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Joined: Dec 12, 2019

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Walleyes commented on this:
RBL reviewed Superman #18 Dec 11, 2019

What a joke, I mean they already did this same thing before in a story also called 'Truth', so to treat this as new ground is ridiculous.

Dialogue is more bearable than past issues but 'bendis-speak' continues to be as irksome as it has always been. Some moments played out well enough, others were borderline nonsensical; the entirety of the panels that occur in Thanagar are asinine. The more

Superman #18

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Dec 11, 2019

With Superman's family scattered across the galaxy, our hero must confront some of his greatest concerns about himself and his place in the galaxy. Legendary artist Ivan Reis joins writer Brian Michael Bendis as they introduce the biggest change in the Man of Steel's life ever!

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RBL - Dec 16, 2019

This is pre-Flashpoint Superman. What he did against Superman then still stands, and to portray someone like Lois not consulting her husband before doing something that important is ridiculous when he’s trying to claim they are that close and trusting. Him losing his powers was not due to HORDR it was a wide variety of things, which you’d know if you’d actually read the titles. But you know what, if you enjoy this go ahead. I’m alright not liking subpar writing.

Mail2g - Dec 17, 2019

It's not "pre-Flashpoint Superman", that one only existed till Superman Reborn arc when a unique timeline combining some events of both New Earth and New 52 was created. Unlike you I did read the comics. Besides Sam Lane could essily march to Metropolis anyday again if he wanted to take him down. And I never said Superman lost all his powers to HORDR, all I said was that HORDR was trying to take his power or sucking his power and Lois revealed his identity. The writing is good, you're whining.

Walleyes liked this:
AdmiralWhiskers reviewed Superman #18 Dec 11, 2019

IN SHORT: A fantastic issue of Superman...bringing the various "Bendis-verse" storylines to a head and setting the stage for some fascinating tales to come.

STORY: Brian Michael Bendis has FINALLY tied the different story arcs from his different books into one climactic moment -- the announcement by Superman revealing that he and Clark Kent are one and the same. We've seen this build u more

Superman #18

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Dec 11, 2019

With Superman's family scattered across the galaxy, our hero must confront some of his greatest concerns about himself and his place in the galaxy. Legendary artist Ivan Reis joins writer Brian Michael Bendis as they introduce the biggest change in the Man of Steel's life ever!

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Walleyes reviewed Superman #18 Dec 12, 2019

A fantastic issue. I don't get what people's problem is. Clark's identity is becoming meaningless now that Leviathan has come. Governments, some villians and heroes already know who he is. Lois has been a solid support to Clark along the way telling if he needs a breather he can take it. Her reveal to Jimmy was the right thing, because after Perry he was going to Jimmy straight and tell him anyway more

Superman #18

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Dec 11, 2019

With Superman's family scattered across the galaxy, our hero must confront some of his greatest concerns about himself and his place in the galaxy. Legendary artist Ivan Reis joins writer Brian Michael Bendis as they introduce the biggest change in the Man of Steel's life ever!

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Walleyes commented on this:
Mail2g reviewed Superman #18 Dec 12, 2019

A pretty solid issue. I loved the little snippets of Perry getting emotional and Jimmy laughing at Clark. Lois did try to tell Clark that she was going to inform Jimmy, but he was busy with Perry, and knowing that Jimmy's been her close and much longer friend, it is fitting that Lois informs him as she knew he would react very emotionally, and especially not to keep lies with the bad fate of Jor-E more

Superman #18

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Dec 11, 2019

With Superman's family scattered across the galaxy, our hero must confront some of his greatest concerns about himself and his place in the galaxy. Legendary artist Ivan Reis joins writer Brian Michael Bendis as they introduce the biggest change in the Man of Steel's life ever!

+ LikeComments (4)
Mail2g - Dec 14, 2019

Really? Which rule says it's not her right to tell her oldest friend when Clark would tell anyway? What would Clark get? Another emotional person like Perry. Is that what you want? This is a marriage, not a fulfilment of ego. Don't marry anyone with little bitchy man-baby attitude which gets annoyed so easily, play your control issues out of comics.

ComicMan - Dec 14, 2019

Not her secret to tell simple as that. Lois is one of my favorite characters but bendis writes her like a cunt.

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