Infinite Frontier #2

Writer: Joshua Williamson Artist: Xermanico, Jess Merino, Paul Pelletier Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 14, 2021 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 48
8.5Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

What secrets and changes lurk inside the newly expanded Multiverse? The devious Director Bones of the D.E.O. re-forms a ragtag team to keep the new worlds at bay, but was highly skilled agent Cameron Chase recruited because the director needs her help, or because he wants a patsy when things go south? Meanwhile, Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern, takes drastic measures to find his missing daughter. Someone has kidnapped Jade, and Alan’s going to find out why and bring her home. Plus, the resurrection of Roy Harper gives the former Teen Titan some unexpected and unpredictable new powers.

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - Collier "CJ" Jennings Jul 13, 2021

    Infinite Frontier #2 continues to explore the mysteries of the Multiverse while juggling multiple plot threads and characters with ease. I'm eager to continue this series and see how all these characters wind up running into each other, as well as Darkseid's plans for the multiverse. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jul 13, 2021

    There's a lot to be excited about here and Williamson and company are building the foundation for a fun event. One that doesn't stick to the usual approach of massive death and destruction to set up the threat. It's a winning formula so far and Infinite Frontier has been an event that leaves me more excited with each passing issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Ryan Perry Jul 13, 2021

    This team goes above and beyond in that way, and as the whole team comes together they are delivering readers an exceptional experience. It's one of the most exciting times in the DC Universe in years, and it seems that there's still so much more to come. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Jul 13, 2021

    The mystery deepens in Infinite Frontier #2. The overall story is still somewhat murky, but Williamson has given us some tantalizing teasers so far. Hopefully, the story will start becoming clearer next issue. I can barely contain my anticipation for the next issue. This is an enticing mystery. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    COMICON - Olly MacNamee Jul 13, 2021

    The multiverse is not what anyone thinks it is with new mysteries and new questions being posed. A diverse set of heroes work separately – for now – to have their questions answered in a likeable second issue. Or is it third issue? Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Jenna Anderson" Jul 14, 2021

    After a stellar first issue, the conspiracy of Infinite Frontier continues to get more complex"and more rewarding. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jul 13, 2021

    I'm liking this Roy, seemingly a combination of the more seasoned hero and father with the more reckless young man from his Outlaws adventures over the last decade. I'm invested in almost all of these stories, which is a testament to how good Williamson is at large-scale stories. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Jul 13, 2021

    The artist do great work within the pages of this issue. There isn't anything too dynamic, but every panel does a great job of servicing the plot and the characters. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jul 14, 2021

    Infinite Frontier #2 is a fun comic. It just feels like a throwback to that time that anything can happen while also building towards something. This is THE series to keep an eye on and looks to be key for the future of the DC Universe. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Jul 14, 2021

    Like I said at the beginning, I don't know how much of this is really necessary. The story by Williamson is pretty good and the artwork by Xermanico is pretty decent, but where is this all leading? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Morgan Hampton Jul 14, 2021

    The DEO essentially wants the same thing that Justice Incarnate wants, but they operate more like a bureaucratic agency with agents in the field and guns and paperwork. Not too dissimilar to the Time Variance Authority on the Loki show. Operating in this way allows them to get deeper into the mystery of what's going on than Justice Incarnate. They seem to be handling the big stuff. The DEO is handling the stuff falling through the cracks, but even their motivations are yet to be revealed. I can't really say if they're the good guys or the bad guys at this point, but they are getting some answers. What they've found out in this issue in regards to whose influencing things is a major development.  Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Jul 13, 2021

    Infinite Frontier #2 is big on questions and setup, and my main problem is I want to know the answers now.  The art was a bit inconsistent, but if you are wondering how the DCU and it's timeline were affected coming out of Death Metal, this is a book you will want to keep an eye on. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Jul 13, 2021

    Sure, there will always need to be villains. However, the phrase Darkseid is implies that he is above all and has somehow survived what no one else could. He transcends even the creators of the Omniverse, which is just ludicrous. Why couldnt he just come back like everyone else with a new purpose and new direction? Now, it appears he is even bigger than DARK NIGHTS: DEATH METAL itself. And readers, thats just a hard pill to swallow. I'm still all in with high hopes for INFINITE FRONTIER to resemble the amazing nature of issue one more so than issue two. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Carlos R. Jul 13, 2021

    This has proven to be quite the entertaining series, my only gripe is that not enough time is being dedicated to each narrative per issue and it’s starting to feel like a meld of film trailers that are truly exciting, but offer little in story progression. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Bryant Lucas Jul 13, 2021

    Infinite Frontier #2gets many things right. Williamson's story doesn't dawdle, as each of his plotlines develops nicely, and Xermanico and the team continue to deliver beautiful, innovative artwork. Sadly, as I mentioned in my review from last month's issue, I feel like I've read this story before. It seems like DC's setting up another Crisis-like event for 2022, and frankly, it feels too soon. I know it's been seven months, but it feels like DC wrapped up Death Metal just yesterday. Whatever DC and Williamson are planning, I just hope that the next big blockbuster event will shed some of the Crisis baggage and do something different, but I'm not getting that vibe from Infinite Frontier. Read Full Review

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