page nine looks like he is trying to imitate Picasso abstract portraits with his 1/2 assed attempts at art work. The issue does provide an ending to a story no one really cared about, it's sad to Conner Kent written by people who don't know how to handle the character. Jon goes back to the future and as far as I'm concerned he can stay there and never be mentioned again by anyone and that would be fine with me. That or it's revealed that he was one of those memory parasites from Rick and Morty and is killed off. Phillip Kennedy Johnson has his work cut out for him starting in March. First order of business needs to be undoing all the crap Bendis did, namely the world knowing about Superman being Clark Kent. Second, focus on this being a Superman book. Lastly, make this a fun book to read again.

Action Comics (2016) #1029

Mar 25, 2021

Honestly I would give it a zero, this book has gone from bad to even worse. I didn't think that was even possible yet here we are. The art is laughable. Have a look on page 5, there is this thing called depth perspective. I don't know what is on page 22 but if that is intended to be mongul that's just horrible. I could draw better than this when I was in 3rd grade! Then there is the story that they took 22 pages to make a point that could have been made in 3 pages and is repeated over again from Superman 29. This issue is beyond just calling it in, this issue is not even bothering to put in 0.01% effort. Save your money kids.

Action Comics (2016) #1030

Jun 18, 2021

Meh, the main story isn't bad but the secondary story isn't needed at all. I'm not looking forward to the months we have to have Jon as Superman and Clark return. Can't we kill Jon instead and be done with it?

Action Comics (2016) #1031

Jun 18, 2021

Action Comics (2016) #1032

Aug 3, 2021

Action Comics (2016) #1033

Aug 3, 2021

Ugh...In case you forgot Lois is "A bad ass" A fact that they like to beat the reader over the head with in EVERY SINGLE issue. What a "Filler" issue. Save your money kids.

Action Comics (2016) #1034

Sep 2, 2021

Story 0 Art 0 Save your money kids.

Action Comics (2016) #1035

Oct 7, 2021

This is crap. Honestly, they relegate Superman to a guest star in his own title and expect people to care. Sales don't lie folks. Save your money.

Action Comics (2016) #1036

Nov 24, 2021

36 issues since we were promised "better stories" and I'm still waiting. Now, before people say it. Yes, yes I do believe I could write better stories and could sell more copies of Action Comics if I was in fact writing it. Save your money kids.

Action Comics (2016) #1037

Dec 23, 2021

Edgelord story telling continues. Two issues in and I'm already sick of this story. 22 pages of the actual story followed by 15 pages for 2 stories I never asked to read. Save your money kids.

Action Comics (2016) #1038

Jan 14, 2022

Edge Lord story telling at its finest. The art is well done but I'm over this story already. It's long, it's boring, and it's not making me want to rush out to pick up the next issue. The decision to have Superman with grey hair is also a lame attempt to make the character of Superman unappealing to the younger readers while trying to push them to accept Jon as the new Superman. Hopefully Action Comics starts a more light hearted story arc after this one is done, because the book desperately needs it. Save your money kids.

Action Comics (2016) #1039

Feb 8, 2022

I don't know what this is, but it isn't a Superman book. It's long, boring, and I stopped caring about this story arc 3 issues ago. Just when you think they can't possibly get any worse and they have hit rock bottom, they find a way to dig. Action Comics is in a lull right now, I'll be surprised if any of this story arc resells for anything more than cover price. This entire run is a "Filler" run.

Action Comics (2016) #1040

Feb 24, 2022


Action Comics (2016) #1041

Mar 23, 2022

Weak main story. The back up story was even weaker. A lot of fan boys are praising this book but it makes me wonder if they even liked the series before this story? Also, "the conclusion to part one of the Warworld Saga..." You mean there is more? How long is this going to drag out for?

Action Comics (2016) #1042

Apr 30, 2022

Ugh...A slog to read this title. There should be 3 main stories a year, 4 issues each that have linking story arcs then the big pay off in the Annual issue. How hard is it to follow the formula? You want a series where new readers can jump into the story at just about any time of the year. This style of story arc is convoluted and not enjoyable.

Action Comics (2016) #1044

Jun 29, 2022

I stopped caring about this story line months ago...

Action Comics (2016) #1046

Sep 6, 2022

Where have all the honest reviewers gone?

Action Comics (2016) #1047

Oct 13, 2022

Action Comics (2016) #1048

Dec 18, 2022

Action Comics (2016) #1049

Dec 18, 2022

ZZZ Boring. 2nd story was unreadable. Warworld sucked and it still being referenced, I can't wait until they add a whole "Team" of characters that no one asked for as well. Buckle up folks a whole load of suck is on your way post 1050

Action Comics (2016) #1050

Jan 15, 2023

Two steps forward and six steps backwards. This book has some good elements in it with the story of Metallo coming back, killing of Manchester Black as he just sucked, and Lex being used as a serious villain to Superman once again. However the writing, nonsensical conclusion, and horrible artwork just kill this issue. So Superman takes Lex to jail for murder just because he said he killed someone? He admitted to murder while on the Moon. There is no evidence, no reasonable reason to arrest Lex much less hold him in jail for any length of time. Quite simply there is no believable case against Lex. It's lazy, sloppy, and dumb writing. There is also the dialogue between Superman and Batman which is just unbelievably bad regarding Superman's secret identity. The book could be good but then the writers trip themselves up.

Action Comics (2016) #1051

Feb 5, 2023

Jurgens story was good the rest was absolute garbage. How about telling 1 good story for the whole issue instead of force feeding readers 1 good story and 2 bad ones? Get it together DC.

Action Comics (2016) #1052

Mar 15, 2023

1st two stories were good. The 3rd one was garbage in terms of story and art but that's nothing new.

Action Comics (2016) #1053

Jul 22, 2023

For the price point this book could have just had a single story instead of the 2 extra stories. Just put Jurgens back on as the main writer and things will be fine. Honestly there are too many supporting characters now to develop or even care about. Clean house kill 2/3's of them off, (Jon,Power Girl, Kenan, and the Twins can all be 86'd.

Action Comics (2016) #1054

Jul 22, 2023

Big build up for a reveal that doesn't really shift anything. This arc is just an excuse to introduce new characters and villians which are all female. How about that?

Action Comics (2016) #1055

Jul 22, 2023

Meh. Bringing back Cyborg Superman and Eradicator but "Not Really" is a bait and switch by the writer to bump lackluster sales. Ever shift the dynamic with long lasting reprecussions or don't bother. Main story was decent, back up stories were unneeded.

Action Comics (2016) #1056

Jul 22, 2023

Boring conclusion, with the intro of a new female villian at the end that just feels forced. Of the two books Superman has the better story telling right now. Action is a jumbled mess.

Action Comics (2016) #1057

Oct 13, 2023

First time ever giving Action such a low score. They need to get rid of the multiple writers and story format. No one cares about the supporting cast. Kill them all off and get back to a story about Superman. Also, Lois instead of Perry White...Yeah fix that. She is just so unlikeable the way these writers write for her, if she isn't flatly talking down to Clark as Superman she is publicly brow beating him at their job. Magdalene Visaggio has NO clue about how to write Conner Kent and seems hell bent on destroying the character. Thank God the editors said no. I'm hoping Action Comics corrects itself soon.

Action Comics (2016) #1058

Nov 5, 2023

Solid main story but the back up stories and art work in them drags the book down. Just kill off the Super family already. No one cared enough for them to support their main books so no need to cram them into Action Comics. The keep bringing up the War World storyline that killed the book for 16 months...Let that die already it was a chore just to drudge through it let alone have to deal with the fall out from it. Stories are to be 3-4 months in length and connect to an annual story arc. This gives readers 4 clear jumping on and jumping off points in the series. I don't know why comic writers can't grasp this very basic concept.

Action Comics (2016) #1059

Dec 10, 2023

Ugh...This book is just 3 kinds of aweful.

Action Comics (2016) #1060

Dec 24, 2023

A big nothing burger. This series is over priced for what you get. A lackluster main with two back up stories that no one asked for. If they want to fix this book focus on one main story and kill off the entire "Super Family" with the only exception being Superboy Conner Kent. The rest can be tossed into a big old cosmic vortex that erases them from continuity and memory. One more thing why is the Annual in January? I thought that "Knight Terror" was this years Annual...Guess not. So way to ding your readers for more money if they want the conclusion to your dragged out story that goes nowhere. Oh well the important thing to remember is that you tied an onion to your belt, which was the style at the time They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...

Action Comics (2016) #1061

Jan 18, 2024

Finally they have a solid 1 story that focuses on Superman in a Superman title! Stick to this and the book will be good again.

Action Comics (2016) #1062

Mar 24, 2024

Meh. Had the potential to be good but failed to do so. Thankfully it didn't have the "Super Family" in it but that only went so far. The main problem is that the story involves magic...So any problem can be explained away with use of magic. There is no real risk here. Also, the motivations of Bizzaro are muddled. Why wouldn't he just us magic to bring back his own lost Bizzaro World? Anyway, an average story with good art.

Action Comics (2016) #1063

Mar 28, 2024

A very weak ending. Ohhh it was magic so everything just goes back to where it was before. Aaron built a scenario and then took the easy solution to resolve the story. Having Bizarro trapped in Superman's mind wasn't a bad twist but it wasn't that exciting either. the character of Bizzarro is a cardboard stand in at best with no real use of the character to make the reader care what he is doing or what happens to him. A story full of potential but just fizzled out. Better than the previous crap I guess.

Action Comics (2016) #1064

Apr 27, 2024

I could have really gone without the 8 pages at the start of the issue of Lois Lane being abrasive and insufferable, but other than that the issue was an ok start to the over all arch. Get ready for this book to really turn to shit when Gail Simone and Rainbow Rowell write it starting in issue 1067...Ugh it's going to be a painful slog...

Action Comics (2016) #1067

Jul 14, 2024

ANNNNNND the series comes to a screeching halt and implodes. This issue is a complete mess. What the hell was DC thinking? Oh I know...

Action Comics (2016) #1068

Aug 21, 2024

Ugh, This book was a chore to get through. The main isn't bad, it isn't good though either. The back up is absolute drek. Honestly, call Dan Jurgens up and throw some money at him to save this book.

Action Comics (2016) #1069

Sep 28, 2024

Well the good thing is that this 3 issue "Event" is over. That's about it. I wish I could have a good review because Action Comics used to be the gold standard of Superman, but that was a Loooong time a ago. Hopefully DC keeps both of these writers far far away from any Superman title. Yet for that to happen they would have to 1st care about telling a good story instead of ticking off boxes to qualify for access to ESG ETF's...

Action Comics (2016) #1070

Oct 19, 2024

If you liked this issue, you must be on some serious drugs. The main story is mediocre at best and the back up by Tamaki is so bad it should have never been published. Ugh...This book is at all time lows in terms of writing direction and understanding of characters. SO many forced aspects of the book. DC's mentality is that you will have this shoved down your throat and you will like it.

Action Comics (2016) #1074

Dec 22, 2024

This book is in the crapper right now. Get Mark Waid off this book. Mark Waid’s Action Comics #1074 represents a profoundly perplexing exercise in storytelling, wherein the boundaries of narrative craft are disregarded in favor of an imposed ideological framework. Now, let me be clear: storytelling is a means by which we articulate truths—truths about human nature, about struggle, and, indeed, about heroism itself. But this issue, instead of wrestling with those universal themes, seems preoccupied with something else entirely: the author’s uninvited commentary on societal issues that derail the plot and alienate the reader.

Action Comics (2016) #1075

Dec 22, 2024

Action Comics #1075 is an alarming example of narrative disarray, a collection of tales that stumbles over its own ambitions and ultimately collapses under the weight of its shortcomings. The issue suffers from a glaring tonal and thematic inconsistency, largely due to the contributions of Mark Waid and Mariko Tamaki, whose stories are, at best, indulgent distractions, and at worst, exercises in narrative irresponsibility. And then there’s Mariko Tamaki. What can be said about her portion of this issue except that it is wholly unnecessary? Her story reeks of misplaced priorities, focusing on tangential subplots that neither enrich the Superman mythos nor engage the reader. It’s storytelling as filler—an afterthought masquerading as substance. Tamaki’s penchant for turning every exchange into an opportunity for introspective navel-gazing leaves the narrative feeling sluggish and bereft of momentum. The stark contrast between Williamson’s work and that of his co-contributors underscores the fundamental problem with Action Comics #1075: a lack of cohesive vision. The issue fails to coalesce into a meaningful whole, instead feeling like a patchwork of competing priorities, most of which fall short of the mark. In conclusion, Action Comics #1075 is a deeply flawed publication that squanders its potential by allowing mediocrity to overshadow brilliance. While Williamson’s story shines as a beacon of what could have been, the rest of the issue drags it down into the mire of creative mismanagement. It’s a disservice to the legacy of Superman and to the readers who deserve so much more.

