Identity Crisis #4

Writer: Brad Meltzer Artist: Rags Morales, Mike Bair Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 15, 2004 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 19
6.7Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

Another hero's loved one is attacked by a mysterious killer and it sends the DCU Super Heroes into a frenzy! Meanwhile, the next target looks like it'll be someone close to The Man of Steel...

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Jim Kingman Sep 19, 2004

    While the cliffhanger ending is kind of weak (and somewhat removed from current continuity over in the Superman books), its enough to make me really, really want to discover who the villain is. Someone, or someones, very powerful and very smart is behind all this. I believe that if I studied IC hard enough the answer would be right in front of my face (up until now Ive been making guesses; now I feel as if Ive been supplied with clues). On that note, Im going to read IC #4, and the issues leading up to it, one more time! And then its on to the hallowed pages of Justice League of America! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - James Redington Sep 19, 2004

    What Brad Meltzer has done is turn these heroes into us, he has made them human while keeping them super-human this is why this series works, it will make one hell of a graphic novel thats for sure. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Filip Vukcevic Sep 19, 2004

    Overall I would say that this is probably the weakest issue in the mini thus far, but that is still saying a lot. This is a very interesting and well-crafted series and now that were half way through I only hope the latter half of the story will prove to be as engaging as the first half Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Dallas Sep 19, 2004

    This leads to my one complaint about Identity Crisis #4. Although the cover to the issue features a threatening Wonder Woman, her presence in the issue is limited to two pages, on which only her lasso, right hand and left butt cheek are shown. She really needs to be placed besides Batman and Superman as a major player of this story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Lucinski Sep 19, 2004

    Its no mystery why this is the biggest hit to come out of the summer. Whatever larger changes occur as a result of his mini-series, hopefully DC will resist the urge to undo them. The quality of this survey deserves no less. Itll be a long month until issue #5 Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 19, 2004

    Rags Morales turns in another fine effort that hopefully will serve to raise his profile among readers and get him on one of the main titles in the DC line that I feel could use an artist of his considerable skill level. In any event the art opens with a great display of the Atom's power as he works to save Jean, and the desperation on his face during these efforts are well presented by the art. There's also a nice moment where we see the lower levels that the attacks have driven our heroes, as Wonder Woman's anger is clearly conveyed without ever actually showing use her face. There's also a number of solid little moments like Captain Boomerang's look of fatherly pride when his son tells him how he dealt with an intrusive reporter, and the concern shown in the eyes of the next victim as they read the letter adds a real sense of emotional weight to this closing sequence. Michael Turner also turns in a wonderfully evocative cover image. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shaun Manning Sep 19, 2004

    That said, Identity Crisis is bloody hard to put down, and not many readers will be dropping out halfway into the story. It is a good story, even if the execution isnt dead-on. Further, the mystery is compelling, and, morbid souls that comic readers are, weve got to see who gets it next. And if Meltzer gets away with offing the prize he promises on the last page of this issue (heres a hint: he wont), Crisis will propel itself far beyond its promises. Heres hoping. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Sep 19, 2004

    This is the first issue of the title not to impress me, but that doesnt make it a downer on the entire series. Maybe its just a case of middle issue syndrome, but this instalment feels less like a continuation of all the intrigue and action which has preceded it and more like a breather between the set-up and the finale. It doesnt really go anywhere, but gives us time to think (and ask ourselves Who Benefits?) and checks that were all still listening. Roll on issue #5. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Taylor Sep 25, 2004

    What we have here is the illusion of events being meaningful when in fact in two years time they will be completely forgotten. This completely killed my high after reading Hawkman, and I cannot forgive that. Read Full Review

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