Identity Crisis #7
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Identity Crisis #7

Writer: Brad Meltzer Artist: Rags Morales Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 15, 2004 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 17
5.3Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

In the finale to one of the most shocking comic book events of all time, the terrifying murderer stands revealed and friendships are betrayed! Some secrets are too massive for some heroes to handle, while other remain in the dark, but one things certain--the DCU will never be the same after this!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - James Redington Dec 19, 2004

    I do feel let down by the ending, not for the quality of the work but because the killer ended up being Mrs. Atom I was hoping for more. I really was. Where was the big villain the big final fight? To be honest this ending does work because it was low key, and it kept with the level of the story so far. It was a story about the heroes as humans, about their identities and thats why I can forgive the lack of battle that the fanboy in me wants. This story impacts where it counts and succeeds on every level. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Dallas Dec 19, 2004

    The crowning achievement of Identity Crisis is, again, how it changes the tone of the DC Universe and creates situations and developments for the other DC on-going titles to address, elaborate and resolve. As a murder mystery, Identity Crisis is disappointing. But as an event that impacts the DC Universe, Identity Crisis was both necessary and notable. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 19, 2004

    While Ive seen the cover image for months in advance of its actual arrival, the image is still an undeniably powerful image that effectively conveys the loss of innocence that has fallen over the Justice League as a result of this miniseries. As for the interior art, Rags Morales does a solid enough job of telling the story, as while I found some of the panels were a bit overly melodramatic, with the killers Joker like smile as she explains how successful her plan was coming across as being a little too deliberate in its attempt to sell the characters madness. However, the art does an amazing job on the aftermath scenes, from the page where The Atom reacts to the enormity of what had been done in his name, to the final sequence where the Elongated Man has found a somewhat unsettling means of dealing with his loss. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Lucinski Dec 19, 2004

    The The crisis is over and the guilty have been caught. While the killers identity could have been more satisfying, the journey from issue #1 to issue #7 was a hell of a ride. It will be interesting to see the consequences of this play out over the next year. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shaun Manning Dec 19, 2004

    For all this, the final issue of Identity Crisis is effective in establishing the new status quo of the DC superhero community. It is clear how the events of this series will reverberate through these heroes lives, as fundamental relationships are tested to the point of breaking. There were no big deaths, as some fans had predicted and clamored for, but the victims of this series have the potential to disrupt things to a far greater degree than the death of, say, a Green Lantern or Wonder Woman. Because Sue Dibny and Jack Drake will not return in any six-part miniseries, because they did not put their lives on the line fighting crime, because there was no sidekick waiting to fill their boots. The power of Identity Crisis was the very human sense of loss, permanent loss, in a world of gods where nothing is forever. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Dec 19, 2004

    I dont want to sound too down on Identity Crisis as a whole, because the series has done some great things with the super-hero genre, remaining a classily-produced act all the way through (with it being a particular pleasure to watch Morales and Bairs artwork consistently improve by the issue) and never being less than entertaining. Unfortunately, this cant be said for the lacklustre finale. As a new DC reader, this final issue had all the potential to open me up to new characters and ongoing series, and get me interested in the DCU as a whole. Unfortunately, Meltzers conclusion hits far wide of the mark, succeeding only in wrapping up the book in name alone, leaving too much by the wayside and reverting to the status quo as much as the titles premise would let him. Having set up such an easy final punch, this final floundering can only be said to be a sorely missed opportunity. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Dec 19, 2004

    I fear were supposed to see Ralph as at peace and resolved to his loss at the end of the issue. No way. What we witness instead is the mad rambling of a shock-damaged victim, woefully losing touch with reality. Meltzers jarring attempts to intrude realistic crime drama upon the meta-hero world falls flat once again, because in the DCU, we know ghosts are real. What Ralph needs is a medium, not kindly advice to just hurry his impending senility along. Calling Madame Xanadu! Save Ralph from existential despair! Conjure up the ghost of Sue before he morphs into a villain himself! Read Full Review

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