Action Comics (2016) #1076

Dec 22, 2024

Action Comics #1076 is a glaring example of squandered potential—a work that promises depth and grandeur yet delivers a shallow, disjointed experience riddled with narrative missteps and character mismanagement. The solicitation alone raises expectations for a tale brimming with existential stakes and familial tension, yet what readers receive is a muddled exploration that undermines the very essence of Superman and his supporting cast. Jor-El himself is rendered as little more than a plot device, stripped of complexity or gravitas. Here is a figure whose legacy looms large over Superman's identity, and yet, his involvement feels perfunctory—his role reduced to a tired cliché rather than a meaningful exploration of fatherhood, guilt, or the burdens of knowledge. And then we come to Supergirl’s subplot, which purportedly unveils "the crime that started it all." One might expect this revelation to carry dramatic weight, shaking the foundation of Kryptonian lore or providing a fresh perspective on the familial ties that bind these characters. Instead, it reads as a perfunctory afterthought, offering neither intrigue nor resonance. Supergirl herself is treated as a narrative accessory, her agency diminished in service of an uninspired twist that fails to justify its inclusion. In sum, Action Comics #1076 exemplifies the dangers of lazy storytelling, where grand concepts are introduced but never realized, and beloved characters are mishandled in service of hollow spectacle. It is a disservice to readers and to the Superman mythos—a shallow offering that promises much but delivers little.

Action Comics (2016) #1077

Dec 22, 2024

Action Comics #1077 is, regrettably, a perfect example of how a story can promise grandeur yet deliver nothing of substance. The issue postures as though it has something significant to say, yet it leaves readers with what can only be described as a "Big Nothing Burger"—a hollow and unsatisfying narrative experience. Its flaws are manifold, but the most glaring offense is the utterly wasteful B-story featuring Supergirl, which not only fails to add value but actively detracts from the overall narrative.The supposed drama of uncovering the secrets of the Phantom Zone and escaping its clutches fails to generate any meaningful stakes. What should have been an exploration of identity, legacy, and moral fortitude instead feels like an uninspired checklist of clichés. Yet even this lukewarm effort pales in comparison to the absolute misfire that is the Supergirl subplot. Billed as an exploration of "the crime that started it all," this B-story instead serves as little more than an afterthought—a filler segment devoid of purpose or intrigue.In sum, Action Comics #1077 fails on multiple levels. Its Superman narrative is a shallow, unfocused exercise that lacks the courage to delve into the deeper themes it hints at. Its Supergirl B-story is not just a missed opportunity but an active detriment to the issue. Together, they form a book that gestures toward significance but ultimately delivers nothing of value—a true "Big Nothing Burger" that leaves readers hungry for the substance this iconic series deserves.

Action Comics (2016) #1078

Dec 14, 2024


Action Comics (2016) #1079

Dec 14, 2024

Can we have a massive kill off of characters soon? Kill the entire Super family with the only one who survives is Conner. Boom there is your #1100 issue ending. Kill them all and focus back on Superman. Put all the supporting characters back where they belong in supporting roles. (Ex: Lois, Jimmy, Perry White) Make Action Comics a Superman book again. No one cares about these characters. The only reason I buy every month (Week now...) now is to keep my run going, it isn't because of the writing or art.

Action Comics (2016) #1082

Jan 25, 2025

The sole saving grace of Action Comics #1028 is that it exists outside the current "All In" disaster, sparing readers from that incoherent mess of a storyline. Unfortunately, any relief is short-lived, as this issue replaces one set of problems with another, offering up a misguided attempt to "modernize" Superman's world in ways that completely alienate long-time fans. The central issue here is the portrayal of Lois Lane, who, in this story, is framed as the all-knowing sage tasked with helping Superman recover from—brace yourself—losing hope. Yes, Superman, the Man of Tomorrow, the symbol of resilience and optimism, apparently needs to be lectured back into shape by Lois, who draws on her "vast experience" as an award-winning journalist to play therapist to the greatest hero on Earth. This dynamic is not only absurd, but it completely undermines Superman as a character. If this is the writing that had greeted me when I first started reading Superman, I would have stopped right then and there. Lois has always been a key part of the Superman mythos, but her role is simple and effective: she gets into trouble, cries for help, and Superman saves the day. How hard is it to understand and stick to this formula? It's classic, it works, and it gives readers what they want—a heroic Superman. Instead, this issue flips the dynamic, turning Lois into the alpha figure and Superman into a lost puppy, as if the writers are deliberately trying to invert the roles to push some kind of modern messaging. The result is a story that feels alien to everything Superman fans have come to love about these characters. And let’s not ignore the elephant in the room: this kind of storytelling is a major reason why sales are in the toilet. The people in charge seem to have no idea who their audience is or why Superman has endured for decades. Readers don’t come to Superman for forced ideological posturing or "message over myth." They come for stories of hope, heroism, and inspiration. When you discard those core principles for the sake of fixing what isn’t broken, you alienate the very audience that made these characters iconic in the first place. In conclusion, Action Comics #1028 is a case study in how not to write Superman. It takes everything that made the character and his world timeless and replaces it with a heavy-handed attempt to reshape the dynamic into something unrecognizable. It’s frustrating, disappointing, and another sad example of why the Superman franchise is struggling to connect with readers today.

Action Comics (2016) #1084

Mar 22, 2025

Quick review. I didn't hate this ending, the build up to this entire story was garbage but the ending was decent, art wasn't horrible. Just having Lois be smarter or a therapist to Clark was totally forced. Don't forget without Lois he can't act on his own...Would have made more sense with him talking to Pa Kent instead of Lois. We can't have that though because we have to push that agenda of "Strong female characters" in comics. So yeah, would have been better if not bogged down with dogma pandering that no one wants to pay for.

Action Comics (2016) Annual: 2021

Jul 16, 2021

About as appealing as microwaved dog s**t. ANYTHING else would have been better than an Annual that uses the future state failure. No one wants to read this crap. Save your money kids.

Action Comics (2016) Annual: Midnighter 2021

Sep 2, 2021

Anyone else remember when Annuals were something to look forward to? It was a nice pay off in the summer for reading the series the entire year? Well that is the exact opposite of what this book is. If anything it's a punishment for hoping the series would improve. Pepperidge Farm remembers…Save your money kids.

Action Comics (2016) Annual: 2022

Jun 8, 2022

This book is not subtle, it beats you over the head with the narrative to the point that it is unenjoyable.

Action Comics (2016): Doomsday Special

Aug 30, 2023

The art in the book isn't the greatest, it's strong is some places but then the artist gets lazy and fills in some pages with little more than sketches. The plot for the A story is pretty basic with an interesting premise but then the writer decided to go nowhere with it. A story with Supergirl and Martian Manhunter as the main characters...Yawnfest. It could have and should have been Superman featured. That could have helped this book a lot but yet again we see Superman sidelined for supporting characters. The B story wasn't bad although I didn't like how the book used the concept of hell but skirted the issue of religious implications and moral implications, a prime example that the souls in Hell would have to have done something in life to facilitate them going to Hell. Watters creates this wishy washy concept of hell only existing through belief of the mind and not being an actual result of the existance of God. If a writer is going to use the concept of Hell, they had better commit to it being a real place, otherwise you get this weak, muddled, watered down, story telling. Over all save your money kids this book misses the mark

Action Comics (2016): Warworld Apocalypse #1

Sep 6, 2022

Thankfully this nightmare snorefest story is over...It just went on and on. Hopefully we can get back to our regularly scheduled story telling and not take a year and change to tell 1 single story with a supporting cast that no one cares about.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #1

Jun 10, 2023

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #2

Apr 4, 2023

Tom Talor sucks as a writer.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #3

Jun 10, 2023

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #4

Jun 10, 2023

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #5

Oct 9, 2023

So he ran out of gas and steals the story from Injustice. Wow what a crappy writer. A lot wrong in this book but I'm glad that his run was shit canned and this series won't be around much longer. Crappy sales don't lie although Tom will about it on line.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (2023) #6

Oct 9, 2023

Good news is it's over, bad news it existed in the 1st place.

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #1

Feb 3, 2024

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #2

Feb 3, 2024

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #3

Feb 3, 2024

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #4

Feb 3, 2024

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #5

Apr 24, 2024

All Eight Eyes (2023) #1

Jun 13, 2023

All Eight Eyes (2023) #2

Jun 10, 2023

I went in with zero expectations for this book, and I enjoyed it. A comic that focuses on the story and character development while having inclusion. I know what a concept. I hope the good work continues for this book.

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #61

Mar 13, 2021

The story itself isn't bad but the new suit and needless team up is. This isn't the black suit, that at least was interesting. This is microwaved dog turds. Save your money kids.

Aquamen (2022) #1

Mar 30, 2022

Aquamen (2022) #2

Mar 30, 2022

Are You Afraid of Darkseid? (2021) #1

Oct 7, 2021

Meh, I'm not the demographic for this book but it was a chore to slog through this book.

Batman (2016) #80

Oct 9, 2019

A rating of two is being overly generous on my part. The art in this book was horrible in particular the characters of Two-face and Pyg. As for the story let me save you some time Batman comes back to Gotham and Bane orders Thomas Wayne Batman to kill Damian to prove his loyalty...I guess that's a big cliff hanger ending. This issue is another filler issue by King, with little philosophical quotes from Aristotle and Plato taken out of context in attempt to deepen a very very shallow issue. Final analysis of the book, King needs to tighten up his story telling.

Batman (2016) #81

Oct 18, 2019

When you have to publish an issue to explain the story in previous issues, it's pretty clear that you've lost focus and perspective in your own story. Just end the damn story already and start another story arc already...At this point I just want to read a two issue story about the Clock King.

Batman (2016) #105

Dec 18, 2020

The art is decent in this book but the story is very lacking. Batman and two characters no one cares about. Blah blah blah blah...Everyone decides to be friends and Batman decides that he can team up with a murderer. Anyway you slice it Batman should be trying to incarcerate both Clown Hunter and Ghost Hunter not to mention Harley Quinn. DC needs to clean house with its writing division and remove "Edge Lords" like Snyder, King, and Tynion from writing the Batman books.

Batman (2016) #106

Mar 3, 2021

Main story is garbage. Secondary story should have been the main Tynion needs to go. Save your money kids.

Batman (2016) #107

Apr 15, 2021

Honestly get Tynion off this book. He's made a mess of things and it's going to take a real good writer to undo the damage of it. I don't know what this story is but it's convoluted and not interesting. Also, what is with the causal swearing in the dialogue? If I wanted to read a Black Label book I would. DC needs to sit their writers down and flush out any writer who can't tell a story without their personal bias's or political beliefs seeping into the story. The sooner this happens the better DC Comics will be as a company.

Batman (2016) #108

May 5, 2021

Get James Tynion off this book. I no longer care about the story he is telling.

Batman (2016) #109

Jun 6, 2021

James Tynion IV is writing complete Dog s**t here. This issue just sucked, 2 stories and neither one of them was any good. This story line is just dragged out and isn't interesting at all. On top of this, are there any other characters Tynion would like to shoehorn into the series? I mean I feel that there just isn't quite enough social pandering and personal politics put into this book...See page 10 and you'll see what I mean. I would usually say "Save your money" yet in this case I would say drop the series from your pull list. Enough is enough, DC is dead and these "Writers" are just desecrating the corpse at this point.

Batman (2016) #110

Jul 12, 2021

25 pages of a story no one cares about in order to retro configure the Future State garbage story line into the books and 10 pages of a story about a new character that no one wants to read about. Did I miss anything in this? When is DC going to stop force feeding its fans crap that they think is good but has already failed? 0/10

Batman (2016) #112

Sep 8, 2021

Drivel, pure drivel. Is it a race to the bottom for DC at this point?

Batman (2016) #113

Sep 25, 2021

Batman and Detective Comics are a complete mess. This story is thrown together and there is no balance between dialogue and action. 0/10

Batman (2016) #120

Feb 5, 2022

Meh. Middle of the road comic in terms of story. AT LEAST it has Batman in it unlike Detective Comics. The back up story was pointless and waste of paper.

Batman (2016) #125

Jul 18, 2022

This book became tedious after 15 pages. I guess being rich is a "bad" thing and we should all hate people with money now. A key element of Batman is escapism and Bruce Wayne being a "Millionaire Playboy" is part of that. This...This is just crap, no getting around it.

Batman (2016) #128

Oct 11, 2022

More Edgelord story telling garbage.

Batman (2016) #130

Dec 10, 2022

Meh...Zadarsky painted himself into a corner with this story arc and as a result had to have a stupid ending.

Batman (2016) #131

Feb 18, 2023

Batman (2016) #132

Feb 18, 2023

Batman (2016) #133

Mar 18, 2023

It's an Elseworld story...

Batman (2016) Annual #4

Nov 1, 2019

If you suffer from ADHD then this is the Annual for you. Instead of a stand alone story about ANYTHING, we get 3-4 page stories about nothing. Ohhhh look how different Batman has been over the years. That's not a story it's a comic version of a clip show. Annuals are intended to be special yearly events that are to be celebrated by loyal readers...This, I don't know what this was intended to be but it wasn't that.

Batman (2016): The Joker War Zone #1

Oct 5, 2020

1 good story by James Tynion and that's it. The rest of the book sucked. Honestly how are these people gainfully employed?

Batman (2016): Faze Clan #1

Apr 16, 2022

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #1

Dec 6, 2020

Meh...Pointless fan fiction at best. Thank God they stuck Tom King on this book though to finish out his contract obligation.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #3

Feb 20, 2021

Just a boring comic book. I'm happy that Tom King is almost done writing any Batman book. He goes out with a the of equivalent of a silent fart in church.

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #4

Mar 31, 2021

Is this series over yet? Just end it, it goes on and on about nothing. Yeah, whatever pandering, I get it. NEXT!

