It's a standoff of mythological proportions when Wonder Woman combats the resurrected God of War, Ares! While trying to stop a war, Wonder Woman appeals to Ares to intervene with her, but he thinks the two parties should fight it out and resolve it themselves. Guess dying and coming back didn't do much to soften Ares' M.O. Meanwhile, Steve Trevor's been kidnapped and confronts his captor: the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, who's extremely pissed. Let's see Steve schmooze his way out of this one!
This is a fine issue. I really like the conflict between Diana and Ares; Wilson has really found a way to make that dynamic fresh again. I am a little bored with Steve's subplot but the ending makes me more curious. It's a solid issue overall. Read Full Review
Overall, this is a story that wavers from intriguing to excellent based on which plot it's dealing with, and that's a pretty good endorsement for the run as a whole. Wilson continues to build her own unique mythology and direction for the title. Read Full Review
Overall, this issue was an improvement over the previous two introductory issues for this creative team. It seems like theyve ironed out their initial problems, so hopefully, the story only keeps getting better. If this chapter is any indication, the readers should be excited about the future of Wonder Woman. Read Full Review
Ares has yet to settle down to a point for this arc, but the bouncing around at least keeps Diana (and readers) on her toes. This creative team is keeping momentum better than some of the past efforts, here's hoping the book keeps its footing this time. Read Full Review
Wilson and Nord continue to examine the key driving elements of Wonder Woman in ways that are both relevant and interesting. Read Full Review
Cary Nord's art is well done and there are some really good action panels at work between Diana and Ares. Read Full Review
The mythic beasts are officially my favorite part of the comic. They aren't quite comic relief, but they are flawed, and at odds with each other in an interesting way. Through them, I get a strong sense that nothing here is what it seems. That's a lesson that comes up often in comics, but that doesn't seem to have yet occurred to Diana. We'll see if she catches on next issue. Read Full Review
The new Wonder Woman relaunch is going nowhere fast. Read Full Review
The current story of Wonder Woman isn't coming together as expected. Read Full Review
The B story here is what will keep people hooked for next issue, but here's hoping the A story can catch up. Read Full Review
This book just doesn't feel right. It's boring and generic and I can't recommend it to anyone. I'm not sure what is going wrong, but I've come to expect so much more from G. Willow Wilson. I still have hope she will turn it around, but until that happens, I can't recommend this book at all. Read Full Review
This is what I come to comics for--thematic deep dives, strong characterization, and robust art.
Good so far, especially the writing that implies Wonder Woman's tireless effort in helping the innocent.
I liked this for the most part.
I thought this issue was pretty good. Some of the dialogue doesn't work but I wasn't bored out of my mind, like I have been for almost every run post-Rucka so maybe I'm being nicer because of that.
"I am master here"
Still a good story, but the art must improve.
While the writer continuously manages to tell a nice story and portray fairly good Wonder Woman and the ending to this issue definitely keeps me interested I have a problem with Ares. At one moment he has an epiphany about his actions and goals and at other times his behavior changes depending on the wind direction. It looks like he (and the writer) can't decide if he wants to be a villain or a hero in this story.
And the art seriously must get better. Character's faces almost all the time look awkward and it just feels a bit lazy. Although that thing Diana did with her sword looked really cool. That's still only one page.
Disappointing. The art had more variability than in even the last two issues - with Diana looking like different people even within the same page sometimes. Two pages in particular, she looked rather Anime-ish...maybe Nord would thrive more on a Teen Titans-ish book. Wilson is doing okay, with fine but not memorable dialogue. Ares took a *very* quick turn. Where is this going...?
I am sorry to the artist, I am sure they work very hard, but please... Wonder Woman deserves better art than this.
Not bad issue from what we have been getting! Art work was not that bad. And what a badass movie that was to wrap the lasso around lightning. Overall story doesn’t seem to be very interesting.
Bland from start to finish. Dull art, boring story, nothing here worth reading. I heard great thing about Willow Wilson, but none of them are on display. Have to wonder if the editors are forcing the same old same old "Diana and the Gods" stuff onto every new writer.