Superman: Man of Tomorrow #2

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Paul Pelletier Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 22, 2020 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 12
8.4Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Someone is running bets on Superman’s exploits throughout Metropolis and putting ordinary citizens in harm’s way. Can Superman locate this villainous gambler in time or will the house take all?!

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Joey Casco CSW/CSS May 1, 2020

    Venditti is doing a fantastic job in this series writing fun comics to read and entertain us without stretching it out, and the art is amazing! It's just so good to read a Superman story that is just what you expect from Superman instead of whatever the heck we've been getting from that other guy. First of all, the story actually makes sense. But also all of the characters feel right. From Superman, to when he's Clark, to Lois, to Jimmy. Most importantly, the dynamic between Clark and Lois is where it should be. Man, I like having Superman back, and there are scenes in this comic that just scream "CLASSIC SUPES". And $#!+, it was 99 cents? *starts playing Thrift Shop* Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Apr 28, 2020

    Superman: Man of Tomorrow #2 takes the momentum of the first issue and carries it over to continue to build a fun comic book. Robert Venditti and Paul Pelletier show a clear understanding of what makes Superman and his supporting cast such great characters. That shines with how Venditti has the Clark Kent and Superman side of the character compliment one another in this story. If you are looking to read a DC Comics fan comic I recommend checking out Superman: Man of Tomorrow #2. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 30, 2020

    Superman: Man of Tomorrow goes for a low-stakes story when compared to the usual Superman storyline but it focuses on the big stakes involved for the people that are caught up in the Gambler's machinations. It's a good story from that perspective and seeing how both Superman and Clark Kent are deployed to deal with it plays out well as each has their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to it. Venditti has a good voice for Superman here that reaches out to the classic that most people can identify with and Pelletier's designs do much the same. The standalone nature of it all continues to be really appealing and I'm still thrilled to finally be getting access to these stories and the enjoyment that comes from them. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 27, 2020

    It's the kind of story that isn't the flashiest - and as such, perhaps anathema to a Direct Market that hinges itself on events - but it's the sort of self-sustaining and heartwarming story that makes you remember why you loved superheroes in the first place. Read Full Review

  • 8.5

    This is the Superman we all know and love. Great wholesome moments and laughs in this one.

  • 8.5
    David_the_male May 4, 2020

    I enjoyed this a lot, the art remains consistently good and Clark is portrayed well and really likable. the story was pretty interesting and kept me reading to the end. Lois is also great still one of the funnier characters so far, any scene she's in I enjoy a lot. Lots of action ended up really liking the villains especially the guy robbing the bank near the beginning straight up GOAT. great comic, enjoyed the whole way through and interested to keep reading

  • 8.5
    Swanktub Apr 28, 2020

    So much better than the first issue. Wouldn't mind seeing Venditti replacing Bendis on the Superman main book.

  • 8.0
    BigCliff Aug 2, 2021

    I loved the first issue for many reasons & the second issue takes those same reasons & tells another fun, yet short, adventure with superman. This issue has the potential, as does the 1st, to be expanded upon a more I think. It has funny moments, a conniving superman/Clark Kent that I want to see on the big screen & it has a simple premise that can actually be analyzed deeper. For example, the idea that people are wagering bets on superman saving the day is so brilliant. Can the Man of Tomorrow continue to do good with constant wages of his failure? That's what I think the main topic of this issue is & it's really interesting. It's some cute funny moments in this as well. The most notable is clark sitting on the couch drinking soda as if it more

  • 8.0

    Another adventure for the man of tomorrow that takes me back to the stories of Yesterday. The Gambler is your average crafty old school Superman villain. Robert Venditti and Paul Pelletier are one of the best teams to work on a Superman book in many a year. Can't they find a way to put this in print faster than in the bi-monthly Superman Giants? Still, a 99 cent digital copy can help me hold on. I just feel these are the kind of Superman tales that deserve printing so I can keep them with the great stories of yesteryear they so remind me of.
    I only have one complaint: What about Luthor and the revenge he vowed at the end of last issue? Don't leave us in suspense too long guys.

  • 6.5
    RKS Apr 30, 2020

    The art in this book is very well done, what drags this book down is some elements in the story. They make the character of Lois unlikable by having her proudly use sleazy reporter tactics during questioning of a Councilmen. She also makes a smug remark about wanting a photo of him crying when he was arrested. Make no mistake if this is Lois Lane, she is in fact a horrible person. There is also the aspect of Superman returning money to people who had lost their money due to gambling. Even if they bet the money illegally that's not how the law actually works so the writer have technically had Superman commit theft and Evidence tampering. Any good defense attorney would have the case against The Gambler and the councilmen thrown out. Just more

  • 9.0
    Brideshead Dec 19, 2020

  • 8.0
    Matsuro Sep 28, 2023

  • 8.0
    jpablojr May 3, 2023

  • 8.0
    tonpas1989 Apr 27, 2020

  • 7.0
    KittyNone May 26, 2020

  • 7.0
    DeadManSoul May 9, 2020

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