Detective Comics #1033

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Brad Walker Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 23, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 29
7.9Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

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On the eve of some of the biggest changes ever in Gotham City, Batman finds himself at a crossroads with the people of the city he has sworn to protect. A landslide victory for anti-vigilante mayoral candidate Christopher Nakano is bringing with it new legislation to outlaw the Bat-Family’s very way of life-and with his rogues gallery still knocking on his door, Bruce will need to make some tough decisions about the future...

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Steve J Ray Dec 22, 2020

    With a new team coming on, and Future state around the corner, things are going to get brutal. Let battle commence! Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Dec 23, 2020

    This is a perfect ending for a classic run. I can't wait to reread the entire thing. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Dec 22, 2020

    Tomasi and Walker's successors on Detective Comics have huge shoes to fill as this has been a very entertaining ride that deserved another extended encore. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Dec 22, 2020

    Pete Tomasi has had a long run on Bat-books, arguably being the writer who defined Damian Wayne the most"even more than his creator Grant Morrison. So it's fitting that his final issue on the franchise (save the digital-first Super-Sons series which just started) is focused on the father-and-son dynamic of Bruce and his son. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Theodis Wright Dec 22, 2020

    I can only hope that this final issue is a sign we'll get more of Damian in the future as he travels the road to redemption (Joshua Williamson will have a two-part back-up story in the pages of Batman and Detective Comics in March). It will be tough not to see Tomasi and the team on Tec as I had such high hopes for the run. However, I look forward to the new direction with Mariko Tamaki. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Dec 25, 2020

    While it's disappointing that this is Tomasi's last issue of Detective (and one assumes Walker as well) that doesn't mean it's not a really good issue! This team will be missed! As the future appears quite uncertain for Bruce, Tomasi, Walker and company deliver a moving and emotionally significant story to close out this era of Batman. The real human emotions deliver on another level and are what separate good comics from great comics. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Weird Science - Joey Casco CSW/CSS Dec 22, 2020

    I really like Brad Walker's art and I'm going to miss it in this book. While most of this issue is really just Batman giving a beatdown to Hush, it takes much longer to read than you would expect with what you get out of it. I was hoping that some mending would begin to take here between father and son, yet unfortunately, that is for another day. But that ending? Awesome. I mean, get the pets into anything and I'm happy. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Batman-News - Casper Rudolph Dec 22, 2020

    This issue is not as good as it could have been. Both the writing and the art are hit or miss. But I don't entirely blame the creative team for this comic's shortcomings. Their run got cut short and they only had so much room to wrap up their storylines while simultaneously setting up someone else's. As a single issue, I wouldn't recommend this because it's an average book at best, but as a conclusion to Tomasi's run I think it's worth picking up if you've been following since the start. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Christian Hoffer Dec 23, 2020

    I wish Tomasi could have gotten to go out on a stronger storytime, but I feel like a lot of his stories will be more fondly remembered over time. Read Full Review

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