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #5

Jun 6, 2021

Insufferable Drek. It doesn't deserve more than that for a review.

Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point #1

Apr 25, 2021

Wow what hot and innovating idea for a book...In 2017. What a waste of time, effort, and resources.

Batman / Superman (2019) #7

Apr 18, 2020

Thank God that "Batman who Laughs" crap worked its way out of the book. It nearly killed the series in its first six issues.

Batman / Superman (2019) Annual #1

Oct 3, 2020

Bravo, very well done. It was a very enjoyable comic to read. Just a fun book which is exactly what an Annual in a series should be.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #1

Mar 19, 2022

Damn near perfect book. The best part there isn't any virtue signaling or far left idealism/ politicization in the story. Hopefully it will stay this way.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #3

May 17, 2022

Damn near perfect.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #8

Oct 19, 2022

This series just continues to be the highlight of my pull list every month. The writers of this series "Get it". They get the formula to selling comic books, interesting story telling and art where the artist actually tries to produce drawings that are more than sketches. No politics, no preaching about social issues, just a fun book that aims to entertain and engage readers. Keep it up!

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #10

Dec 26, 2022

This series is firing on all cylinders. Solid story and solid art work.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #12

Mar 23, 2023

Not a bad issue but then again not a good issue. At best a filler issue that will end up in the dollar bin in some flea market.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #25

May 4, 2024

Perfect minus a use of the marxist term "bourgeoisie" by the Joker...Leave that crap in the garbage where it belongs. Still good though.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #26

Apr 21, 2024

This series is firing on all cylinders. Great series!

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) Annual: 2024

Feb 3, 2024

A solid issue, would have been better with just a single writer though.(Mark Waid) It seemed to lack focus in parts.

Batman and Robin (2023) #1

Sep 19, 2023

Meh. Too many changes to the main character of Bruce Wayne, unbelievable that he can operate without the Batcave or Wayne Manor. I don't care for this art style. Overall not that great for a first issue.

Batman Incorporated (2022) #1

Oct 11, 2022

Hey Kids, Remember all those characters that you just didn't care about? Well we teamed them up and gave them their own series. See you in 18 issues when poor sales forces us to pull the plug and cancel the series. -Garbage book and concept

Batman's Grave #1

Oct 13, 2019

The art is the only thing that this book has going for it. IF you like thinly veiled pro-liberalism/left leaning politics mixed in with your Batman story then this is the book for you I guess. Warren Ellis isn't subtle with his virtue signalling in this book and it makes the book very "cringe" worthy. Bottom line, save your money as I don't think the next 11 issues will be much better.

Batman's Grave #3

Jan 4, 2020

Socialistic overtones on page 4 gives this book an automatic zero. Then there is the 8 pages pictures with no words sequence that drives the book into the negative scoring realm. Save your money, garbage book that could be good if not weighted down by the authors poor choices. 0/10 score

Batman's Grave #4

Mar 14, 2020

Nice picture book...

Batman's Grave #9

Sep 10, 2020

This series jumped the shark 5 issues ago. Save your money, go buy Archie and Jughead or something anything but this drivel.

Batman: Black & White (2020) #3

Mar 17, 2021

The book is the equivalent of microwaving dog S#+t. Sure, you could do that but it isn't recommended or a particularly pleasant to experience. Save your money kids.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #7

Mar 1, 2020

Good: -Art is excellent -Story is interesting enough Bad: -Socialistic overtones and forced acceptance of inherited wealth as "Bad" (Try to ignore them)

Batman: Dark Age (2024) #1

Mar 29, 2024

Ugh, I really wish DC would just stop hiring Mark Russell. The guy gives hack writers a bad name. He might have a shot at writing a decent comic if he didn't inject his warped perspective on issues and turn your favourite characters into dislikable muppets. This book is destined for some 60% dollar bin in a flea market but even at that price I would say you're over paying.

Batman: Dark Age (2024) #2

Apr 23, 2024

Absolute garbage. This story and concept are just lame. This will end up in the dollar bin at some flea market but that is more than it should get.

Batman: Dear Detective (2022) #1

Sep 9, 2022

So it is a $7.99 plus tax USD for a picture book...Yeah not worth it.

Batman: Fortress (2022) #7  
Batman: Killing Time (2022) #1

Mar 6, 2022

Meh. Just write the pages in the right order already. What he is doing has been done to death.

Batman: Legends of Gotham (2023) #1  
Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Two-Face #1

Sep 20, 2022

Why am I not surprised that Mariko Tamaki failed to deliver a Batman story that was even 1/2 way decent? Save your money on this one, there are better books out there.

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Bane #1

Jan 19, 2023

Not a bad story but the resolution is pretty generic. I'm also not a big fan of the art. They should have just hired Kelley Jones to do the issue.

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Catwoman #1

Jan 28, 2023


Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Clayface #1

Feb 26, 2023

Meh...Could have been a good book but there are a parts in the dialogue that take away from the actual story. You know it when you read it...Save your money kids bring the change you want to see through low sales.

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Ra's Al Ghul #1

Mar 25, 2023

Yes, nothing like nice side of smug personal politics with my serving of Batman comics...Garbage

Batman: The Detective (2021) #1

Apr 16, 2021

Not a bad story but a lot of elements shoehorned into the story that take away from it as well.

Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #3

Oct 29, 2020

As far as books about the Joker go, it pulled things together very nicely. The book takes the reader out there and then pulls it back in to make sense. The art was nicely done as well. I find it hard to find anything negative to say about this book, maybe a bit too much focus on the Jason/Barbra dynamic but it doesn't take away too much from the book. Over all an enjoyable read.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #1

Mar 9, 2021

The Red Hood story was good but then the book just dies after that. They also apparently kill off Nora Fries in the last story because you know, who needs a new and interesting character that motivates Victor around? Save your money kids as this is 1/2 a book at best.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #2

Apr 18, 2021

The Red Hood story was decent, the rest were garbage.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #3

May 12, 2021

Red Hood story was good, the others are complete garbage. Save your money kids.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #4

Jun 17, 2021

The Red Hood story is solid. The rest is crap.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #8

Oct 17, 2021

The only good story was the Azrael story but the art wasn't that great. The rest of the book was run of the mill garbage.

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #1  
Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #1

Feb 4, 2023

Garbage. Art is laughably bad and the story is just unimaginative.

Captain America (2018) #28  
Creed: The Next Round (2023) #1

Jun 29, 2023

A spin off of a spin off...Failure.

Creed: The Next Round (2023) #2

Sep 12, 2023

Swing and a big miss. This series is horrible. -10

Creepshow (2022): Vol. 2 #1

Apr 21, 2024

Creepshow Vol. 2

Apr 21, 2024


Crush & Lobo #1

Aug 3, 2021

Crush & Lobo #2

Aug 3, 2021

Crush & Lobo #3

Aug 3, 2021

Crush & Lobo #6

Nov 3, 2021

Is this series over yet? Tamaki is unreadable.

Crush & Lobo #8

Jan 10, 2022

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #1  
Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League (2022): Green Lantern #1  
Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child #1

Dec 15, 2019

I stopped reading it at page 13...This book was just bad. Honestly I read comic books to relax and enjoy myself not to be preached at or have the author promote their political view point.

Dark Knights of Steel (2021): Tales From The Three Kingdoms #1  
Dark Nights: Death Metal #1

Sep 27, 2020

Drivel. Save your money.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #4

Oct 15, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Multiverse Who Laughs #1

Nov 28, 2020

Honestly who is buying this crap? It's 44 pages of garbage. I struggled to get past page 6. The art is what it is but the story is just "Edge Lord" garbage. Stop buying this stuff as the story just sucks.

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Secret Origin #1

Jan 5, 2021

As much as I hated all the Death Metal garbage this was actually enjoyable. I'm guessing that Geoff Johns wrote the majority of this as I usually can't stand the Edge lord that Snyder is. The story was well rounded and told a story of optimism. So hats off to DC on this one. One Gem out of a pile of Monkey Crap that was the Metal storylines that dragged on forever.

Dawn of DC Primer (2023) #1

May 18, 2023

Killing off a few of the newer DC characters wouldn't be a bad idea.

DC Pride (2021): 2022 #1

Jun 8, 2022

$9.99 cover price?

DC's Lex and the City (2025) #1

Feb 8, 2025

Who is this garbage written for? The demographic that dosen't exist and that DC Comics will never create? A waste of paper and ink.

DC's Saved By The Belle Reve (2022) #1

Sep 16, 2022

This book is a mess. The only story that was slightly interesting was Azreal, Watters has no clue how to write the character.

DC: Love Is A Battlefield (2021) #1

Feb 12, 2021

The dialogue in the 1st story is "Cringe worthy". Nothing like dumbing down the main characters so they can relate to a younger crowd I guess. The art in the 2nd 3rd, 4th, and 7th story is laughably bad.

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #1

Oct 17, 2022

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #2

Oct 17, 2022

Detective Comics (2016) #1013

Oct 26, 2019

Detective Comics continues to be one of the better written DC titles and this book delivered in both terms of artwork and story telling.

Detective Comics (2016) #1017

Dec 15, 2019

A glaring difference from Tomasi. This story is garbage. It's more of a social lecture than a story that readers should spend their hard earned money on. Way to bring the series that was going well into the trash heap. Decent art work though.

Detective Comics (2016) #1025

Aug 17, 2020

The return of a character no one asked to return. This issue falls flat.

Detective Comics (2016) #1027

Sep 26, 2020

Meh, a lot of filler with 1 maybe 2 decent stories. The worst was "Rookie" for over all story and worst for art was "Fore".

Detective Comics (2016) #1033

Dec 22, 2020

Not a bad issue. I didn't like the shill for "Future State" for the next two months. I'm saying Buh bye to DC during that time. They need to get Alfred back, dip him in the Lazarus Pit or something, I don't care how just do it because the Bruce being all Emo over it is getting tiresome.

Detective Comics (2016) #1034

Mar 30, 2021

Ok, I get it...According to some people being rich is bad. So we had to take the Wayne fortune away from Batman. Yeah, that was part of the escapism and part of the character he's a millionaire playboy. If the writers don't like that then go create your own character and watch it not sell. Anyway, this issue and story arc sucks. DC is just circling the drain at this point.

Detective Comics (2016) #1035

Jun 15, 2021

Detective Comics (2016) #1036

Jun 15, 2021

I love this site, not one honest critic in the critic review section....Anyway, does anyone remember that they want to read a book about a millionaire playboy who fights crime? Apparently Tamaki has forgot this and writes her story as far away from what brought people to the book in the 1st place. JUST give Bruce Wayne his fortune back and tell interesting stories with out the guilt ridden social commentary. Much like DC comics this series is being killed slowly. Just look at the sales. She's a Hack of a writer...Do yourself a favour and drop this title from your pull list.

Detective Comics (2016) #1037

Jun 16, 2021

Garbage. I guess ticking the right boxes off is more important than sales at this point...

Detective Comics (2016) #1038

Jun 26, 2021

The 1st story is garbage, the 2nd story was much better. Get Tamakai off of this book, DC books all together.

Detective Comics (2016) #1039

Aug 1, 2021

fire Mariko Tamaki already.

Detective Comics (2016) #1040

Aug 1, 2021

Ugh...Mariko Tamaki just doesn't get Batman or Bruce Wayne.

Detective Comics (2016) #1043

Oct 8, 2021

This book is no longer enjoyable. s**t story and worse art work. 1/10

Detective Comics (2016) #1046

Jan 1, 2022

Ugh. Let me ask you this, is it even really a Batman book anymore if Batman only appears in 5 pages of a 22 page story? It's obvious that Tomaki wants to prominently feature "Strong female characters" but this doesn't have to mean that you make Batman a secondary character in his own comic book. What is planned for the next 12 months looks even worse...The back up story isn't any better. It's hard to find a decent story being published by DC currently. Save your money kids.

Detective Comics (2016) #1048

Jan 13, 2022

22 pages of garbage with a pretty decent secondary story. I feel bad for Rosenberg having to prop up Tamaki who doesn't get or even care to get what the audience enjoys. The dialogue of the 1st story is long winded and takes too long to get to the point. She takes 22 pages to establish something that could have been done in 4 pages. As I said, the secondary story far outshines the primary story in this issue.

Detective Comics (2016) #1049

Jan 20, 2022

Detective Comics (2016) #1050

Jan 29, 2022

Detective Comics (2016) #1054

Feb 26, 2022

Main story is garbage, secondary story saves the book. They really need to get Tamaki as far away from any DC book as possible.

Detective Comics (2016) #1055

Mar 6, 2022

Detective Comics (2016) #1056

Mar 26, 2022

Detective Comics (2016) #1057

Mar 19, 2022

Still a garbage story that drags on and on, just to spotlight female supporting characters. Skip this series while Tamaki is writing it.

Detective Comics (2016) #1058

Mar 23, 2022

The main story is thankfully over as it wasn't that good to begin with. As with previous issues the back up story was much better. Hopefully Tamaki will be moved off this book soon and Rosenberg is given the reins sooner rather than later.

Detective Comics (2016) #1061

Jun 29, 2022

Ugh...Terrible writing. Hopefully the new writers will do better.

