"The Scarecrow stalks The Tower! Dr. Jonathan Crane, who recently terrorized Gotham City during "Fear State," is but one of many villainous inhabitants of Arkham Tower jockeying for position as leader of the hostage situation unfolding before everyone's eyes. But with security down, Huntress, Nightwing, and Harley Quinn are no longer quite so outnumbered...here come Batwoman, the Batgirls, and Tim Drake to the rescue! Can the Bat-Family save the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire? And that's not the only help arriving on the scene...
The boy kicks his plan into gear in "House of Gotham" partt 10! On a mission to kill the source o more
Shadows of the Bat has been a non-stop emotional character-driven roller coaster from the first issue, in all the best ways possible. Despite things falling apart in many respects that Bat-Family proves just how good they are as they are two steps ahead, and even when things get to their worst their mentor returns to have their back in such a time of need. Read Full Review
With only two chapters to go, it seems likely that this will go down as the crowning achievement of Tamaki's surprisingly long tenure on this title. Read Full Review
Amancay Nahuelpan delivers some fantastic art in this issue. There are so many great visual moments that enhance the tension and action throughout. Read Full Review
We are in the final stretch of Shadows of the Bat and what an absolutely great way for the Dark Knight to return to Gotham! This issue continues to build the intensity and excitement of this twelve-issue event from Tamaki and team. Read Full Review
Dangling plot threads are tied up one after the other in this issue, which never stops to breathe in the best way. Though the readers still do not know what Scarecrow's endgame is other than being evil, Detective Comics #1056 is generally a homerun. The only concern is that the newly introduced characters will steal the limelight from Batwoman, Huntress, and Nightwing, who have done so much heavy lifting to this point in the story. Nevertheless, this is the best issue of Detective Comics in weeks. Read Full Review
Although this wasn't the most exciting issue of either arc, it set the stage for a memorable conclusion. Read Full Review
A solid romp through the explosive climax to this story. Read Full Review
This issue features two amazing tales in one comic that should have Batfans all over it. This city has an incredible double dose of characterization and forward progression and an embarrassment of riches storywise. If you haven't already, get this. Read Full Review
Detective Comics #1056 is an issue that clarifies almost everything we've been waiting for. Surprises, heroic returns, triumphant and terrifying fights. Read Full Review
Except for Harley Quinn's unwelcome appearance, Detective Comics #1056 is yet again another fantastic installment of "Shadows of the Bat." It's intimate at times and gets the reader involved emotionally at the outset. And certainly by the end its not hard to see that the end is nearing as"well, no spoilers! Read Full Review
For the most part, this comic is exactly what you'd expect if you've been reading the weekly issues for the last two months. Read Full Review
There are only two issues of "Shadows of the Bat" left after this one. This story has been a waste of time and money. The only good content here is "House of Gotham," but even that isn't worth it with this price point. Don't buy this comic. Seriously. Just don't. Read Full Review
This continues being one of my favorite books every week. Both these stories are fantastic! Shadows of the bat is going to be a story I reread many times it really has been a joy to read. The backup story has been equally great I am so intrigued by the main character and really want to find out what ends up happening with him. Great stuff!!
As the climax draws closer things seem to be getting to be more than the heroes can handle, so naturally at the last minute Batman shows up to handle the rest. Just like an anime.
As usual "House of Gotham" was the better of 2 tales. Our unfortunate star character is finally reunited with Batman in No Man's Land. It looks like he could go either way. Will he continue looking out for the forgotten souls of Gotham or will he be driven to become another enemy Batman failed to save from the void of insanity so many he knows have fallen into?
I certainly hope this will get its own collection as well. It's certainly earned a place on the shelves as an instant classic.
I enjoyed this issue. Good art and story
Ha! As I guess, Merlyn clearly said it, in the end Dick would be rescued, he narrowly missed him, of course Kate intervened a lot.
The backup issues was good
Infelizmente o Batman apareceu.
Detective Comics - 6.5/10
House of Gotham - 9/10
Fair. Better than most recent previous issues, which isn’t saying much. Ready for this storyline to be over.
As others have pointed out, does not warrant the weekly format.
The first story was mediocre at best. It was all over the place and The Bat Family really looked inept and the surprise at the end was eye rolling in the least. The second story is still good and Batman disarming our protagonist was interesting with a nice cliffhanger.
It's unclear why DC decided to do a weekly event of the batfamily investigating Arkham just to have Batman show up on the last page to save the day.
I was really bored with the main story. Bringing Scarecrow back makes it even worse. Fear State was such a slog, and it seems like DC was intent on making sure Detective Comics had its own slog. It's all about equity in Batman titles, I guess. The backup wasn't even as good as usual.
This is just dragging on so much.