Anthony Behan's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ComicBuzz Reviews: 12
7.7Avg. Review Rating

Lazarus #11

Sep 12, 2014

Lazarus 11 is one of the best issues so far in a stellar series. Greg Rucka continues to build an intriguing, original world filled with memorable and well rounded characters full of mystery and hidden motives. This issue continues an arc that is set to blow that world open into new possibilities and with the Conclave itself starting next issue, we are sure to see the cast expand further (including the long awaited return of Joacquim). Lazarus 11 is a fantastic issue of one of the best series going today. If you're not already reading it, get on it right now.

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Moon Knight (2014) #6

Aug 7, 2014

Though some may be left disappointed that no over arcing story was created over this run, no one will be able to deny this was one of the most successful experimental titles from Marvel in recent years. With consistently imaginative ideas and outstanding artwork, Moon Knight's initial run is going to be an extremely tough act to follow but thank Konshu for bringing this team together to reintroduce Mark Spector in spectacular fashion.

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Saga #21

Jul 24, 2014

While I would have liked to learn more about Dengo and what his plans are following issue 20′s conclusion, Saga 21 really moved the main narrative forward at a satisfying pace and continued to develop the Robot Kingdom's role in the overall story. Vaughan continues to masterfully build his epic and I can't wait to see where he takes us next.

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Saga #22

Aug 28, 2014

It's almost redundant to say Saga is excellent at this stage but Vaughan and Staples keep managing to deliver an almost flawless series every month. This issue has been building for a while now and it delivers some tough emotional hits, where Vaughan takes these characters to next is anyone's guess but no doubt it will continue to build on the amazing story we've been privilege to so far

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Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #1

Aug 21, 2014

Over all Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #1 is an entertaining story with an interesting concept that could have been improved on if it had more time. Gail Simone has a firm understanding of both Wonder Woman and villain teams but maybe less time should have been given to this particular set of villains. I hope other teams play with ideas like the ones here but maybe keep more of the attention on Wonder Woman and her world in the future.

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Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #2

Aug 14, 2014

Overall Spider-Man 2099 delivers everything you want in a Spider-Man comic. It's entertaining, funny and with likable characters while still presenting a very distinctive lead separate from The Amazing Spider-Man. The story still needs some stronger plot elements if the series is to continue in the long term but this creative team is off to a great start and I'll defiantly be picking up future issues to see where they take Spider-Man 2099.

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Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #3

Sep 8, 2014

I feel the problem with this issue may stem from Peter David's obligation to tie Spider-Man 2099 into the upcoming Spider-Verse event, as such he isn't free to take the story in the direction he wants and instead is forced to provide this filler for the time being. That doesn't mean it can't be entertaining filler though. I'm hoping the next will provide some exciting action that will let the art team shine and hopefully add to this issue, which at the moment doesn't offer much in super heroics or plot development. Issue 1 and 2 offered some clever and intriguing elements to Spider-Man 2099′s modern day story, it's time to build on these before this series fades away after Spider-Verse gets wrapped up.

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Thanos: Infinity: The Infinity Revelation #1

Aug 15, 2014

Thanos The Infinity Revelation is an extremely smart, challenging and superbly drawn book. It may not be to everyone's tastes but it is a love letter to fans of classic Marvel cosmic stories and to Starlin's two most endearing creations and it achieves its goal of reminding readers why Thanos should be feared and respected. In the end it may not answer every question or provide the outcome some readers may want but as Thanos himself reflects, it is much more about the journey than the end goal.

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The Wake #10

Jul 31, 2014

Maybe I need to reread this as a single collection or maybe I'm missing out the subtle plot points and symbolism but I came away from this book underwhelmed, a disappointment from a series that has constantly surprised and shocked me. I have a feeling this will be a divisive conclusion amongst readers and I would recommend most people to read this as a trade. However there are things here to love, particularly the art and I would still completely recommend The Wake as a whole to everyone, especially the first 5 issues. The Wake may not be perfect in the end but it's still one of the best examples of a comic today that is not afraid to try something different and take chances and for that I cannot fault it.

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Thor: God of Thunder #25

Sep 19, 2014

Thor God of Thunder 25 is a satisfying send off to one of the best Thor runs in history. It complements the rich history Jason Aaron has built for Thor's world, while nicely sets up elements for his new series. It's disappointing that the final issue doesn't deliver any suitably huge scenes like previous issues and leaves a lot of questions unanswered. However it delivers the exciting time spanning adventures we've come to love from Aaron's Thor and offers a treat to the eyes with 3 exceptional art teams. The title of Thor may be passing to a new character but I think we can still expect the same epic stories from the god of thunder.

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Uncanny Avengers #22

Aug 6, 2014

Uncanny Avengers might not match up to previous Rick Remender finales but it's still a great ending to an epic arc. It manages to tie up all the loose ends while leaving the door open for multiple future stories and some interesting changes for the Avengers Unity Team. Role of Axis.

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Uncanny Avengers #23

Sep 1, 2014

Uncanny Avengers 23 may leave some readers disappointed in the absents of any action but we get some great character movements and development. It offers a satisfying transitional issue that builds upon some of the outcomes of the previous arc's climax, while syncing up the series with the rest of the universe in time for the next big cross over. I just hope Axis can match up to Remenders previous work in this series.

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