Batman #658

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Andy Kubert Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 27, 2006 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 23
6.3Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Batman brings his son home to Gotham City and introduces him to both Wayne Manor and the Batcave! But when Batman's new son meets Robin, sparks - and swords - will fly!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Caryn A. Tate Nov 12, 2006

    Theres only one last point to be made about this issue: I wish comics were always this fantastic. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Comic Book Bin - Leroy Douresseaux Jun 12, 2007

    FOR READERS OF: The Kubert/Delperdang art team makes this an exciting all around Batman title and the flagship of the Batman line. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Nov 10, 2006

    Batman #658 was an entertaining read. I have found this "Son of Bat" story arc to be fun and provide plenty of good action, but it was not as good as what I expected. Hopefully, Morrison can turn it up a notch with this new story arc involving the Joker. All in all Batman is still a very good title that is certainly worth giving a try. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Nov 12, 2006

    Ive given this creative team four issues to live up to their reputation and potential, and aside from a couple of glimpses, such as the sharp script, that hasnt happened. Add to that the promise of forthcoming fill-in stories, and Im left wondering when exactly this comic is going to start being the riotously impressive rejuvenation of Batman its supposed to be. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Nov 12, 2006

    Wow, looking at what Ive just written. I seem to be complaining a lot. I guess I am, but as I said, I still enjoyed this enough to want to know what comes next and am actually looking forward to Damians eventual return. Theres also a lot to like here: I love the way Morrison writes Alfred, the Bat-Rocket was worth a smile, I still like the whole army of Ninja Man-Bats gimmick. This is a good Batman story, no doubt setting the scene for things to come during Morrisons run and definitely worth reading if youre a fan of the character. Otherwise, its not that outstanding. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Nov 12, 2006

    So we get cinematic excess this issue: torpedoes at sea, rocket ships and parachutes, a sky full of flapping man-bat wings. Its all very dramatic, its got a familiar but effective rhythm, and its over before you know it. Talia makes a passionate plea in the midst of that, an offer to Bruce of something hes never had and cant accept now, because her mad dreams of domination dont jibe with his goals of protection. But she had to try, and then the stage is cleared for the oldest foe, abruptly, just like the end of a movie. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Nov 12, 2006

    Undoubtedly, Grant Morrison is an intelligent writer whose work often contains more layers of meaning and subtext than may meet the eye on a first (or second, or third) read. However, I dont believe that his stories deserve to be highly praised for these elements alone when they dont work on a more straightforward level. This story simply hasnt delivered, especially when you consider the pedigree of the creators involved, and this fairly flat conclusion to what has been a messy, uneven arc with jarring shifts in tone only reinforces the impression that Morrison is making this stuff up as he goes along. With only one more stand-alone issue to go until a fill-in arc replaces Morrison and Kubert to give them time to catch up, the much-trumpeted creative team is running out of last chances to convince me to return for more, as the middling and inconsequential story which has kicked off their run doesnt exactly inspire me for the future. Hh, indeed. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Murman Nov 12, 2006

    There were some pretty cool moments in this series. Bruce telling Damian that he dishonors his sensei was right on the money. The makeshift Robin outfit with the cape was a nice touch. The halo jump out of the Bat-rocket that made Damian proud to be his fathers son kind of gave it a Mission Impossible moment. Batman even being tricked at the end was an interesting twist (unbelievable, yes, but as Ive said, Morry is always interesting). I just think the book shouldnt have been three issues of back story, and then cram all the action into the last one. And dont even get me started on the ninja Man-bats. I still cant wait to see what comes next, however. Im looking forward to reading the next ish, where we find out what happened to Joker after being shot in the face. That arc would have been a much better read than this one. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bruce Logan Nov 12, 2006

    The Son of the Demon was an Elseworlds/AU story that should have been left where it was. What exactly did this arc accomplish other than canonizing one of the worst Bat-stories that I ever read is beyond me? One can safely say that this isnt the last we see of Talia, so unless he is dead and gone, Damiens future is slated to be one of being an Anti-Robin to Talias Anti-Bat. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Nov 12, 2006

    After the first three issues of the arc, I was sure Morrison was going to come up with a dynamic conclusion. Instead, he seemed to phone it in with a clichd by-the-numbers plot. Even Andy Kuberts illustrations seemed to be lackluster in contrast to his work on the earlier issues of the arc. I think its time to re-read the Seven Soldiers series to cleanse my palate after his disappointing issue. Read Full Review

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