Batwoman #7

Writer: Marguerite Bennett Artist: Fernando Blanco Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 20, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 4
7.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

"FEAR AND LOATHING" part one! When her father, Colonel Jacob Kane, realized that Kate would never become the soldier he wanted, he chose someone else to lead his secret paramilitary group, the Colony. That man-Colony Prime-hates nobody on Earth the way he hates Kate...and the feeling is mutual! So when the two of them are stranded in the Sahara Desert, heavily dosed with Scarecrow's fear toxin, with no way to survive except to rely on each other...they might just choose death instead!

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Sep 20, 2017

    A fantastic issue that's nearly perfect, though it might be a tad obtuse at times. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - Tara Giovannini Sep 21, 2017

    This is the best Batwoman Rebirth issue so far. Taking Kate Kane and throwing her into a survival horror scenario is so right I have no idea why it took this long. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Corps - Kristen Brand Sep 20, 2017

    Though a bit confusing at times, Batwoman #7 is a solid issue with striking imagery, eye-catching art, and a great premise. Its deep enough to warrant a reread, which I cant say about many comics, and writer Maurgerite Bennet is taking the character to cool new places both literally and figuratively. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Shean Mohammed Sep 22, 2017

    Buy it if you want to know more of who Kate is, as the toxins that Scarecrow unleashes brings up many of the insecurities she has hiding, and as always, not many writers are as good at character development as Marguerite Bennett. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GWW - Deron Generally Sep 19, 2017

    A great ongoing story that is allowing the reader to take the journey along with Batwoman. Great artwork makes smooth transition between flashback and present day action. Cover was a little too spoilery for me. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Philip Lawrence Sep 25, 2017

    The next entry inBatwoman'sRebirth series certainly delivers whatBatwoman fans are hoping for: well choreographed action, excellent artwork, sharp writing and a strong, well written protagonist. While I did find the panel structuring to be relatively confusing in the first couple of pages, the whole comic was a welcome return to Batwoman's fight against the Many Arms of Death. Marguerite Bennett has certainly put Batwoman through the ringer in this issue. I cannot wait until Batwoman faces off against Scarecrow, and how she will best him. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Matthew Sibley Sep 21, 2017

    Writer Marguerite Bennett's narration delves into Kate's mindset as she makes this dangerous trek across the desert, but it's the flashbacks that are the highlight of the issue, focusing on Kate's flirtation with the Arms earlier in his life. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Sep 23, 2017

    The new Batwoman story looks like it will be pretty cool, and has a lot of great set-up in this issue. The new artist is also pretty great for the series, I feel. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Jim Remolde Sep 21, 2017

    Overall this issue is good, but jarring and hard to follow after the last issue. I am also left with a question. Is The Needle Scarecrow or is The Needle someone else that is away so Scarecrow can play? I guess I will have to wait for next month. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Philip Schweier Oct 18, 2017

    FrenandoBlancos artwork has a wonderful retro-feel, akin to that of Darwyn Cook orMike Allred. But John Rauchs colors and effects help distance it from them,and provides the artwork its own identity. DC could do a lot worse by keepingthese two guys on the book " or any book for that matter. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Sep 21, 2017

    If you don't mind a long strange tease, there's certainly some interesting things in this book, but you'll get no answers to any questions this early in the game. In fact, you'll be relentlessly bombarded with opportunities for more questions. Are the questions compelling enough to make you want to read on? I think some of them are, but your mileage may vary. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Hussein Wasiti Sep 20, 2017

    This issue is better than what we've been getting recently, but there's still a ways to go before this book becomes the book we want it to be. I understand the hesitation to set the story in Gotham, which is why we're location hopping a lot, but this book needs an identity and the messy plot doesn't help. Blanco does a great job with the art, however, and I'm excited to see more of his work. Read Full Review

  • 2.5
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff Sep 20, 2017

    Batwoman continues to be a dumpster fire but now it's set in the desert. The ending is a bit interesting and has me interested but I know exactly what kind of book this is and it's a book devoid of fun or intrigue or anything else that would entice readers to pick it up. The book is sloppy, it doesn't make sense most of the time, and at one point the author just decides to blatantly lie to the reader for seemingly no reason. I don't want anyone to read this book. I don't want anyone to buy this book. I want you to save your money and spend it somewhere else. The Batwoman stock is dropping fast with this book and you need to abandon ship. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    SloboSOY Nov 18, 2017

    When I see the preview of issue 9, I tell me I had to read Blanco issues. So I take this one.
    First of ... Unless in Tynion's Detective Comics I never like Batwoman. I tried the Rebirth of Bennett & himself, but didn't like it.
    I have some base to not be lost thanks to my readings. I have some gaps too. But in if I was a little lost with Kate sister, Bennett do a fine job between this nombre & the two next to clarify the situation. And in the middle of a trip that very good. Plus, I wasn't as lost as Batwoman in this issue. A very fine one. Bennett alone & I like it, it's a first.

    Cover - 2/2 effective, beautiful & in the spirit of the end of the issue. Well Done.
    Story - 3/3 I find the story a nice reading.
    A more

  • 9.0
    Caivu Sep 19, 2017

    I loved how this issue messed with the reader's perception a bit. After Kate gets shot down early on, it's not easy to tell what's real and what isn't. Confusing? Sure. But that reflects the same disorientation Kate is going through, even before getting fear-toxin'd, so it works. And while understated, it was interesting to see her thought process in the middle of an emergency.

    There's also a mystery set up in this issue regarding what exactly is going on in the Sahara, so it's not just weirdness for the sake of weirdness. And there's a bonus in the form of a surprise appearance from a certain character around the middle of the issue.

    This is a three-issue arc, and seems well-paced so far.

  • 8.0
    sebastianorellana95 Sep 25, 2017

  • 6.0
    iPodwithnomusic Jul 29, 2019

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