Detective Comics (2016) #1062

Aug 10, 2022

Can we please get back to Bruce Wayne being a millionaire Playboy again? Just that one little change in the story would make all the difference in the world for these books. They have chopped out 1/2 of what makes up the Batman character. Although I'm glad they finally got rid of Mariko Tamaki the writing isn't much better. If you want a good Batman stories, honestly it seems you have to go read back 30 years or so.

Detective Comics (2016) #1070

Apr 1, 2023

The problem is that these writers all want that big Trade Paper Back money. So the telling of their stories has shifted into these long draged out and often boring stories. Bad ideas take over the book and monthly readers have to suffer a year or more of some hack moaning and groaning about how old Bruce feels, how tired he is, or how much better it is that he isn't rich anymore. All of these things are not what attracted readers to the book in the 1st place. If you want a good Batman book, check out Batman/Superman. That series gets what Batman should be, it's a good read for the most part. Anyway don't believe the hype of some of the other reviewers on here, judge for yourself but mostly save your money and hopefully things will change for the better.

Detective Comics (2016) #1071

May 7, 2023

Long winded narrative story telling...If you want to write a mini novel then go write a mini novel. This is Graphic Novels. Show your audiance, don't tell your audiance. The balance in the book is WAY off. Then there is the aweful secondary story. That alone makes this issue a failure. -10 Save your money kids, it's the only thing that DC will listen to.

Detective Comics (2016) #1081

Feb 4, 2024

It just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on. I don't even remember the main plot of this story or why I'm supposed to care. Batman is fighting who now? Anyway you slice it this convoluted story sucks. If you can't tell your story in 4 issues 6 max, then piss off.

Detective Comics (2016) Annual: 2022

Dec 4, 2022

It just went on and on about nothing of importance. I lost interest in this book at about page 10. It was like reading a novel instead of a comic book. Sometimes less is more, not only that this is a story that has been done before in the annuals. Give me something different, something that is unique and stands alone. So all and I wasn't overly impressed with this annual.

Earth-Prime (2022): Superman & Lois #2  
Endless Winter (2020): Superman #1

Dec 12, 2020

This book is an oddity because it has elements that promise a good story but ultimately kill the book. The writers basically demean Superman at every turn, reducing his intelligence so that he is basically reliant on Lois or Martha to tell him how he should feel or think at any given moment. We get it "Strong female characters" but they are also supporting characters that shouldn't overshadow the protagonist of the book people have bought to read about. In terms of artwork it's blocky and lacks detail. Long gone are the days of good art that paid attention to detail I guess. Over all it's a story that has already been told and told better by Ron Marz in Final Night. Maybe DC doesn't think readers remember 1996 because they basically plugged in a Norse God in place of a Sun Eater and called it a new story.

Epitaphs From the Abyss (2024) #1

Aug 9, 2024

Hard to review a book that lacks the basic components of stories. There just isn't enough in any of these stories to review. There is no structure to any of these stories much less a point. They superficially introduce characters, something happens with no real explination or reason as to why it happened, then they end it. I guess this is their "horror". There is no flow or arc. The endings that are intended to shock just don't hit or stick with the reader. What should have been fun, just isn't. How hard is it to write a werewolf, vampire, or zombie story? It should be paint by numbers but they manage to mess it up. This lacks the intelligence, charm, and self awareness of how to make a point without beating your audience over the head with it that the orginals possessed. They would have been better off just reprinting those instead of this garbage.

Event Leviathan #5

Oct 26, 2019

5 issues in and nothing of significance has happened. Boring and let down would be an understatement. This book is built around the promise of something happening and then nothing does, garbage issue and garbage series.

Event Leviathan #6

Dec 15, 2019

Boring, uninspired, dull, WAY too much focus on Lois Lane. She's a supporting character...

Far Sector #1

Nov 17, 2019

I guess technically it's a Green Lantern Title but other than using the symbol and having a ring it's a very boring Sci-fi book. For a first issue I'm not hooked and the story falls flat. The political pandering on page 14 regarding the last presidential election was unnecessary as well. Really there is nothing good in this book, story sucked and the art is garbage.

Far Sector #2

Mar 7, 2020

Far Sector #3

Feb 3, 2020

This book might have some value if you were reading it in the lavatory and you found yourself short of toilet paper. Other than that it's pretty much useless, save your money.

Far Sector #4

Mar 7, 2020

Far Sector #5

Jul 20, 2020

Far Sector #6

Jul 20, 2020

How are sales going? BWAA HA HA HA! This crapfest series will be %$^ canned in a few months. Can't wait as this series really is crap.

Far Sector #7

Oct 9, 2020

Far Sector #8

Oct 9, 2020

I don't know which is worse the writing or the artwork. This book can't be canceled soon enough.

Far Sector #9

Dec 2, 2020

Garbage. Complete and absolute garbage. It's a chore to have to read this book. I wish the "Critics" would post an honest review as this book is still rated way to high.

Far Sector #10

Feb 2, 2021


Far Sector #11

Apr 16, 2021

Far Sector #12

Jun 21, 2021

It's over! Thank God.

Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #1

Sep 5, 2023

HA HA HA...No.

Flash Facts #1

Feb 3, 2021

No one is dropping $10.00 USD on this or $12.79 CDN plus tax for this book. For what it is, DC priced themselves right out of the market on this book. The value of the information just isn't there and no LCS is going to want to be stuck hanging on to these books that just won't sell.

Future State (2021): Wonder Woman #1

Jan 5, 2021

This book was horrible. Don't waste your money. That is all.

Future State (2021): The Flash #1

Jan 5, 2021

Garbage, complete and total garbage. If you're a fan of the Flash series or Wally West they basically wipe their backsides with your preferences. DC should hang their heads in shame over this.

Future State (2021): Harley Quinn #1

Jan 5, 2021

The art sucked and the story was even worse. I guess DC should have kept some of the more experienced writers and artists around...You get what you pay for AT&T.

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #1

Jan 6, 2021

This book is a mess.

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #1

Jan 14, 2021

SO it's Batman without money...Because having money is considered a bad thing these days? There is really nothing to this story. A bad Elseworlds story to appeal to Edgelords. How would Batman be without money in a future where he hasn't aged? Not really deep story concepts here. Future State continues to be a salvage operation for DC who had the good sense to abandon the reboot. Save your money.

Future State (2021): Green Lantern #1

Jan 14, 2021

Three stories all of them bad. Story one depowered John Stewart: Hey folks, do you want to read a Green Lantern Story with no Green Lantern powers and lots of fighting between alien races we just made up and expect you to care about? Yeah, neither do I. Story two Mary Sue Jessica Cruz: Do you remember Jessica Cruz The Green Lantern who didn't sell any comic books when she was featured in GL? Well we brought her back and made her a female Macgyver engineer because the story called for it despite it is completely out of the character we have established in the past. We could have used Hal, Kyle, or Simon but you know, reasons. Story three Guy Gardner craps on all religious beliefs: Do you want to be insulted if you have any religious sort of belief at all? Then this story is for you! Not only do you get to enjoy pretty crappy art work but you get a healthy dose of smug Atheism for free! Honestly is this the best DC writers have? Absolute garbage.

Future State (2021): Justice League #1

Jan 14, 2021

Future State (2021): Superman/Wonder Woman #1

Jan 14, 2021

-Spoiler Warning- Wow, I just finished reading this book and I must say it was pretty bad. The art is something that I think I could draw if I closed my eyes. Superman looks laughably bad on page 4. Here is a little tip for Del Duca, less detail doesn't mean that your drawing is good. It's not an art style, it's either laziness or a lack of actual talent. As for the story, I'm glad that they have turned Wonder Women into a criminal thug who assaults a Councilman because she is displeased with the job that he is doing. Not only that she then bullies the pilot/Bodyguard who was actually just doing his job warns her that he will shot if she doesn't stop committing the crime of aggravated assault (Given she has powers I would say it qualifies for aggravation). They are then forced to write lines on the helicopter for some reason, I guess this is humour even though there is no proof that the Councilman embezzled money indicated in the book. Oh and apparently Wonder Women drinks now, great example to set for all the kids out there...Anyway there is a fight between Solaris and Krut which the reader should care about for some reason and Wonder Woman lectures Jon about how bad Capitalism is for the environment, blah blah blah. So yeah, garbage book. Save your money.

Future State (2021): Robin Eternal #1

Jan 14, 2021

Save your money because this book sucked. That art isn't bad but the story is uninspired and really focuses on Spoiler and Darcy...Who ever that is. It's a Robin book in name alone as it makes Tim Drake a supporting character in his own Elseworlds title. Thank God DC dropped the whole 5G concept. Not that it will matter a year from now...

Future State (2021): Superman: Worlds of War #1

Jan 20, 2021

It's hard to critique a Superman book that isn't really a Superman book. He doesn't make a appearance until page 6 of a 63 page book in a flashback and then isn't in the book after page 19. It's almost comical that DC has 6 writers and 4 artists working on this book and not one of them was able to produce something that was 1/2 way decent. Save your money kids this is another Future State Bust.

Future State (2021): Nightwing #1

Jan 20, 2021

Artwork was well done but the story was lacking. I find it hard to believe that the Next Batman could best Dick Grayson in hand to hand combat. Over all the book isn't as bad as the other Future State books but it isn't good either. So yet again, save your money.

Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #1

Jan 26, 2021

Hey kids! Do you want to read a book that preaches at you with thinly disguised messages about the virtues of socialism while at the same time telling you how bad people who disagree with the authors political view points are? Well then this is the book for you! Honestly this book became stomach turning around page 4 and was a difficult read to finish. If you want to know what is killing sales then look no further than this book. Honestly Mark Russell is a one trick pony in terms of writing. Turn the page already man, move on.

Future State (2021): Batman/Superman #1

Jan 28, 2021

This book isn't the worst Future State title, probably because it is the most unaltered story of the arc. This story could have been told with or without being included in Future State. The art is well done and the story progresses nicely. The only thing that hurts this book is the ending. Superman is written in a way that makes it an unbelievable cliff hanger. Superman should have been able to detect what happens is what I'm getting at, so for me the ending of the book significantly damaged the story.

Future State (2021): Superman: House of El #1

May 12, 2021

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #2

Jan 20, 2021

64 pages and all of them badly written. The artwork isn't terrible but it isn't great either. Save your money.

Future State (2021): Dark Detective #2

Feb 1, 2021

This book just continues on and fills in the gaps from issue one. I guess they wanted to charge readers money to answer questions that they really weren't interested in knowing in the 1st place. The story takes the part of Batman the Millionaire Playboy part of the character out of the story and what is left is basically a different and uninteresting character. What they are working with is a broke guy trying to continue to be Batman in a future where the main villain isn't believable as Batman has defeated much bigger threats in the past. The secondary story is derailed by the laughably bad art work. So save your money kids.

Future State (2021): The Flash #2

Feb 2, 2021

Not worth the paper it's printed on. That is all.

Future State (2021): Superman of Metropolis #2

Feb 3, 2021

There is something to be said about a 46 page comic book that stops being worth the effort to read it at the 21st page. There is nothing to care about in this book. Jon is not Superman and never will be, also how he is written isn't even in line with the established character. The best thing they could do now is kill him off in the most brutal way possible, (mostly because I would find that amusing) or simply have Superman forget he ever existed. I'm not a fan of 2nd or 3rd stories in a book. Sadly, this seems to be the way DC is going to handle things moving forward as they have cut their publication titles. Add the fact that there has a been a mass exodus of talent from the company, fans are left with the dregs of the talent pool.

Future State (2021): Green Lantern #2

Feb 9, 2021

Wow! Just WOW! I wouldn't have thought it possible to write a GL book this badly yet here it is. The 1st and 2nd story are pointless and the 3rd story does little more than serve as an excuse to thrust Sojourner “Jo” Mullein into the main title. Save your money kids.

Future State (2021): Superman: Worlds of War #2

Feb 17, 2021

An unenjoyable read. Hard to call it a Superman story when the character of Superman only appears on 10 pages out of a 21 page story. Only 47% of the 1st story deals with Superman and for the entire book only 17% of it has to do anything with Superman. (I included the 1 page appearance of Jon Kent in this break down to be generous, if you take that out it's 16%) So I don't know what you want to call this book but it is a Superman title in name only. As for the art the 1st story is well done, but after that it's not very good. Save your money kids.

Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #2

Feb 23, 2021

It's a real shame that the art in this book is wasted on such a garbage puke inducing story. It makes about as much sense as "burning two bridges with one stone." (Pg #13) Whatever the hell that means...Save your money kids, unless you want to read about Capitalism being evil and if you dare to have an opposing view than the author it's because you're too stupid to know better. This title is already two issues too long and I'm not looking forward to the third.

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #3

Feb 4, 2021

Boring read, followed by 45 pages of filler back stories no one asked to read. Save your money.

Future State (2021): Superman vs. Imperious Lex #3

Mar 30, 2021


Future State (2021): The Next Batman #4

Feb 19, 2021

Future State: Gotham #1

May 12, 2021

Garbage, nothing more to say. It was so bad that they didn't bother to use colour in the book. If I could give this book a zero I would. Any "critic" out there that gave this anything higher is either a fanboy or a shill on the take.

G'nort's Illustrated Swimsuit Edition (2023) #1

Sep 6, 2023

A ridiculous concept and horrible artwork. Grade: F-

GCPD: The Blue Wall (2022) #1  
Generations (2021): Shattered #1

Jan 5, 2021

I love Jurgens as a writer but this was a bomb. Too many cooks ruin the stew. Save your money.

