After months on the outer edges of the universe, Supergirl is back on Earth! But things are not as she left them-her adoptive parents have disappeared without a trace, Leviathan's plans are in motion and a Brainiac lurks in the shadows with its sights set on Kara! Oh, and what about that grave? The truth of who is in it will shake Supergirl to her very core!
This issue takes us right back to Supergirl. There's much to expect in the coming issues, but no way of knowing what to expect. Beginnings are very exciting. Read Full Review
Eduardo Pansica does some great art in this issue. The characters and the action are amazing. Read Full Review
I was happy with the book prior to the Zaar arc. So seeing all these elements I enjoyed coming back makes me happy as a reader. Supergirl works best when she is a hero on Earth, dealing with teenager stuff, and learning to be a hero. The National City set-up, while initially quite busy, was tighter and enjoyable prior to the creative change. So I am hoping we'll see a turnaround. Not a bad issue. High praise! Read Full Review
Supergirl finally gets in on the "Leviathan" story this week and it makes for an excellent change of pace from the previous Rogol Zaar storyline. Read Full Review
I didn't think the requisite Year of the Villain tie-in really worked for this comic, though " we kept cutting away from the main story and Kara's emotions to catch up on a Brainiac robot who gets offered universal knowledge from Luthor and winds up evolving into a second Brainiac " despite Luthor working with the genuine article. Read Full Review
It's not terrible. There's some good writing and some excellent art. I just feel like this book can do something else than pick up the scraps Bendis sends over. It needs its own identity and once it has that, it'll be a much stronger book overall. Read Full Review
I'll be curious to see how much Kara is involved in Leviathan going forward, or if the death and return of loved ones might sidetrack her for the foreseeable future. And, since Kara Danvers has been missing in Supergirl's absence, what's the plan to reintroduce her to the DCU? Worth a look. Read Full Review
With all of the various elements that are coming into play. It feels as though a truly coherent theme and direction for the series will have to wait until the end of the current Tear of the Villain mega-crossover. For the time being, Kara feels every bit as lost as the series shes in. So it doesnt feel at all incongruous with its central character even if its kind of uneven. Read Full Review
Supergirl starts its latest arc in this issue, and it's a great change of pace from the space stuff that came before it. Read Full Review
A return to Earth signals a return to form for Supergirl. An entertaining issue that proves Event tie-ins can stand by themselves. Read Full Review
While set up issues are only occasionally really exciting, this issue is a disappointment. Instead of using our blank slate to come up with something that will entice new readers who may be looking to jump on to this book, we lean too heavily on the events of the Leviathan Rising story and how that affects Supergirl going forward. Sure, the rest of this story may prove to be something we really enjoy, but it has stumbled out of the gate. Read Full Review