Alvin Minon's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Flip Geeks Reviews: 21
7.8Avg. Review Rating

All New Executive Assistant Iris #1

Sep 30, 2013

The story might've not given that big impact but it sure has piqued my interest. It's an opening issue afterall so the pace's bound to pickup and more depth would be unravelled soon. However, as for the art, I wish our folks in Aspen would reconsider the look that they want for the Executive Assistant. Sexy ladies with voluptous bodies are great, but I want to read about Iris the Executive Assistant and not Iris the model or porn actress. If that were the case, I could've grabbed some Japanese hentai comic instead. This time I'd be checking out what's next because of the story so I hope the art would help out in the next issue.

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Avengers A.I. #2

Aug 11, 2013

Well I think Humphries' team is working. In a world where people live with computers and data, where superpowered heroes and villains are battled with gadgets and weaponry, how would a team of A.I. rise up against a villain that operates on and hijacks all kinds of technology? It's a team of robots and androids but Avenger's A.I. sure has shown that such a team can still be full of conflict and comedy and human emotions. Avengers A.I. #2 might've suffered from problematic transitioning and pacing, but I do hope it'll all get better in the next release.

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Avengers A.I. #3

Sep 9, 2013

This issue's definitely better than the previous ones. The theme's not really new and there are some issue with the characters but I was able to read past that. It's just like having the same viand you had yesterday, but this time done by a different chef, with different garnishings and taste. The Diamond and Dimitrios' cause has become more interesting and perhaps there are some other ideas Humphries could play with in the next issues. Araujo and D'Armata's works here are nothing but great and I'd say seeing how The Diamond's brought to life is reason enough to check out this issue.

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Black Widow (2014) #1

Jan 24, 2014

I really appreciate what Edmondson and Noto has done with Black Widow #1. It's with the familiar theme of atonement and looking back at her past sins, but as of the moment it feels like a fresher take. No doubt the series will focus not on the action and the sexiness and bad-assery the assassin-agent-Avenger does, but rather emphasize her history and character development. Now that is something I'd follow and look forward to!

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Bravest Warriors #13

Nov 13, 2013

With the trippy theme and dysfunctional childhood story, I'm not really sure why this title's together with Kaboom! Children's imprint. But then again, I'm not really sure why Pendleton Ward stories are even allowed for consumption by children. Couldn't care less though, as long as I get to enjoy the comic book as much as I enjoy the series. For people who love the weird humor of the show, might as well give this book a chance as it sure brings some new, but still the same Bravest Warriors kind of fun.

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Captain Midnight #2

Sep 10, 2013

Captain Midnight #2"s able to keep the level going while adding some more depth and even improving on the art on its action panels. A lot has been unraveled here as we see more about the characters, the evil behind everything that's happening and what would seem to be next for our hero. The plane has taken flight but it can also be said that it hasn't reached enough altitude yet. Going towards the end of this book, it seems there would be some heavy development in the next issue and that I'll look forward to.

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Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man #1

Nov 24, 2013

While the events in this book might not have much to do with Cataclysm events, Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man's the wrap-up I could hope for. It's the right transition that would allow not only me but also other Ultimate readers to move on from the Ultimate Marvel universe and embrace the coming of Galactus. Really big thanks I got my hands on this issue, fantastic read I'd say.

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Deadpool: The Gauntlet #1

Jan 21, 2014

Maybe the sequences are part of the digital compatibility the series is going for but it sure does look well with Deadpool. I just noticed I'm getting sucked into the pace while reading and laughing at the jokes and getting mesmerized by how each page looks. As the mini Deadpool in the intro says, the digital copy's worth it with all its new stuff. The story might not be that compelling yet at this point but I think it'll be interesting to see how it'll roll out, conducive to the events to happen this summer. Chimichangas!

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Drumhellar #1

Nov 13, 2013

Image Comics' Drummhellar #1 is one crazy starting point for the supernatural detective. I may be skeptic with the story but the strange insane world of Hellar plus how it's depicted by Rossmo's art works like a charm. The potential might not be enough reason for some, but what I do hope though is that the disjointed winding story is there to bring us a bigger, better picture.

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Eternal Warrior (2013) #1

Sep 12, 2013

Valiant's done a great job with this title. If you're interested in some no-cape superhero action (though Gilad sports some fancy hoodie-cloak), or ruthless beefcake action, or even surprising conflicts and twists, then this one's for you. Pak handling the immortal warrior's story is a sure killer already. And while the art kind of failed panels where there should be more emotional beat, I've seen Hairsine do better before in his previous works and I sure do hope he'd get into his rhythm for this title. Overall, it's a big debut for Gilad this title's already taken a spot in my comic list.