Generations (2021): Forged #1

Feb 27, 2021

So Scott Snyder made an unreadable mess with the Dark Metal crap and they had to bring in Jurgens to clean it up. Got it. Over all this book was pretty good.

Gotham High OGN

Apr 23, 2020

If you're running low on toilet paper, never fear there are a lot of unsold copies of this comic.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #8

Dec 6, 2020

Weird for the sake of being weird. Not a fan of doing an issue backwards either. Art is good but Morrison is still a bit out there with his story telling.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #9

Dec 6, 2020

Ugh...This was horrible. DC wonders why sales are tanking. Crap like this passes for a storyline. The pandering in this book is just gross.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #10

Dec 19, 2020

A nonsensical cluster F*@k is the best thing that can describe this mess of a comic book. Honestly this series went off the rails after a decent Season 1. I stopped caring after about 4 pages of this story. Nothing of importance was involved in this book. It was like listening to a 3 year old tell you a story they make up to hold your attention.

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #11

Mar 13, 2021

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #12

Mar 10, 2021

Wow, thanks for taking the reader in one nonsensical ride. Morrison takes us out into left field and then does...NOTHING! Save your money on this one kids, the only really sad part of everything is that the next writer who is taking over the series is going to be worse. DC here is a concept, hire writers who actually like the book that they are writing.

Green Lantern (2021) #1

Apr 13, 2021

Thorne has already said that he doesn't care if his Green Lantern sells or not. He is going to tell the story he wants to tell and isn't willing to listen to any fan feedback. With that attitude this book was doomed before it was even released. Save your money kids.

Green Lantern (2021) #2

May 5, 2021

Wow, hard to believe that Thorne messed up this badly and only 2 issues into his run. I'm not sure if he understands much of anything about his audience. It's as if he is going out of his way to alienate people. If it wasn't for review purposes I wouldn't bother reading this book at this point. Save your money kids, send a clear signal to DC through poor sales that this isn't what is wanted in a GL book.

Green Lantern (2021) #3

Jun 1, 2021

Two stories and neither one of them was well written or had characters that I care about. DC can't ^%$tcan this book fast enough. Save your money kids.

Green Lantern (2021) #4

Jul 12, 2021

This comic series under Thorne is complete garbage. More of crap no one asked to read. I would give a 0/10 if I could.

Green Lantern (2021) #5

Aug 3, 2021

Green Lantern (2021) #6

Sep 13, 2021

The score is 0/10

Green Lantern (2021) #7

Oct 25, 2021

16 pages of the main story with 2 back up stories staring GL characters that no one wanted. (See the dismal sales of Far Sector if you don't believe me). GL without Hal Jordan just isn't interesting, we are 7 issues in and the story is just dragging out. The comic book formula isn't that hard to figure out but is being completely ignored in this book and a lot of comics. 12 months a year, 3 story arc per year for 4 months. Each arc then all tie into one over all big story arc. This allows for established readers to be happy and for new readers to jump in at 3 different points. Yet, by all means have one big story that goes on for 7 months...

Green Lantern (2021) #8

Nov 25, 2021

"Jo Mullein solves the mystery of the Battery’s destruction..." Of course she does. Did we expect anything less? Save your money kids the Craptacular story telling continues.

Green Lantern (2021) #9

Dec 7, 2021

At this point, kill off all the GL's I don't care. This series used to be fun to read now it's just bad.

Green Lantern (2021) #10

Apr 13, 2022

Green Lantern (2021) #11

Feb 17, 2022

No one likes the new kid. Horrible issue and series.

Green Lantern (2021) #12

Apr 13, 2022

So it took 12 issues to tell a story that the ending was predictable since issue 1? Horrible ending to a horrible series. -10

Green Lantern Corps (2025) #1  
Green Lantern: Blackstars #3

Feb 3, 2020

The art is well done, the story is "meh". Honestly why not just call this story issue # 13,14,15? So now we'll have a Season 2 Green Lantern #1 which takes away from the #1 issue that came out a year ago. The numbering is there for a reason and it isn't to boost sales with bogus #1 issues.

Harley Quinn (2021) #1

Apr 4, 2021

Horrible art and an uninteresting/uncreative story. A 1st issue should hook readers, this failed to do so. I guess DC shouldn't have fired the part of their staff that knew what they were worth.

Hulk (2021) #6  
I Am Batman (2021) #13  
I Am Not Starfire OGN

Aug 2, 2021

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Wow, just wow. This book bad, much like the main character there are no redeeming qualities for this book. If other reviewers give this book more than the lowest rating they have zero credibility. The fact that Tamaki is writing Detective Comics should scare the hell out of any Batman fan. DC books are going to get FAR worse before they get better.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #0

Mar 3, 2021

Meh. Nothing to write home about.

Infinite Frontier (2021) #1

Jun 26, 2021

Infinite Frontier (2021) #2

Jul 16, 2021

Jinny Hex Special (2020) #1

Jan 2, 2021

So they took a Jonah Hex story and subbed in a female descendent. Meh, art was ok but if you're going to tell an Jonah Hex story just use the character that people really want to read about. This book didn't cut it.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #3

Dec 10, 2022

This is complete crap, the 2nd story is even worse than the main story.

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #4

Jan 4, 2023

Juggernaut (2020) #1

Sep 26, 2020

For a 1st issue it could have made more of an impression...D-Cell was underwhelming to say the least. I'm a little concerned that the book doesn't think it's strong enough to sustain interest for a 2nd issue so they feel that having a cameo of another major character is really necessary. "Hey, kids we have the Hulk!" Great so where does it go from there? So over all weak start for a number 1 issue.

Jurassic League (2022) #1

May 13, 2022

Why? Why was this series given a green light? Who is the intended audience for this series? The story is a series of basic mini stories and the art is little more than undetailed doodles. -10

Jurassic League (2022) #2

Jun 23, 2022

Stupid concept, bad art, lame shoehorning of characters into the plot. It's like a car wreck, you know what it is but you slow down to look at it anyway.

Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes (2021) #1

Jan 16, 2022

SO I decided to check this title out, how bad could it be? The answer, really bad. The main problem with this issue is that unless you are already familiar with the the characters you really don't care about them or if they are wiped out of existence. There is no real story here and the characters are not developed enough to be the story. The 1st issue just doesn't do enough to hook the reader in to picking up the next issue or stick around for another five issues. Bendis doesn't help matters as his style is overly dialogue dependent, he needs to "Show not tell" in this case. Save your money kids.

Lazarus Planet (2023): Dark Fate #1  
Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #1

Mar 19, 2023

Ugh...Unreadable garbage.

Legends of the Dark Knight (2021) #15

Aug 3, 2021

Wow, complete leftest BS in this story. I hope children never read this as it condones stealing. 0/10

Leviathan Dawn #1

Feb 29, 2020

The book just drones on and on and on about...Nothing. It keeps telling the reader how important the organization of Leviathan is yet never demonstrates it. This whole concept and book just amounts to a big let down.

Lois Lane (2019) #8

Feb 9, 2020

Line your bird cage with this maxi series.

Lois Lane (2019) #9

Mar 4, 2020

If the goal was to make Lois Lane unlikable, then mission accomplished.Garbage Series!

Lois Lane Enemy of the People

Nov 28, 2020

Don't waste your money, it was bad in the original 12 issue maxi-series it's still bad as a TPB. Greg Rucka needs to be removed far away from any comic book writing capacity, he makes the character of Lois Lane simply unlikable in this series.

Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge OGN

Aug 17, 2020


Man-Bat (2021) #1

Feb 3, 2021

A solid story that thankfully takes place before Garbage Metal and JLD. The art is solid and the story is there. It falls apart at the end when they want to do a Suicide Squad tie in though...

Man-Bat (2021) #2

Mar 3, 2021

Not a bad stand alone series.

Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom (2021) #1  
My Adventures with Superman (2024) #1

Jun 5, 2024

Garbage. Story and art suck. End of Review

My Adventures with Superman (2024) #2

Oct 5, 2024

My Adventures with Superman (2024) #3

Oct 5, 2024

My Adventures with Superman (2024) #4

Oct 5, 2024

My Adventures with Superman (2024) #5

Oct 5, 2024

My Adventures with Superman (2024) #6

Dec 15, 2024

Naomi: Season Two #1

Mar 13, 2022

Naomi: Season Two #3

May 13, 2022

LOL WHO is enjoying this book? -10

Nightwing (2016) #89

Feb 21, 2022

Nightwing (2016) #105

Jun 23, 2023

Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #1

Mar 11, 2021

The art in this book sucked. Save your money kids.

Outsiders (2023) #1  
Power Girl (2023) #3

Apr 25, 2024

Power Girl (2023) #4

Apr 25, 2024

Power Girl (2023) #5

Apr 25, 2024

Power Girl (2023) #6

Apr 25, 2024

Power Girl (2023) #7

Apr 25, 2024

Power Girl (2023) #8

Apr 25, 2024

Predator (2022) #1

Sep 17, 2022

Predator (2022) #2

Sep 17, 2022

Predator (2022) #3

Oct 23, 2022

Enjoyable but a little more action would have been good for this issue.

Punisher (2022) #1

Mar 13, 2022

Punisher (2022) #2

Apr 30, 2022

I don't know what this is...It's just weird. Frank Castle being subjected to some demon "God". Being given "powers"?! P*ss off! The Punisher doesn't have powers which was his appeal. Two issues in and I'm already considering dropping the series.

Punisher (2023) #1

Nov 9, 2023

Jeez, and I thought the last series was bad...This, well this just sucked.

Punisher (2023) #2

Jan 28, 2024

Drivel. Make the Punisher Great Again!

Punisher (2023) #3

Jan 28, 2024

I don't know what this is but this isn't the Punisher. There is nothing to make the reader care about this character. Lame rip off. Give your readers what they want. Frank Castle without supernatural powers. Dark, Gritty, more realistic story telling. We all know why Marvel is going in this direction and it's sad. You're welcome Marvel I just solved your Punisher PR problem.

Punisher War Journal (2022): Brother #1  
Punisher: Soviet #6

Apr 18, 2020

A damn near perfect comic book.

Robin (2021) #1

Apr 30, 2021

I didn't hate it.

Robin (2021) #2

May 25, 2021

I wanted to like this series, I really did. Yet, 2 issues in and they have derailed the whole concept. Save your money.

Robins (2021) #6  
RWBY: Justice League #1

Mar 31, 2021

RWBY: Justice League #2

Mar 31, 2021

Sabretooth (2022) #1

Mar 13, 2022

Sabretooth (2022) #2

Mar 13, 2022

Fun and interesting book.

Second Coming #1

Jan 18, 2020

Second Coming: Only Begotten Son #1

Dec 13, 2020

Mark Russell is a horrible comic book writer, no wonder DC refused to publish this crap.

Second Coming: Trinity #1

Apr 7, 2023


Second Coming #2

Jan 18, 2020

Second Coming #3

Jan 18, 2020

Second Coming #4

Jan 18, 2020

Second Coming #5

Jan 18, 2020

Second Coming #6

Jan 18, 2020

Spider-Boy (2023) #1

Nov 4, 2023

That's not Spider-Boy. See 1996...

Star Trek (2022) #1

Oct 27, 2022

A damn near perfect book.

Star Trek (2022) #3

Jan 15, 2023

This issue was a filler issue. Has Q but then does nothing with him and focuses on a Vulcan supporting character who is so uninteresting I don't remember his name and don't want to go back to look it up.

Star Trek (2022) #5

Mar 18, 2023

Wow, Amazing book with a great story so far. Why are stories like this not making to into the televsion or movies? Nevermind I know why, but this book is what Star Trek should be. Just an amazing series so far.

Star Trek (2022) #7

May 22, 2023

Over all a great book, a few concepts that should have been left out as I don't know who they are trying to appeal to but other than that not bad.

Star Trek (2022) #8

May 22, 2023

Nice twist and turn story. This should be the story told on televison not the crapfest they have been pumping out to get access to SRMF money.

Star Trek (2022) #10

Aug 8, 2023

This entire series and story line is hitting it right out of the ball park. THIS is Star Trek.

Star Trek (2022) #11

Sep 28, 2023

Star Trek (2022) #12

Sep 27, 2023

Star Trek One-Shots (2022) #400

Sep 25, 2022

A nice sampler book. The art is weak in places but over all an enjoyable read.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Dog of War #1  
Star Trek: Defiant (2023) #1

Mar 19, 2023

THIS is Star Trek. 10/10 PERFECT BOOK!

Star Trek: Defiant (2023) #2

May 27, 2023

Star Trek: Defiant (2023) #3

May 27, 2023

Star Trek: Defiant (2023) #4

Jun 13, 2023

Star Trek: Defiant (2023) #5

Feb 18, 2024

Star Trek: Defiant (2023) #6

Feb 18, 2024

Star Trek: Defiant (2023) #7

Feb 18, 2024

Star Trek: Defiant (2023) #8

Feb 18, 2024

Star Trek: Defiant (2023) #9

Nov 20, 2023


Star Trek: Defiant (2023) #10

Feb 18, 2024

Nothing better then taking established lore and referencing it in a new story. This series is one of the best series currently avilable. This is actually Star Trek. Give the fans what they want instead of telling them what they want. What a concept! Keep it up. 10/10

Star Trek: Defiant (2023) #11

Feb 18, 2024

Fun book to read. :)

Star Trek: Defiant (2023) #23

Feb 8, 2025

As if you needed another reason to hate the character of Alexander Rodchenko. His "Errand of Valor" is little more than an anti-capitalist fan fiction. Usally this book is one that I enjoy, this issue made me want to throw up. Yes, Star Trek has been progressive but it has been done in context of the story and in subtle details of the story. This just craps it out on the page and calls it Art. I don't know if this was an attempt and pandering but it missed the mark big time. Do better Mr. Cantwell.

