After the mysterious android is captured by a covert military group, Superman realizes he can't just bust through a government facility and take what he wants. No, this looks like a job for mild-mannered journalist Clark Kent!
The issue, cover to cover, is an absolute gem. Read Full Review
The voices of the characters are top-notch, and Pablo Collar does an even better job this issue of capturing the faces of the characters from the cartoon. It all comes together into another example of how the Superman line of comics is having some of its best luck in decades just about every corner of the line is fantastic. Read Full Review
My Adventures With Superman #2 not only has moments that are pure Superman, but it also puts its unique spin on yet another DC supervillain. My one hope is that we get another miniseries in-between Seasons 2 and 3and that Bloodsport appears on the show in some form. Read Full Review
Overall, My Adventures with Superman #2 is a delightful continuation of the series that will appeal to both longtime Superman fans and new readers alike. It successfully blends superhero spectacle with heartfelt character moments, promising an exciting journey ahead for Clark Kent and friends. Read Full Review
This is a fun read with nice character moments. I'm a sucker for good Lois/Clark interactions and this one is so new that it feels fresh. I was entertained and that's all I am hoping for in a comic. Read Full Review
My Adventures With Superman #2 is a cool issue because it feels exactly what the show was pitched as a Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen adventure without much Superman intervention. As it would happen, the battle for Amazos sentience isnt the only one that is just beginning. Read Full Review