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Hawkeye (2012) #14

Dec 18, 2013

Once again I'm sorry this has been an uber late post. It's a good read and I shouldn't have delayed letting other people know how enjoyable this Hawkeye is. It might not hit the same intensity set in Clint's parallel narrative, but this issue has its charms and Kate continues to prove that the LA Woman is no longer Clint's foil.

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Hunger #1

Jul 25, 2013

It's just the first one so things are slow and not there yet. I thought Age of Ultron Aftermath will be a dragging arc about recovering and picking up the pieces left behind but I was wrong. It's one big event after another and those who missed Ultron, or even those who missed a lot of events, could jump right in. And you know that if it involves Galactus and the Watcher, big things are on the way and Hunger's a good starting point if you want to see how the Ultimate Universe would change.

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Imagine Agents #2

Dec 1, 2013

I first read the first issue and I thought it's a pretty high note to reach for the second one. But #2 just hits that with ease, with its visually fantastic pages and a story that's the right mix of funny moments, action and drama. It's sad that it's already halfway. I imagine Imagine Agents working really well as a full-blown series. It's a great read for all ages so better pick it up and add that to your reading list.

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Overtaken #1

Sep 10, 2013

The awfully slow pace could be a turn off for some readers and in my case the misleading pace got me disappointed but I was still able to pull through and look at the brighter side of this comic. Opening issues have always been a challenge and I guess Overtaken just suffered some of those opening issue problems. Having said all of that, the artwork's still really good and the story could pull off something bigger later on with its somewhat familiar plot with a twist. It's a beautiful book but for now it's just one that has lot to promise and I really hope things would turn around in the next one. Oh and congratulations to Aspen Comics for its tenth year anniversary!

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Powerpuff Girls #1

Sep 30, 2013

With a new CG animated special coming to Cartoon Network, IDW has done a great job introducing PPG into comics. At most it's a rated PG book and kids are sure to enjoy it. There's subliminal adult humor too so young adults would have fun reading this. Plus there's the nostalgia hitting those who have seen the tv series when they were kids. Although the book would seem weaker if considered from the eyes of a young adult reader, it's still the first issue so I'd want to see if this would really be an all-ages comic book in the next issue.

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Regular Show Skips #1

Nov 10, 2013

The pacing could use a little more work and Rupert could use her own twists to the the title. But as for everything else, the book has done well for a first issue. The flow's all smooth and the story's something that I'd like to see progress. Plus it's about Skips! About time that nipple-totting yeti takes the spotlight!

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Superior Carnage #3

Sep 19, 2013

At the end of the comic, Superior Spider-Man once again makes his appearance, confronting the Frightful Four as they enter the mayor's office. This makes me curious as to how things would go and how the series would wrap itself up. Superior Carnage #3"s a good read,a solid issue with a great cliffhanger and it's definitely better than the second issue. The artwork's still rocking, impressive as usual so what I could only hope for is that Shinick would keep it up with what he has built up for the character.

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The Owl #2

Aug 9, 2013

The Owl #2 is packed with drama but it feels a little bit slow considering that there's just a couple of issues left. I just hope that they pick up the pace in the next issue. But still, it's an awesome chapter that gives depth and more conflict to The Owl. There's a good serving of bone-snapping and ass-kicking action and we hope to see more of the developments in #3.

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The Owl #3

Sep 10, 2013

Thank goodness everything picked up in this issue, making up for the past two sluggish issues. This one's definitely the most action-packed issue we've seen from Krul, where the story's set-up for a grand conclusion. Well I sure do hope the last one would respond the expectations as there's still some things remained unanswered and plus the question of how to wrap things up.

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The Owl #4

Oct 14, 2013

It's a great series-ender as far as I'm concerned. The Owl has somewhat settled what he has to do in his new world while at the same time, not everything is done yet, allowing room for more stories and issues. There were a few bumps along the way but this issue covers all of that up, making the series worth the pick. Like I've been asking, I wonder what would happen to The Owl after this, whether the title would continue or not. But in case it does, then that's another title added to my list of comics I'd regularly get.

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Young Avengers (2013) #12

Nov 25, 2013

Still, this one's a good read with wonderful pages where panels could be machine gun bullets or the negative space between jagged lightning bolts. The story's the same awesome young ambiance that talks about the young and tackles the issues of the young. It's sad that it'll be ending soon but looking at Young Avengers #12, I'm pretty sure Gillen and McKelvie will be ending it with a bang.

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