Welcome to Gothtopia! Die happy! As Catbird carries on the fight for justice even without the help of her beloved Batman, she finds herself facing a great mystery: Who is Catwoman?
This issue gets a 7, for Sonia Oback's masterful coloring of Catwoman, a straightforward story without confusing twists, and scenes of Selina trying to figure out Gothtopia. I'm excited for Catwoman's next arc, where Selina can put the confusion of Gothtopia behind and focus on her next endeavor. Read Full Review
Catwoman #28 is a horrible, unnecessary part of the Gothtopia story. Ann Nocenti puts in her trademark drivel and Patrick Olliffe's art while good, can't save the day. Avoid this issue at all costs and don't buy Catwoman until Ann Nocenti is fired. Read Full Review