Celebrate IDW's 400th issue of Star Trek comics with this monumental issue highlighting fan-favorite eras of the acclaimed series. This collection of minis brings together Star Trek comics veterans in an equal celebration of IDW's Star Trek comics past and future. Join little Keyla Detmer-as seen in Star Trek: Discovery-Adventures in the 32nd Century #3-on a new expedition, visit the Kelvin Universe, witness a heartfelt tale by TNG's very own Wil Wheaton, and more by Chris Eliopoulos, Declan Shalvey, Rich Handley, and Mike Johnson, with art by Luke Sparrow, Seth Damoose, Megan Levens, Angel Hernandez, and Joe Eisma!
Star Trek #400 is both a celebration of the Star Trek universe in comics and a roadmap for its future, as it features stories from across the final frontier. With a new Star Trek series set to launch later this year, the hope is that the new creative team continues to tap into the elements that makeTrek a standout in the world of sci-fi. Read Full Review
As a die-hard Star Trek fan, it was a comfort to feel the writers' and artists' passion for the franchise. I enjoyed every panel and I have to thank Kelly and Lanzing for making my nerd tentacles flail by giving Garry Mitchell the attention he deserves. Read Full Review
Overall, Star Trek #400 is an excellent tribute to this franchise which has meant so much to so many people. The stories by the different writers is astounding.. The art by the different artists is incredible. Altogether, a worthy tribute and an excellent addition to the canon. Read Full Review
This final 400th issue packs in a fair bit of content and gives us some really cool new stories from the final frontier. It's also a wonderful celebration of Star Trek comics in general and well worth the money. I look forward to the new series of Star Trek comics from IDW, which will launch in October. Read Full Review
A wonderful short that does a great job of introducing a really interesting epic crossover event that I am excited to see happen. Read Full Review
Star Trek #400 is a good milestone issue with a wide variety of story types and character focuses. It's cool to see a wide swath of series getting some time to shine along with specific characters we don't often see. Aside from a few hiccups in pacing, this is well worth the price of admission. Read Full Review
. For Star Trek fans, Star Trek #400 is an anniversary party worth attending. Read Full Review
IDW celebrates its 400th Star Trek comic with this oversized one-shot packed with stories that span many of the franchise's series. As has been the case lately with many of the Trek titles, the writing is stronger than most of the artwork, though some of the many cover choices are fantastic. Read Full Review
This issue is odd in what is chooses to highlight and what it doesn't but what it does it does well, and Wheaton's story is well worth checking out. Read Full Review