Invincible Iron Man #1
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Invincible Iron Man #1

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Stefano Caselli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 9, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 35
8.2Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

From the violent streets of Chicago, a new armored hero rises! Clad in her very own Iron Man armor, Riri Williams is ready to show the Marvel Universe what she can do as the self-made hero of tomorrow. But is she ready for all the problems that come with stepping into Iron Man's jet boots? Where's a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist when you need one?
Rated T+

  • 10 - Matthew Mueller Nov 9, 2016

    The outlook is an optimistic one, and whether you've loved Iron Man for years or just recently discovered the character, you should welcome RiRi Williams with open arms. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Nov 8, 2016

    Tony Stark's armored boots look to be in safe hands. Riri Williams' past and present are on full display. I'm excited to see Riri pick her superhero name (Ironheart) and navigate the Marvel Universe with her new A.I. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicsverse - markbouchard Nov 9, 2016

    Riri Williams is not Tony Stark, and as such we should not belittle her emergence as a hero by comparisons between the two. However, knowing the nature of the internet, I know that this is too tall an order. The most we can hope for is that Riri herself will stop making these comparisons, and accept her role as a unique hero, rather than just her predecessor's replacement. She has some big armor to fill, but there's no doubt in my mind that she'll do just fine. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Nov 11, 2016

    Invincible Iron Man #1 is a fantastic first issue featuring one of the most dynamic characters to storm into the Marvel Universe. Bendis, Caselli and Gracia have crafted an issue that excited me to no end and I can't wait to see the progression of this character. The final page has me wanting issue #2 right bloody now and I am delighted to be reading in the Age of Riri. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Nov 11, 2016

    I really enjoyed this first issue of Invincible Iron Man and am definitely enjoying Riri Williams as a character. Slowly but surely Marvel is creating an all new generation of heroes with characters like Miles Morales, Kamala Khan, Sam Alexander, and now Riri Williams. Marvel has not previously had the “legacy heroes” passing the mantle from generation to generation that DC has had with their universe, but over the past few years that seems to be changing. I'm excited for what's ahead for these characters, and for Riri in particular. I can't wait to read more. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Nov 16, 2016

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who is absolutely pumped about the new Iron Man (Ironheart) being a female minority. Comic books are getting into equal representation, and that is beyond beneficial to not only the industry, but the community as well. Given recent incidents, there has been a lot of hate spread around concerning gender, race, sexual orientation, etc. It's awesome to see that, at least, the comic book industry isn't being fazed by such hate. I can't wait to see what super genius Riri Williams has in store for us! Head out to your local comic book shop ( and pick up this issue"I promise it won't disappoint you. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Graphic Policy - Brett Nov 9, 2016

    I had no idea what to expect going into this first issue, but I've come out of it a Riri fan. She's so much new and so much even I can relate to. This doesn't feel like a derivative of what was, there's so much there that's new. And what it especially has is heart and something we can relate to. An absolutely fantastic debut. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Nov 9, 2016

    The artwork is fairly standard for a Marvel comic, but the standard is high. The style is great, almost popping off of each page. The technology, the characteristics, and the action all look spot on. It's nothing new, but we can live with that. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 10, 2016

    Invincible Iron Man is off to a strong start with a lot of potential, but it's potential that for me will come down to how the Tony Stark element fits into it and whether we get a compelling opponent to work with. And just how the crossover aspect works since I'm not reading anything else and Marvel goes hard and heavy with those kinds of things. Bendis has put together a solid book here that Caselli Gracia take up several notches and I can see how this will definitely find a lot of appeal and expand the readership as well as the story potential. I'm excited to see what they'll do with it and thankful that it's a monthly book. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Black Nerd Problems - William Evans Nov 9, 2016

    With those caveats, how does the overall book play out? I still like it. I didn't like the shooting. At all. But I liked everything else a great deal. If Bendis avoids dipping into scenarios of the fragile Black life experience and can stay in a lane that shows Riri for the likable badass she can be, I'm all aboard. Only time will tell. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 9, 2016

    After a rough year for Iron Man, it's good to see the franchise getting back on track with this relaunch. As much as the present-day portions of this story play out like a standard teen superhero adventure, the extensive flashbacks do a great job of exploring who Riri Williams is and what makes her tick. It's also great to see the new art team following the example set by David Marquez and Justin Ponsor, rather than what followed in later arcs. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ryan.L Nov 9, 2016

    So Riri Williams is here and I do think this series has the potential to be a great one. It may not have the perfect start but it was still pretty exciting and fun. I recommend picking it up and checking out her first flight. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Nov 9, 2016

    Invincible Iron Man #1 is not the Marvel book you should sleep on for the potential to follow someone new. You will pick this up for the same reason you would Ms. Marvel or Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. There must always be a suit out there when now we neither have Tony or Rhodey. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 9, 2016

    Riri Williams is ready to become the latest new hero in the Marvel Universe. Despite having roots in the previous Iron Man series, Riri is her own character. This isn't the first time we've seen another character step into Tony Stark's shoes. Riri will inspire new sorts of adventures for readers. Caselli's art and Gracia's colors are brilliant and further gives a reason to return for more. This may be a set up issue, but we do have a lot to look forward to. With her excitement and enthusiasm, Riri Williams is the sort of hero we need right now. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Jon Arvedon Nov 10, 2016

    The introduction of Riri's new A.I. on the final page promises to appeal to long-time Tony Stark fans, but Invincible Iron Man #1 also serves as a perfect jumping-on point for anyone looking to dive into the world of comics. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff Nov 14, 2016

    While this new #1 catches readers up with this new characterand spoils unfinished stories to do it, not a whole lot is show to the audienceexcept for the fact that Riri Willaims seems capable at the very least. Thecomics made some safe choices that I don't necessarily agree with but this isoverall a good start to this story and this character. All eyes are on thisbook right now and I hope it thrives despite that pressure. For me, I'd saythis book is good. It's not great…. Yet. Some readers will enjoy it more but Ithink most will agree that this is a very solid start for this book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Nov 14, 2016

    There is some excellent, dramatic character-work in these pages, and the art is top-notch, but Bendis story-beats are becoming predictable. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 14, 2016

    This issue was pretty good. We got some backstory on Riri, we got to see her fight. Riri seems like she could be a interesting character but there are some problems in the writing that makes me upset and could tank her. There have been new characters before and they are either embraced or derided based on the writing. Right now there are problems but not enough that I can see that would warrant derision. I hope that the few problems I do have with this get better so this character is better for it. There is a old saying show don't tell, so show us that she is an intuitive smart engineer and can be a hero.  Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Marc Buxton Nov 10, 2016

    Riris debut would read so much better if the reader knew Starks fate. Instead, we are left with muddled questions as Marvel screws Riris book due to scheduling snafus on Civil War II. A shame really, because Riri Williams is an important character that has her own motivations and voice. The Marvel Universe is a better place because Riri is not firmly embedded in it. Due to Marvels coy little scheduling nonsense, we cant see Riris full story yet, and this character is too important to be playing those kinds of games with. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 12, 2016

    I'm all for adding people like Riri to the Marvel Universe, but I would hope that Bendis and Marvel have something interesting planned for her. Right now, in her debut issue, they don't have a whole heckuva lot. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Nov 9, 2016

    Invincible Iron Man #1 is a very typical first issue to a superhero series. While the artwork is great and the main character isn't bad, there are a lot of elements that under developed, even for a first issue. Overall, this is not as bad as people were thinking it was going to be, but still has yet to find its footing. Read Full Review

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