The Hand has lost its way. What was once the world's most fearsome organization of ninjas and killers has found itself defeated time and again by lesser foes. One priestess believes it's because the Hand hasn't had the proper leadership, the living embodiment of their dark god, the Beast. Enter the Punisher, the most accomplished murderer who has ever lived. A man determined to end his war, no matter what it takes.
PUNISHER fans, I'm all in on this series and find it sneaky good. I highly recommend new and old PUNISHER fans alike grab this issue and put this series on their pull list. Read Full Review
Punisher #2 is an entertaining issue thanks to offering explanations for why Frank Castle is in this position and why he deserves to be the leader of the Hand. What this issue, and by extension the series does, is explore who Frank is at a base level while throwing readers into the deep end of an incredible new situation for him to navigate. Punisher hasn't felt this fresh in decades. Read Full Review
Bits and PiecesPunisher #2 continues on the path of death and destruction as Frank learns more about the Beast's designs on him since he was a boy. Aaron does an excellent job building a sense of momentum towards a final and permanent change for Frank, and the main villain's reveal makes complete sense for the mythology at play in this story. Read Full Review
Attaching a mythological scope to The Punisher doesn't seem like it should work, but the combination of really good art and a story that absolutely commits to the premise make it work better than I expected. Read Full Review
If any piece of intellectual property were attached to this, it would already be ignored, but we'll continue to pay attention instead because this character is labeled "Frank Castle." Read Full Review
I wouldn't say this packed the same punch as the previous issue, but this remains on the same level of quality. We get to see an interaction between Frank and Maria here, which was done very well with a, somewhat, unsettling tone. I also enjoyed seeing more development of The Hand and more of why Frank is aligned with them. Plus, Ares is revealed to be the leader of the Apostles of War (which probably should have been obvious by the helmets the group members wear that were seen in the first issue). Along with the good story, the art is great and I like the contrast between the style for the present and the style for the past. The two highlights of Saiz's art in this issue have to been when Frank kills the AoW member and when Ares absolutelymore
I don’t understand why people hate this comic so much.
Frank learns more of his new role as "Fist of the Beast" of the Hand. The Apostles of War attempt to assassinate Frank for interfering in their operations as weapons suppliers. (Cover date: June, 2022)
The blatant exposition in the dialogue hurts the issue, but I am still excited to see Frank take this dark journey.
Art: 3.5/5
Story: 3.5/5
Total: 7/10
Now I start to suspect where this story is headed, and maybe I rated #1 too high.
I'd still contend that this is a well-crafted story, particularly in the art, which is glorious. In a vacuum, it'd be great. But it isn't in a vacuum, is it? It's making changes -- dramatic ones, and not in a good way -- to a long-established character.
This series is gonna put the Punisher into semi-permanent comics limbo, isn't it? And thoroughly assassinate his character as it does so.
It reminds me of Death of the Inhumans. When Marvel gets embarrassed about one of its properties, why are they never satisfied to just shelve it? Why do they have to ruin it first?
(Also I'm anti-thrilled about the revelation of th more
This comic is just okay. It’s not nearly as clever as it thinks it is.
I used to think Aaron was a good writer but in the last couple of years, it’s like you read one Aaron comic, you’ve read them all. Thinly veiled social commentary? Check. Crazy retcon that doesn’t make sense? Check. Off the cuff characterization? Check.
Lot of funky stuff going on, things that don't quite feel like The Punisher.
On the fence about Frank being destined since he was a child, I am currently not convinced about these added on legacies so quickly and ungracefully.
I can get past Frank having powers and the whole hand thing. I think those parts are pretty solid. What I can't accept is the Frank history retcon. Most times I'm cool with retcons but, this is just blasphemy.
I don't know what this is...It's just weird. Frank Castle being subjected to some demon "God". Being given "powers"?! P*ss off! The Punisher doesn't have powers which was his appeal. Two issues in and I'm already considering dropping the series.
Once again, Jason Aaron uses the Hand to give readers the Finger.
The art is great. Lets get that out of the way. This is an skillful and talented team, and the book LOOKS beautiful. The 3 stars are for them.
As for the script... God, where to start?
The retcon is in. The Hand have been monitoring Frank since childhood. It's his destiny to be the Fist of... whatever.
The zombie wife is riddled with bullet holes, and barely there, mentally. Naturally, Frank jumps right into bed with her. Sweet Christmas. It's like taking advantage of the disabled.
There is a massive amount of expository dialog. The priestess lady has an internal monologue that would make 90's Batman roll his eyes.
I did not enjoy this comic. more