Star Trek: Lower Decks (2022) #1

Sep 25, 2022

The show sucks, the comic is even worse. This is an embarrassment to actual Star Trek books.

Star Trek: Lower Decks (2022) #2

Oct 15, 2022

Garbage. 0/10

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022): The Illyrian Enigma #1

Dec 24, 2022

For a 1st issue I'm underwhelmed. Story that is uninteresting and characters who are just thrown together. I had hoped the comic would be better than the show but it's more garbage. Star Trek is pretty much dead except for a few bright spots here or there.

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #1

Feb 9, 2020

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #8

Dec 19, 2020

Well worth the money.

Star Wars: Darth Vader - Black, White & Red (2023) #1

Apr 29, 2023

1st and 3rd story were good, the 2nd was a filler story that is pretty much a picture book.

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #1

Feb 3, 2021

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #2

Feb 3, 2021

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #3

Mar 3, 2021

Suicide Squad: King Shark #4

Sep 29, 2021

SLOW pacing of the story. 16 pages and nothing much happens each issue.

Super Sons (2017): Superman & Robin Special #1

Jan 28, 2022

There is no story in this issue. Jon and Damian get called to the Fortress of Solitude to help an alien creature back to it's dimension and they literally punch Nazi's...The dynamic of aged up Jon and young Damian just doesn't work. Save your money kids, unless you like being served up a big helping of "Cringe"

Superboy: The Man Of Tomorrow (2023) #1

May 21, 2023

Good to see the real Superboy back.

Superboy: The Man Of Tomorrow (2023) #2

May 21, 2023

Enjoyable for what it is. Conner should without a doubt have his own on going series back but DC Comics as a company is clueless for the most part.

Superboy: The Man Of Tomorrow (2023) #3

Jun 20, 2023

The story is enjoyable, but few not so subtle jabs at readers seeking to reclaim what the original series was. Yes, fans enjoyed Superboy and yes they want a series where Conner Kent is back as the main focus. The hardest part of this series is buy in because it's a limited series. If they restored the time line for Conner Kent and made it on going they might actually have a book that sells.

Superman '78 (2021): The Metal Curtain #1

Nov 17, 2023

It's a rehash of Red Son basically with Metallo. The art is basically rough sketches that wears thin after about the 4th page. For a Superman title they need to do better. Art should have detail and be something that takes talent to produce. If they want sales they are going to have to put in the effort.

Superman '78 (2021) #6

Jan 29, 2022


Superman (2018) #16

Oct 13, 2019

If I could give this issue a lower score I would. The art is horrendous and the story is incredibly weak. It's a shame because up until 2 issues ago the Superman title was at least readable. -Side note: Has anyone else noticed the glaring discrepancy between "Critic Reviews" and User Reviews? the critics are averaging 8.3 while actual user reviews give the book an average of 3.0 Someone is clearly not being honest here and I doubt it's the user reviewers...Also just giving a numerical score to a book without any explanation isn't an actual review.

Superman (2018) #18

Feb 9, 2020

Art is good, the writing style is crap, the character of Lois is written to be simply unlikable. Really no reason for these events to happen. None, so just a silly story all around. SJW Bendis is just going to crap all over your favorite character because that's just what he does.

Superman (2018) #19

Feb 9, 2020

The art is good, but dialogue and story drag this issue through the sewer. Is Bendis trying to write the character of Lois Lane as unlikable? I don't know what else to say besides that this isn't Superman.

Superman (2018) #20

Mar 22, 2020

The art on this book is fantastic but the writing is very very bad. It gets bogged down with dialogue that is unnecessary and supporting characters are focused on too much. Lois Lane has one job and one job only. She falls off the building and Superman saves her...How hard of a dynamic is that to work with in the books? Bendis seems to think that she should have a staring role in this series, she shouldn't people who want to read about Lois Lane can do that in her own Maxi-series. So less on the supporting cast such as Lois or Lana Lang and focus more on Superman himself.

Superman (2018) #21

Mar 22, 2020

Bendis is going to Bendis. They need to put him out to pasture...Art is great but SO many elements of the story are not needed.

Superman (2018) #22

Oct 23, 2020

Superman (2018) #23

Oct 23, 2020

Superman (2018) #24

Sep 14, 2020

So an entire book for a fight that simplistically resolved, Wonder Twins shoehorned in there because they are characters that are not "over" with readers on their own, and a ridiculous amount of speech bubbles that over shadow the artwork. Poorly paced story that results in an really bad comic book. December can't come fast enough, hopefully whoever takes over the book has an idea of what works.

Superman (2018) #25

Sep 16, 2020

Meh. Seems to little too late to be starting a story when we know Bendis is going to be leaving in December. Anyone know what happened to Rogal Zaar? Wasn't he to be a big time villain in the Superman universe? Guess not, so we get Synmar? I guess he's supposed to be interesting although Bendis kills that really quick with dialogue bubbles everywhere so you have to spend a few seconds each page figuring out who is speaking. Then you have the return of Lana Lang remembering when they gave her super powers? Anyone enjoy that story? Nope, I didn't think so but Bendis is going to Bendis and reintroduce a powerful female character that no one really cared about. If they really wanted to improve this book they would make it about Superman and leave the supporting characters as just that supporting to enhance the story that is about him. I know it's his book, it would be crazy to think they should allow him to be in the book the majority of the time.

Superman (2018) #26

Oct 23, 2020

Nothing like wasting 23 pages to accomplish what could be done on 2 page spread panel. Then we couldn't have Superman recap the past 2 years of uninteresting story lines then continue on to emasculate himself for 4 pages telling Lois how important she is to him...Blah blah blah. I'm unsure when did Bendis confuse the character of Superman with Jerry from Rick and Morty? I only gave this book a 1.5 because of the artwork. It's a shame it is weighed down by such a lame story arc. Bendis won't be missed when he's gone. Give the Superman books back to Dan Jurgens.

Superman (2018) #28

Dec 20, 2020

UHHHHG...If I could give this issue a negative rating I would. Thankfully the God awful Bendis reign of terror is over. I actually wrote out an in depth review of this book and deleted it because it didn't deserve the effort of a full review. I will say this though Bendis never understood what Superman in 2020 should be and portrayed Lois Lane well beyond the scope of what the character needed to be. I can only hope that Phillip Kennedy Johnson has the good sense to leave his personal politics out of the stories that he writes when he takes over the book in March 2021.

Superman (2018) #29

Mar 20, 2021

This is an issue that seems to trip over it's own feet. The main story is horrible and I guess handing in rough sketch drawings is now an acceptable practice for comic books. Honestly, how about Phil Hester goes back to the 1990's to see how Superman should be drawn? Or better let they could look at Sami Basri's art because he at least has detail in his drawings. The secondary story outshines the main story in both interesting ideas and art work.

Superman (2018) #30

Apr 13, 2021

Secondary story is more solid than the main story. For the love of God will they please kill of Jon or erase him from existence or some thing as he's easily the worst character in the DC titles. So over all not a bad issue but the series has a way to go yet.

Superman (2018) #32

Jun 26, 2021

You know what would be better than ending a series that was just finding it's legs after 32 issues? NOT CANCELLING the book in the 1st place. No one wants to read about Jon, NO ONE. So I hope DC enjoys the sales pop of issue #1 only to be followed by a quick drop by issue #3. Now, we all know they will bring back the original Superman however by that time the series run has already been broken. F'n brutal to read comics right now.

Superman (2018): Heroes #1

Feb 16, 2020

Brian Bendis needs to be taken off the Superman titles immediately as he just doesn't understand the characters within the series. He writes them in such a way that they are unlikable. To start with Pa Kent, he has him swear in front of his teenage son which is out of character that originally had mid western christian values that would result in Superman's ultra optimistic and moralistic view if the world. The book then goes on to make Lois Lane so unlikable you're wondering why Superman or anyone would put up with her smugness. The book then takes a look at Superman himself as a student in an attempt to make him relatable I suppose but this take is completely off base with the established character. It was almost as if I was reading the words of Miles Gonzalo Morales in the body of a teenage Superman. You remember him? He was the character that Bendis created that no one paid money to read about. So in short this is a failure of a book, save your money.

Superman (2018): Villains #1

Mar 7, 2020

The fact that it took four adults to write this is sad. It's disjointed and not very good. The art is laughably bad at points as well.

Superman (2023) #7

Oct 27, 2023

Meh...A lot of Characters that I just don't care about. Kill off the entire Super Family with the exception of Conner Kent and that would be a start. Also, Lena Luthor 1st appeared in 1998 which would make her 25 years old not a teenager, but she had tubes stuck into her by Brianiac so maybe that affected her age. Nothing like writer plot armor. Any this issue was ok, the secondary GL story wasn't needed.

Superman (2023) #11

Mar 10, 2024

Meh, all the build up for this? The story had promise but then falls apart. I don't know they could have shoehorned some more "strong" female characters into the story...6 just seems not forced enough for me. Not only this, in case readers don't get the hint they write just how much better they are than the male characters in the actual dialouge of the book. If you ignore all the social messaging, there is a story in there somewhere if you look hard enough. Overall this issue is where this series hit the wall and broke apart.

Superman (2023) #19

Dec 27, 2024

In Superman #19, we are presented with yet another chapter in the gradual unraveling of Superman’s core identity—this time, through a narrative structure that seems more interested in diminishing the Man of Steel than celebrating his unique heroism. While the synopsis promises an "exciting new story arc," what we receive instead is a thinly veiled attempt to marginalize Superman in his own series, elevating Superwoman as a centerpiece in what can only be described as an ideological re-engineering of the mythos. Let’s start with the premise: Superman faces the return of Doomsday, the monstrous force that once represented the ultimate challenge to his might and moral resolve. And yet, this existential confrontation—an opportunity to remind us why Superman is the paragon of heroism—takes a backseat to Lois Lane’s sudden acquisition of powers. The narrative choice here is striking, not because Lois wields powers (a trope we've seen before), but because the story appears desperate to redirect the audience's admiration from Superman to Superwoman. Consider the implications: Superman, the archetypal symbol of masculine virtue—strength, responsibility, and self-sacrifice—stands diminished as his role is reframed in secondary terms. Lois, imbued with temporary superpowers, is thrust into the foreground, leaving Superman as little more than a passive observer in his own title. This is not a story about partnership or balance; it is a story that seeks to eclipse the hero whose name graces the cover. The introduction of the Time Trapper as a lurking antagonist offers little to mitigate these concerns. Instead of grounding the story in the timeless moral struggles that make Superman compelling, the narrative meanders through convoluted time-travel elements and half-baked power dynamics. The result is a confused and unsatisfying arc that feels less like a celebration of Superman's legacy and more like a deliberate deconstruction. It’s worth noting that this isn’t merely a question of storytelling preference but a reflection of broader cultural currents. Superman’s greatest strength has always been his clarity of purpose—his ability to serve as an aspirational figure who shoulders immense responsibility with humility. To dilute that by reducing him to a supporting character is not just a disservice to the character but to the audience who seeks inspiration from him. Superman does not need to be overshadowed, emasculated, or sidelined to accommodate other characters. He thrives as a hero precisely because he embodies universal values that transcend fleeting cultural trends. Yet, this issue seems intent on subsuming those values into a framework that prioritizes subversion over substance. In conclusion, Superman #19 is a frustratingly misguided installment that fails to understand—or worse, actively undermines—what makes Superman resonate across generations. Instead of offering a narrative worthy of the Last Son of Krypton, it delivers a shallow spectacle of misplaced priorities. Superman deserves better, and so do his readers.

