Civil War II: The Accused #1
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Civil War II: The Accused #1

Event\Storyline: Civil War II Writer: Marc Guggenheim Artist: Ramon Bachs, Garry Brown Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 10, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 11
7.5Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

It's the trial of the century!  As a beloved Avenger falls, another takes the stand to answer for his death. As Hawkeye stands trial amid a case full of super heroes and politics - who will prosecute? None other than Matt Murdock - Daredevil! But when Matt digs into the case and secrets come to light...he may not like what he finds. Has Daredevil bitten off more than he can chew? Amid a growing conspiracy, can the Marvel Universe's most stalwart defender of justice promise a fair trial? The answers won't come easy.
Rated T+

  • 10
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff Aug 22, 2016

    This issue is perfect. This is the story that we all wantedfrom this crossover. It's a damn shame that it is only around for a one-shot.The rest of Civil War II has left a bad taste in my mouth but this issue showsthat there were truly amazing stories that writers wanted to tell in thiscrossover. This one-shot gives us some of the best storytelling that I've readin years and the dialogue is incredibly sharp. I cannot sing the praises ofthis one-shot enough. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Aug 12, 2016

    This is an amazing addition to Civil War II. It includes revered characters and heroes in situations that we haven't really seen them in before. I haven't disclosed what the verdict is, so you'll have to see for yourself whether or not Barton walks a free man. Make sure to pick up this issue from your local comic book shop (which can be found with the Comic Shop Locator Service). Enjoy! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Mexi Gremillion Aug 10, 2016

    The Accused #1 may feel a bit rushed, but it is one that will make you think and one that will captivate you with its visuals. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Graphic Policy - Brett Aug 10, 2016

    Civil War II: The Accused fills in a lot of gaps and I'd say is a pretty vital comic for those interested in Civil War II. But, more importantly, it actually comes close to delivering on the premise that was set up in the beginning of the event. It also leaves the reader with no clear answers. All of that together equals a success and the best comic I've read so far dealing with Civil War II. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Rick Austin Aug 15, 2016

    So Civil War II: The Accused #1 is the best and worst of crossover titles. It's a well-told Daredevil story, but as a Civil War II story it isn't essential reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kristopher Grey Aug 13, 2016

    This issue is a one-shot and gives a decent amount of background about the preceding events, so reading the previous issues isn't necessary to enjoy this comic, but highly recommended to feel the flow of the new Civil War. This comic, along with Civil War II: The Fallen, focuses on the aftermath of the death of the long-running superhero, so while expectations are high, it does not disappoint. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Aug 11, 2016

    I know it seems like I didn't think Civil War II – The Accused #1 is good, but it's more that I think it's sadly stuck with foundational flaws introduced over in the main title. Guggenheim manages to deepen the central ideas quite a bit here, and when he isn't focusing on those flawed aspects and is telling his own story, then the issue is very good, and overall, it winds up being a far more affecting and effective experience than I've had reading any of the main series. It lifts the tie-in easily onto the positive side, and I think it actually helps deepen the argument of the core series somewhat. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Russ Dobler Aug 10, 2016

    Civil War II: The Accused is the kind of story that was sadly absent in the aftermath of the original Civil War, and its ultimate bookend, Siege. It's not perfect, but it is an important experiment in more intellectual super hero comics that convince the reader to think about the real implications of living in the Marvel Universe, and our own. Like the avenging archer himself, The Accused hits more than it misses. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    We The Nerdy - Marshall Bruno Aug 10, 2016

    I wanted to read this and think, "Man, this would be an awesome episode of Daredevil," but that's not how I feel. I feel like this was alright, and something that I'd like to see continue, but on it's own, issue #1 isn't stellar. I can recommend it to people trying to get a bit more insight as to what happened next with Hawkeye after the bombshell in Civil War 2, but other than that, it can be skipped. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Aug 11, 2016

    Continued below(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});Final Verdict: 7.4 – Is "The Accused" necessary to understand all of "Civil War II"? Probably not. There's a a huge chance that this issue's big development might not get followed up on in the future. And to be honest, it's not the kind of thing that needs to get shoehorned into the end of "Civil War II" at the last moment. That said, "The Accused" does a lot to add more to the "Civil War II" story, adding a ton of details that actually make this rift between the Avengers feel like an actual clash in morals. As far as crossover tie-ins go, "The Accused" hits that sweet spot of adding just enough to make the main story feel special without you needing to read it to understand the actual event on a base level. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Aug 10, 2016

    Another good aspect of this book is the potential of the Government passing on the Superhero Registration Act II – a second take on the act that divided the Marvel universe in the firstCivil War. Overall, this one-shot was decent and did well to expand on a decent storyline, but it's not essential reading and we've not learnt too much after finishing it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Aug 10, 2016

    The real hook of a book like Civil War II: The Accused is to place a character like Daredevil, who has his own problems in his own main series, and to show how he might react towards a pivotal point in an event storyline. In that regard, Guggenheim acquits himself well, adding in plenty of wrinkles that gives this admittedly low-stakes trial a little bit more energy. That said, one can't help but see some missed opportunities here, and it's a shame that Civil War II as an event isn't able to really look at the world outside our windows and develop a more solid message on the contentious debate between justice and lethal force. These shortcomings, however, are unlikely to be this creative team's fault, and if you're able to accept that Hawkeye's lightning-fast case might not be the trial of the century, you'll find enough for a decent diversion with The Accused. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Aug 14, 2016

    Since the events of issue three, this issue actually felt as though it's required reading. Because of that and the entertaining story, I'd recommend this tie-in to the overall Civil War II event. Plenty of tie-ins, especially with Marvel events, fail to meet that "required reading" check box, but this one does. It answers the question of Hawkeye's trial and offers insight into the minds of the killer and prosecutor despite them both being heroes and friends. If you're reading Civil War II, then make sure to read this. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Joe Ruggirello Aug 11, 2016

    While the story here is good, there are a few jumps that give you the feeling Guggenheim could have used one more issue to flesh things out better. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Joey Edsall Aug 12, 2016

    Therein lies the problem with Civil War II: The Accused - there is just so much that it could be saying and exploring, from high-profile celebrity trials to the application of lethal force, but it instead plays its story safe and steers clear of the controversial and divisive. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Aug 14, 2016

    The biggest question of this issue, of course, is why it doesn't take place within the actual Civil War II series, since it's a big part of the main storyline for the entire crossover, but I suppose that's a battle you can't help but lose, as Marvel's one-shot strategy has been in place for decades now. All in all, Civil War II: The Accused #1 delivers some okay art with a really obvious and awkward plot, featuring page after page of courtroom scenes that feel like broad parody. Read Full Review

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