SUPERMAN BACK IN TIME?! GREAT RAO! A dying planet, a desperate scientist, a last could only mean one thing: Krypton! To uncover the secrets of the Phantom Zone, Kal-El must journey back to the days of his birth planet and into the lab of Jor-El himself. What shocking secrets will link the greatest prison known to the cosmos and the nefarious villain Aeythr...and does the Man of Steel stand a chance of making it out alive? Plus, Supergirl's mission halts as she finds herself captured and awaiting her fate at the hands of the highest bidder!
This Phantoms arc has been pretty fun and a great introduction to the new creative team who are fully dialed in. Read Full Review
Despite the drawback of the Supergirl story, Action Comics #1074 is actually better than the last issue. Waid continues to use Silver Age concepts and update them with quality writing. Superman is in great form in Action Comics and it feels like it's a new high watermark for the character. This is a must for Superman fans, and probably the best book so far under the All In initiative. Read Full Review
There's also a hilarious subplot involving Conner and Kenan as they battle against a Khund invasion of the space museum, but the real heart of this issue is in the very rare interactions between Superman and his parents. Read Full Review
The great storytelling and exceptional art continue in this weeks issue. The only downside is that the weekly format is causing the story to drag a bit. Despite this, this arc is perfect for new Superman readers and I am excited to see where the story goes. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1074 is another fantastic issue which sees Superman fall further and further away from victory and whilst Superman is in a rush to leave Krypton, I am very much enjoying him being there. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1074 uses time travel for a touching reunion between Superman and his parents, and is all the better for it. Read Full Review
Frankly, I am frustrated with this Supergirl story. Read Full Review
the story is really shaping up well. it has the feel of a Silver-age story with Superman somehow finding himself on Krypton and meeting his birth parents. the artwork is really nice and clean and perfectly suits the story. real Superman fans shouldn't want to miss this!
I am surprised on how even though this story is weekly, it is still very consistent and engaging. Mark Waid is a solid writer for Action comics
Paying $6 for this is a crime. The backup is junk. Absolutely junk.
This book is in the crapper right now. Get Mark Waid off this book. Mark Waid’s Action Comics #1074 represents a profoundly perplexing exercise in storytelling, wherein the boundaries of narrative craft are disregarded in favor of an imposed ideological framework. Now, let me be clear: storytelling is a means by which we articulate truths—truths about human nature, about struggle, and, indeed, about heroism itself. But this issue, instead of wrestling with those universal themes, seems preoccupied with something else entirely: the author’s uninvited commentary on societal issues that derail the plot and alienate the reader.