Batman #669

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: J.H. Williams III Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 26, 2007 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 20
8.1Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

In this conclusion to the three-part "Black Glove" storyline, Batman's reunion with the Club of Heroes turns into a deathtrap as Robin and the Squire are kidnapped! With the Club of Villains lurking in the shadows, can good possibly triumph over evil?

  • 9.1
    IGN - Dan Phillips Sep 26, 2007

    The real star of this show, however, is JH Williams, who seamlessly mixes a variety of styles in order to capture the schizophrenic tone of the mystery. Whether employing the granulated four-color panels of the silver age in flashback sequences or choosing a visually stunning panel layout in order to capture the grim nature of a scene, Williams rarely takes a false step. This is top-notch comic book storytelling, and I can't wait to have the collection on my bookshelf. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young Oct 1, 2007

    What saved the issue for me was the great work of Williams as the illustrator and the fact that the third villain of the arc, the Black Glove, is still at large and his identity still remains a mystery. I still suspect that this character will turn out to be connected to the so-called Satanic Batman from issue #666leaving me with hope that all of the parts will eventually become clear once we see Morrisons larger tapestry. Read Full Review

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