Branden M.'s Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Weird Science Reviews: 3
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: III #1

May 1, 2019

Overall, Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III's first issue does a great job of bringing the reader into this universe and building this world. Tynion even has a few surprises in store for fans of the series from the beginning they wont see coming and I know I certainly didn't.  Williams and Colwell are always reliable as an art team really coming through with some truly excellent character designs here. Don't let this being the third arc, in cross company crossover series, discourage you from jumping in cold here, there is plenty to enjoy for everyone.

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Damage (2018) #16

Apr 17, 2019

Overall, as a whole, the final issue of Damage was like most every other issue of Damage, where the problem is solved as soon as Damage is able to come too and save the day.  There's some small growth with Ethan here, but coming in literally the final issue of the series, we'll most likely never see it go beyond that.  In the words of the late great Dennis Green, Damage "is what we thought it was", a Hulk-like attempt at a book that just never expanded on that very basic concept. 

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #4

Apr 10, 2019

As a whole, the Batman Who Laughs continues to be the best Batman book on the 'spinner racks' right now, serving up thrillingly haunting story which keeps you guessing at every page turn.  Even if the connections to Metal might have made you hesitate to pick this up at first, the title is making an argument that its entering must read territory, and it deserves such attention for the ways storytelling and art are working in conjunction to tell a truly one of a kind Batman tale.

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