Superman (2023) #20

Dec 27, 2024

Superman #20 is the kind of issue that feels like it's going through the motions without offering anything truly memorable. The story has all the trappings of a high-stakes showdown—a philosophical tête-à-tête with Doomsday, globe-spanning battles, and ominous foreshadowing—but it’s all executed with a distinct lack of emotional weight or creative flair. Let’s start with the highlight: Time-Trapper Doomsday. The concept is intriguing—Doomsday as a self-aware force of evolution, grappling with his own limitations and confronting Superman with existential questions about purpose and morality. Unfortunately, this promising setup never quite lands. The dialogue feels perfunctory, skimming the surface of deeper themes without exploring them. Doomsday’s plea to be killed and reborn as a god should be a moment of chilling gravitas, but instead, it comes across as little more than a plot device to kickstart the fight. The battle itself, while visually dynamic, lacks stakes. Superman laps the globe for an "earth-shattering punch," which sounds cooler than it feels in execution. Meanwhile, Lois (as Superwoman) fights hellhounds, Luthor and Steel play support roles, and Parasite shows up just to be gruesomely dispatched. It’s action-heavy, but none of it feels earned or impactful. Parasite’s death, in particular, is gratuitous—shocking for shock’s sake, with no lasting emotional or narrative consequence. The issue’s quieter moments fare no better. The scene at Lois’s apartment, where Clark tends to her bruises, could have been an opportunity to deepen their relationship in the wake of shared trauma. Instead, it feels rushed and awkwardly sandwiched between plot threads. Jimmy Olsen’s revelation that Supercorp is hiding Superwoman’s identity adds some intrigue, but it’s quickly brushed aside for Clark’s vague warning about future horrors. And then there’s the final tease—a masked figure atop a golden tower in Calaton. It’s clear the creative team is trying to build suspense for the next arc, but this cliffhanger feels disconnected from the rest of the issue. Rather than leaving the reader eager for more, it feels like yet another dangling plot thread in an already overstuffed narrative. The issue’s core problem is that it tries to do too much without excelling at anything. The themes of evolution, morality, and sacrifice are muddled in the shuffle, while the action sequences—though visually engaging—fail to deliver any real tension or stakes. Superman and Superwoman’s dynamic continues to feel imbalanced, with Lois’s role as Superwoman coming across as more of a narrative gimmick than a meaningful addition to the story. Superman #20 isn’t bad, per se. It’s competently written and illustrated, with flashes of potential in its ideas. But it’s also unremarkable—a forgettable entry in a series that seems to be spinning its wheels. For a title that promises to “shape the future of Superman,” this issue feels oddly directionless. Verdict: Meh. Read it if you’re a completionist, but don’t expect to be wowed

Superman (2023) #21

Dec 27, 2024

Superman #21 continues the baffling trend of sidelining Superman in favor of propping up Lois Lane as a superhero—a narrative choice that not only feels forced but actively undermines the timeless dynamic that has made this duo iconic for decades. The issue is yet another example of modern storytelling prioritizing novelty over the essence of what makes Superman’s world so compelling: his unwavering strength, his compassion, and, yes, his role as the savior and protector of those he loves. The synopsis teases an “epic date night” between Clark and Lois—a much-needed moment of respite after the chaos of Doomsday’s attack. But instead of giving us a meaningful exploration of their relationship, the story shoehorns Lois into the action as Superwoman yet again. This misguided attempt to transform her from the intrepid reporter who challenges Clark with her wit and courage into a superpowered peer feels unnecessary at best and distracting at worst. The magic of Superman and Lois Lane has always been their complementarity. Lois, grounds Superman, reminding him of the humanity he fights to protect. Meanwhile, Superman inspires Lois to see beyond the limits of human frailty. By turning Lois into a second-rate superhero, the story erases that dynamic and reduces her to a participant in generic action scenes. Instead of being the woman who challenges Superman emotionally and intellectually, Lois becomes a character who needs to throw punches to be “relevant.” The alien invasion—a massive armada seeking revenge on Superman—should be a grand, dramatic affair. But the focus remains scattered, bouncing between Clark, Lois, and the alien threat without giving any one element the attention it deserves. The result is a narrative that feels disjointed, with Superman’s heroism diluted by Lois’s unnecessary attempts to share the spotlight. And let’s talk about this "secret" Clark has been keeping about the future. If the creative team was looking to inject some drama into their relationship, they could have explored themes of trust, vulnerability, or the burden of being Superman. Instead, it’s treated as another chance to keep Lois in the thick of things, a move that feels more like a gimmick than a meaningful plot development. Verdict: If you’re looking for classic Superman storytelling with heart, gravitas, and compelling character dynamics, Superman #21 isn’t it. This issue seems more interested in checking boxes than honoring the legacy of the Man of Steel. Let Superman be Superman—and let Lois be the Lois.

Superman (2023) #22

Feb 1, 2025

Superman has long stood as the ultimate symbol of strength, virtue, and the responsibility that comes with great power. But in Superman #22, none of that seems to matter. Instead of a compelling story that respects its characters and mythology, we are subjected to a cringeworthy exercise in ideological pandering, where the actual Superman is sidelined to make way for Lois Lane—now rewritten as an insufferable feminist propaganda tool. Worse yet, in an absurd and completely unearned twist, Lois is inexplicably given the same powers as Superman, further diminishing any remaining sense of stakes or meaning. It is difficult to overstate just how grating and poorly written Lois Lane is in this issue. Gone is the sharp, tenacious journalist who earned her place in Superman’s world through intelligence and determination. In her place, we have a smug, self-righteous, and utterly flawless figure who exists solely to be admired, praised, and elevated above all others. The most baffling moment in this issue is when the villain calls her a “Queen.” This is already absurd enough, but then Superman—Superman—repeats it as though it is some sort of divine truth. It is as if the comic is demanding the audience acknowledge Lois as the true central figure of this universe, no matter how undeserving she may be. And now, as if forcing every character to grovel before her wasn’t enough, the writers have decided to give her Superman’s powers. Yes, Lois Lane, without the background, the training, or the decades of self-sacrificing heroism that define Clark Kent, is simply handed godlike abilities. This is not earned. This is not compelling. This is nothing more than ideological wish-fulfillment, designed to push an agenda rather than tell a good story. Just when you think this issue couldn’t get any lazier, the writers drag out Doomsday—once a legendary villain, now nothing more than a cheap tool used whenever a story lacks substance. There was a time when Doomsday’s presence meant something. He was the ultimate test of Superman’s strength, a force of destruction that required the hero to make the ultimate sacrifice. But now? He’s just there, serving no real purpose beyond adding superficial stakes to an already pointless story. His inclusion does not build tension, nor does it advance the plot in any meaningful way. It is yet another symptom of a book that has no real ideas and is simply pulling from the most predictable bag of tricks.

Superman (2023) Annual: 2023

Aug 26, 2023

Hey kids! Do you like Superman? Do you like stories that feature him as the main character and focus of the book? Well guess what? This book only has Superman in it for a grand total of 5 pages. That's right, it's a total bait and switch. So enjoy reading a Superman Annual that has Lois Lane as the main character and focuses on secondary and some third rate supporting cast!An annual book should be your end of the year wrap up story. If it was televsion it would be your season finale. This book isn't even fun to read, just a pointless garbage book.

Superman (2023): House of Brainiac Special #1  
Superman and the Authority (2021) #1

Sep 2, 2021

Story and art are crap. What a waste.

Superman and the Authority (2021) #2

Sep 2, 2021

Complete crap. Attempts to be clever fail badly.

Superman and the Authority (2021) #3

Sep 25, 2021

Dog S%#t!

Superman and the Authority (2021) #4

Oct 17, 2021

Complete crap! Thank God it's over!

Superman Smashes The Klan #1

Oct 28, 2019

Meh, Solid story, the art left much to be desired.

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) #9

Apr 30, 2020

The promotion of leftist ideology in this issue makes it cringe worthy. Way to ruin a series.

Superman: Kal-El Returns Special (2022) #1

Dec 4, 2022

Can no one draw Superman anymore? Honestly, the level of art hits the rage of 1st grader to mildly talented in this book. There is no story in this book and it's completely unnecessary in terms of story or being part of a collection. DC get your house in order and start firing these hacks.

Superman: Lost (2023) #1

Mar 18, 2023

Decent 1st issue. Art was good, story was interesting. No lecturing or pandering. Over all an enjoyable read.

Superman: Lost (2023) #4

Jun 20, 2023

A filler issue where nothing really happens until the last page.

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #2

Apr 30, 2020

The art in this book is very well done, what drags this book down is some elements in the story. They make the character of Lois unlikable by having her proudly use sleazy reporter tactics during questioning of a Councilmen. She also makes a smug remark about wanting a photo of him crying when he was arrested. Make no mistake if this is Lois Lane, she is in fact a horrible person. There is also the aspect of Superman returning money to people who had lost their money due to gambling. Even if they bet the money illegally that's not how the law actually works so the writer have technically had Superman commit theft and Evidence tampering. Any good defense attorney would have the case against The Gambler and the councilmen thrown out. Just because something may be viewed as morally correct it doesn't mean it would be legally correct. So good job Mr. Venditti you turned Superman into brainless Goon.

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #20

Nov 28, 2020

The Art in this book isn't bad but the story sinks the entire book to being little more than a pointless lecture about the power of printing misinformation on line. On top of this Byne reduces Superman to little more than a supporting character in his own book merely providing the muscle to the efforts of Lois Lane who can solve anything apparently while being a complete jerk towards Bibbo at the same time. Save your money, this is a Superman book in name only.

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #1

Mar 20, 2021

Book added and then book dropped after this issue. This book sucked, the premise sounded solid but quickly eroded..Save your money kids.

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #2

Apr 24, 2021

Own- Yeah because my mom is going to read this comic. Did the author write it for her LAME! 0/10 Into the Ghost Zone - It just sucked 0/10 Patience - Meh 1/10 My Best Friend Superman - Might be interesting if you're actually a small child reading this book but with the cover price I doubt it. A lame a tired cliché of a story 0/10 S is for Cyborg - I don't know which was worse the art or the story in this one. 0/10 Where did they find these people to work on this book? This was bad, just remarkably bad. Save your money kids and hope that AT&T sells DC soon.

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #3

May 24, 2021

This comic book isn't pretty. It's a hard slog to finish all 45 pages of it as there isn't a single good story within it. FIVE writers and not one of them can come up with a fun or interesting story to tell about Superman. Well to be fair "A Man Most Saved" could have been good had they not ripped the story of Bibbo Bibbowski and given it to a new character named Charley Miles. So nice try but plagiarism shouldn't be rewarded. As for the art, it was pretty bad. Honestly is no one at DC checking what the hell goes out the door any more? They can't be, there is no way because this entire series has been garbage. Save your money kids and don't believe the other "critics" because they seem to be clueless shills.

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #4

Jun 21, 2021

Meh the only decent story was "For the Man Who Has Nothing" The rest were crap. Save your money.

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #5

Aug 2, 2021

I have hated the previous books in this series, however this issue got it right. I enjoyed every story and do you know why? It kept politics or SJW issues out of the book. Well done, a gem book in a era of garbage comics.

Superman: Red & Blue (2021) #6

Sep 25, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #1

Aug 1, 2021

Headed to a $1 near you soon. Tom Taylor is a horrible writer.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #2

Sep 13, 2021

Ugh, just when you think the series can't be any worse, it finds a way. Where do they find these out of touch with reality writers?

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #5

Nov 21, 2021

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #6

Feb 21, 2022

This book just sucked from beginning to end. The plot of convince to have a meeting of Robin, Jay, and Lois was just unbelievably bad writing and was completely forced. Also, nothing really of value happens in this story it's filler setting up for the next story which looks generic and uninspired. Save your money kids.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #7

Jan 22, 2022

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #8

Feb 12, 2022

Another installment of Tom Taylor superimposing his own warped world views and beliefs onto Jon and claiming that this is how the son of Superman would react to things. I don't think he would cry this much or this easily, but that's just a thought. Much like every issue there is no real danger or story presented that Jon can't handle. For being 1/2 human he does seem to be a little over powered. Anyway, hopefully this series will be canceled as despite what DC claims the sales are WAY down.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #9

Mar 13, 2022

Sales not in the top 50! Taylor can lie all he wants but eventually the truth always comes out. -10 rating.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #10

Apr 13, 2022

It looks like the book has run out of what little steam it had as a series by issue #10...This series isn't progressing or going anywhere interesting it seems. The art is also laughably bad.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #11

May 11, 2022

Did this series crack the top 50 last month? Nope, so that makes what the 5th month in a row this series is falling flat? This series needs to be mothballed and the real Superman needs to have multiple series running again. 4 books, 1 issue a week.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #12

Jun 23, 2022

There is a lot in this issue that just doesn't make sense. They write Lex Luthor as if he wasn't a super genius. They are able to listen in using a bug that goes unnoticed, he calls Bendix within 5 minutes of Dick Grayson leaving?! He's Lex Luthor not some dumb teenage street hood. Talk about writing a plot of convivence. Also, why would Jon need a bug when he has super hearing? The only interesting character in this issue was Krypto and his use was just a cheap attempt to appease long time Superman fans as they shovel the newer characters down your throat. This entire issue was a filler issue that doesn't do much. They need to kill off Jon and have Superman come back to the books. Save your money kids.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #13

Jul 18, 2022

Nothing like edge lord writing with a bunch of fake deaths in a dream to bog down a story. So far Bendix is the most likeable character in the series. Jon just can't carry a series as a solo character, that's all there is to it really. Save your money kids.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #14

Aug 11, 2022

I don't know which is worse the art work or the horrible story. "The Revolutionaries" on page 6 made me break out into laughter they are that bad of a concept team. Just Taylor just throwing whatever he can out there hoping something sticks so he can collect a creator credit I guess. The plot points of convivence are what really gets me though, Lois Lane just acts out of character and reports on this social media outlet "The Truth" instead of the Daily Planet because...Reasons? Also, the workers just shutting down the "Storm Shield" because Jay asks them to? Yeah they live in a horrible place ruled with an iron fist apparently but they just causally endanger themselves and their families on a whim because a stranger shows up in a costume and asks them to...Sure. Then there is the ending of the book where Jay finds his mother is now some superpowered monster...Didn't see that twist coming a mile away, it just isn't that much of a cliffhanger ending. This book is good for a laugh at just how bad it actually is.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #15

Sep 17, 2022

There are a lot of problems with this issue and the writing of the story arc as a whole. 1st they have an entire cast of supporting characters that have been very thinly developed and the reader is just expected to care about them because the writer flat out tells the audience just how great and important they are. I can't name one character that I can be compelled to care about. Jay, his mother, Bendix, the group of whatever superhuman team they have pulled out of thin air. The worst part about this story is the plot convince points. The main problem in this issue is the transporting into the secret base just happens to be Winks superpower. If you think about it Superboy (Jon as he will never be Superman) really didn't have to do anything of significance in order to save the day. He didn't have to problem solve, he didn't have a moral/ethical dilemma, didn't have to make a hard choice of sacrifice at any point in this story arc. He is just sort of there, he isn't allowed to be the hero in his own book. Lex Luthor does more to resolve the story than he does in this issue. Over all this entire series is just very weak and uninteresting story telling.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #16

Oct 14, 2022

The art on this issue was bad as usual. They really need to learn how to draw faces. Turn to pages 7-8 to view the faces of Lois and Jon, their faces seem to be some sort of elongated elf face type. Then there is the horrible writing where they make Lex Luthor more likeable and a better citizen than Jon. Taylor points out that Jon has no respect for the law such as trespassing and or break and entering. Which just goes to show that he has no concept about the actual ideals or character archetype of Superman.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #17

Nov 14, 2022

Another horrible issue. Bad art, no story as usual.

