DEATH TO THE PHANTOM ZONE! Superman and Mon-El are reunited at last, but are our heroes too late to stop the impossible threat of Aethyr?! The mad wizard has breached the realm and begun decimating planet Earth...the Super-Family and the Justice League are holding on as best they can, but this sounds like a job for Superman! Plus, can Kara put her feelings aside and carry out the mission Superman gave her?
Action Comics #1077 delivers on so much in the Superman story and it's worth it solely for that alone- story, art, action, character beats. It would be nice if the Supergirl story was hitting on all cylinders and the Conner/ Kong story had any relevance whatsoever, but Superman has carried this book for over 85 years, so it's not surprising. Read Full Review
This is the conclusion of act two, before the story shifts back to Earth for the big finale, and it continues to be a solid and entertaining tale with a fast pace and great visuals. Read Full Review
This issue is the meat and potatoes I have been waiting for. A fantastic storyline with heart-racing action and incredible art, this issue is the best of the arc thus far. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1077 is another excellent addition to the current story arc which really heightens the stakes for both Superman in The Phantom Zone and the people of Metropolis. I really cannot wait to see where this story goes from here, though I hope it's resolution involves Conner Kent and Kong Keenan. Read Full Review
This arc seems like it's nearing its conclusion. As it's eight chapters in, that's a wise choice instead of letting it drag on to a limp and meaningless conclusion. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1077 is packed full of intense action sequences, but also carries a story that's true to the core of Superman. Now as he races back to Earth, Superman has another Herculean task ahead of him. I have faith Waid and Henry will guide the Man of Steel through it. Read Full Review
But really this boils down to that one page. Will Tamaki leave it open-ended forcing the reader to decide? Or is there more to come? At least there is something for me to mull over! Here we are, chapter 8 of 10 behind us. Read Full Review
I’ll say it every week. This backup is ass. It’s like kings supergirl but without the true grit plot and pretentiousness.
I still do not like it. Superman an the Phantom Zone plot is ok. But the rest is awful.
Action Comics #1077 is, regrettably, a perfect example of how a story can promise grandeur yet deliver nothing of substance. The issue postures as though it has something significant to say, yet it leaves readers with what can only be described as a "Big Nothing Burger"—a hollow and unsatisfying narrative experience. Its flaws are manifold, but the most glaring offense is the utterly wasteful B-story featuring Supergirl, which not only fails to add value but actively detracts from the overall narrative.The supposed drama of uncovering the secrets of the Phantom Zone and escaping its clutches fails to generate any meaningful stakes. What should have been an exploration of identity, legacy, and moral fortitude instead feels like an uninspirmore