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #18

Dec 13, 2022

Canceled after 18 issues. That's a shame...Yeah yeah it's getting a 6 issue mini series but that is still being canceled.

Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 3: Battle For Gamorra

May 25, 2024

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) Annual: 2021

Dec 7, 2021

Hopefully there won't be an Annual #2 next year. Save your money kids!

Superman: Space Age (2022) #1

Aug 6, 2022

Why do they keep giving Russell work. This wasn't as bad as his previous stories but 90 pages is a lot of his writing style and messaging is tedious.

Superman: Space Age (2022) #3

Feb 26, 2023

Wow, to be honest I lost interest at page 18. This story just went on and on and on...83 pages. It felt like I was being told a story by toddler. This entire series was all over the place and nothing it was telling was insightful, interesting, or entertaining. There is no way this story was laid out in advance, it seems as if it was written either very quickly or on the fly. As for the art it wasn't bad however I don't get why Superman is wearing some sort of red shorts instead of the briefs, but that's about it the rest of the art is par for the course.

Superman: The Harvests of Youth (2023) OGN

Oct 6, 2023

A total dumpstar fire of a book. -1 from art to story this book is a loser.

Superman: Up In the Sky #6

Dec 7, 2019

Ten. This book redeems the series as it gets the character of Superman. I don't give a book a perfect score lightly. Everything in this issue is on point from the story to the art work. I really enjoyed this issue as it was the perfect ending to the mini-series.

Superwoman Special (2024) #1

Dec 14, 2024


Sword of Azrael (2022) #1

Aug 6, 2022

A flat start to a promising premise of a series, as soon as Vengeance (female Bane) showed up the book nose dived hard. If you want Azrael, you're going to have to go back to the original series because whatever this is, ain't it.

Sword of Azrael (2022) #2

Sep 8, 2022

Wow, I don't know what is worse the convoluted story or the horrible art work. Have a look at page 2, Azrael doesn't even have hands or feet. It's a rough sketch and that is being generous. This series isn't Azrael, it's another case of taking an established character and using their popularity to superimpose your story/characters into the mainstream books. Shame on Walters and Cizmesija for what they are doing to Azrael in this series.

Sword of Azrael (2022) #3

Oct 9, 2022

I actually give this issue a zero out of ten. The art continues to be really really bad. The images are little more then doodles with lack of detail or any sort of drawing that requires any real effort or talent. The colours that are used remind me the late 1990's fashion where neon was popular, at least the poor choice for colours matches the horrible artwork. Then there is the lackluster writing. This is the third issue of a six issue mini series. We should be at the most exciting part of the story and it feels like this is something that should have been established in issue 2. Watters is dragging his feet in terms of pacing and his plot development is obvious. I also didn't like that they had Azrael lose so easily to "Satan" (Nice name for an antagonist...) It's obvious that they are going to have the strong female character Sariel save the day. Blah blah blah...Tired and weak writing. Honestly they would have been better to leave Jean Paul dead at the end of issue 100 because this entire series is just a prime example of what happens when you give a character to a writer who doesn't know or even respect the established characters/story parameters.

Sword of Azrael (2022) #4

Nov 4, 2022

This series isn't very good. The art isn't good and the story isn't very interesting. The writer takes on the origin of Azrael and the order of Saint Dumas in a direction that was never intended. I've said it before and I will say it again this isn't Azrael this is some spin off alternative take that should be forgotten similar to the way Highlander II was never included to be actual cannon.

Sword of Azrael (2022) #5

Dec 26, 2022

Complete, garbage. This is an insult to Azrael fans and to Denny O'Neil to have his creation handled so poorly. There is nothing in this series that made the original fun, interesting, or entertaining. Do you know what would have been better than this 6 issue miniseries? ANYTHING! This series is easily one of the worst written and drawn in 2022.

Sword of Azrael (2022) #6

Jan 7, 2023

That's it? That's the ending? Talk about a big nothing. This entire series was one big pile of garbage that did nothing more than waste 6 months. This was hardly a story. It tried to be deep but only managed to muddle through a 1/2 baked concept to tell the origins of the Order of Saint Dumas in the most absurd explanation possible. This series is a disgrace that shouldn't be considered cannon for the character of Azrael. To call this series bad would be overly kind to this series. The art, the story, the pacing of the story, there is nothing good about this series. Do yourself a favour and buy the back issues of Azrael Vol 1 issues 1-100. The very worst story in that series is light years ahead of this series.

Sword of Azrael (2022): Dark Knight of the Soul #1  
Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Batman: Knightfall #1

Oct 18, 2019

Wow, just wow. It takes a special kind of screw up to be given all the toys in the toy box to play with and produce such a nonsensical steaming pile of monkey crap story. This had a lot of potential and I was looking forward this book, yet I was sadly disappointed with the actual final product. Snyder and Higgins take a fan favorite character like Jean Paul Valley and reduce him to a one dimensional character without any depth, development, real motivations, or realistic growth that should have been included in this thought exploration of an "Elseworlds" book. If this is the best that two "professional" writers could come up with that's just sad. They had 49 pages to tell their story and there just wasn't much there. How hard would it have been to have someone who understands the character to work on the book. Snyder and Higgins owe the fans, Joe Quesada, Grant Morrison,and Dennis O'Neil an apology for dropping the ball on this one.

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: The Death of Superman #1

Nov 1, 2019

Not as bad as Knightfall but not much better either. Again, a case of having so much potential to tell a story for an easy rewrite and completely botching the job on almost every level. The book reads almost like a flip book with very little character development other than to illustrate why Lois Lane has become almost completely unlikable not only in the current books but this one as well. By making Lois the central character of the story 99.99% of the interest is sucked out of the book. The story was over on the 11th page. I know why the decision was made to make Lois a central character by the "powers that be" at DC but make no mistake the needless pandering hurt the over all story not to mention created plot holes in the story you could drive a Mack Truck through. The story that would have saved the book is if the focus had been on the 4 Superman arc and the ramifications of the 5th and true Superman not returning. The artwork was hit or miss with some panels capturing elements of the original story while other panels were very lackluster and thrown together. Over all this book isn't worth the cover price. Strike 2 Dark Multiverse Series...

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Blackest Night #1

Dec 1, 2019

Unimaginative story that takes you nowhere and leaves you there. If you want to read a story about D Lister Lobo then this story is for you. Save your money, similar to all the other Dark Multiverse books this one fails to deliver on an easy concept to expand upon.

Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Batman: Hush #1

Nov 6, 2020

Pure drivel.

The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1

Nov 14, 2022

The book hits it out of the park, similar to game 6 of the 1993 World Series on October 23, 1993 When Joe Carter hit a home run secure the championship win for the Toronto Blue Jays. The art in this book is just better than 99. 99% of the crap art that is produced today. It's just not a little better it's A LOT better. Jurgens and Grummett embarrass the "artists" of today with this book. Honestly, DC should just throw money at them to come back and illustrate the current series because what they produce is just that much better quality. As for the story, again this book is on point. Every page builds and adds. There is no filler in this book and it is a well constructed story. Although Simonson fumbled a little bit with her story having Steel ignore looters as they "don't understand" but quickly recovers to tell really what had already been told to readers about Steel. Yet, other than that the book is damn near perfect.

The Joker (2021) #1

Mar 10, 2021

Main story about Jim Gordon is really well done. The books dies as soon as it moved to the Punch Line back up. That's what happens when you don't develop a character organically and insist that readers care about your crappy 1/2 baked character. When they really don't, we know why the character was created and it wasn't story driven...Save your money kids.

The Joker (2021) #2

Apr 15, 2021

Meh, it wasn't good and it wasn't bad. A female Bane is stupid pandering and the Punchline story sucked. Save your money kids.

The Joker (2021) #3

May 14, 2021

Nothing quite like 15 pages of solid narration in a comic book to show what an excellent writer you are. There is an old rule in comic book writing "Show don't tell", this seems to be lost on Jim Tynion. I'm going to call him Jim because with him using IV in his name he seems like an uptight guy. Anyway, the book could be good if it wasn't for the over narration and other various aspects. Female version of Bane looks as ridiculous as it sounds as a concept. The secondary story for Punchline is trying too hard to generate interest in a character no one asked to be created in the 1st place much less follow in an ongoing story. Save your money kids!

The New Champion of Shazam! (2022) #1

Aug 12, 2022


The Next Batman: Second Son #1

May 12, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #2

May 12, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #3

Mar 13, 2021

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Boring book

The Next Batman: Second Son #8

May 12, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #9

May 12, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #10

May 12, 2021

The Next Batman: Second Son #11

May 12, 2021

The Return of Superman 30th Anniversary Special (2023) #1

Nov 4, 2023

A tribute to a time in comics that was a golden era. The art is FAR better than the crap they are cranking out currently. Do yourself a favour and buy this book. Maybe DC will get the hint and put these people in charge of Superman again full time.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #1

Oct 28, 2022

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #2

Oct 28, 2022

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #3

Nov 23, 2022

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #7

Mar 28, 2023

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #10

Jul 1, 2023

An ending to a series that should of on paper been a very long run. DC has no one to blame but themselves for their own failings. When you can't get more than 10 issues due to low sales for an established character that had a previous run of 183 issues the problem isn't the chracter it's the writer.

Tis The Season To Be Freezin' (2021) #1

Dec 20, 2021

The Paul Deni story is on point, the rest of the book is absolute garbage. Nothing like a Christmas book that refers to the "Winter solstice" more than it does Christmas. Save your money kids.

Victor and Nora: A Gotham Love Story OGN

Nov 7, 2020

The art was decent enough, but the story dragged on and on without end, by page 50 I had checked out of this book. It was a long and boring book that turns the characters of Victor Fries and Nora out of an adult relationship and adds teenage awkwardness and melodrama. I'm not sure who this book is intended to appeal to really.

What If...Miles Morales #1  
Wonder Girl (2021) #1  
Wonder Twins (2019) #1

Oct 13, 2019

Mark Russell is a hack writer. If you ever see his name on a book you can bet it's bound for the $0.25 comic bin. I would offer more constructive criticism of the book but why should I put more effort into it than the writer did?

World of Krypton (2021) #1

Feb 8, 2022

Good set up, cover art, and then they drop the ball with the actual book art. I could draw better than that with no training at all!

World of Krypton (2021) #2

Feb 8, 2022

Great cover, crappy art inside the book.

World of Krypton (2021) #3

Feb 8, 2022

So they have this amazing cover art done for both the regular cover and variant covers then when you open the book the art is absolute garbage. Talk about a bait and switch. This whole series is a mess in terms of art, shame as the story isn't that bad but art takes your right out of it. Save your money kids.

X Deaths Of Wolverine (2022) #1

Jan 28, 2022

Wolverine doesn't show up until the last page. It's a bait and switch to slide in a book about Moira MacTaggert. Waste of money and doesn't make me want to waste my money on issue #2.

Year of the Villain: Joker #1

Oct 9, 2019

The book has solid art and a decent story that takes a look at issues of mental illness and that sometimes flawed people make mistakes that send them down a path they might not want to go down. The story is a stand alone book that doesn't tie into the Year of the Villain story arc so people have to appreciate it for what it is and not what it isn't. I didn't expect much from the book but it's a pleasant surprise.

Year of the Villain: Black Adam #1

Oct 27, 2019

The story might have been decent had it not that the "Who Laughs" crap thrown into it or the left leaning political insinuations. Honestly the writers should be embarrassed.

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #1

Dec 23, 2019

Ugh...Can we just be done with the whole "Who Laughs" crap characters? The whole concept was rotten from its conception only to be made worse as it's now been included in almost every title. I get it, "SOOOO edgy" I'm not impressed by it as it's something an 8th grader would come up with to tag their own name on to already established better work. Here is something the young writers can understand #WriteBetterStories

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #4

Mar 24, 2020

Can this crap just end already? I'm so sick of the Metal story line, it sucked when it started and it's contaminated the whole DC universe. Change the channel already.

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