Brandon's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Book Revolution Reviews: 9
8.5Avg. Review Rating

Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #638

Jul 22, 2010

Amazing Spider-Man #638 is a miss on all levels. Unless you are a diehard OMD fan (they do exist) I would recommend skipping this issue. Frankly, due to some things, this seems to be an insult to both fans of OMD and those fans that would have preferred the marriage had never been touched. It is because of these distinctions that I award the very first HOT SHAFT award to this issue.

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Atomic Robo: Revenge Of The Vampire Dimension #2

Apr 20, 2010

In case you didn't notice, I really liked this book. Once again, Clevinger and Wegener show me why this is the best book on the shelves. I highly recommend going out and picking this book up, or if you want to get caught up, pick up one of the three trades that are out. (You can really start anywhere in this book, that's part of the beauty of it.)

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Atomic Robo: Revenge Of The Vampire Dimension #3

May 20, 2010

">Written by Brandon Ok guys, this has been a big week for comics. We've seen the Avengers return, we've seen a new Legion book, Zatanna got her own book, and Atlas relaunched to the joy of many fans. However you feel about these developments, just know that they are not the highlight of the week. No no, the highlight comes to us from the twisted mind of Mr. Brian Clevinger and the steady pencil of Mr. Scott Wegener. Atomic Robo continues to astound, the only question is, how well does it astound? Come with me and we'll explore the ever-zany world of Atomic Robo: Revenge of the Vampire Dimension.Creative Team: Writer: Brian ClevingerArtist: Scott WegenerColors: Ronda PattisonStory Rating: 10 Night Girls out of 10Art Rating: 10 Night Girls out of 10Overall Rating: 10 Night Girls out of 10Synopsis:The story opens with Robo flying over an island in a helicopter in the year 1999. The scene flashes back sixty-seven minutes to Robo talking to an official about explosions on the uninhabited

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Atomic Robo: The Deadly Art of Science #1

Nov 12, 2010

Guys and gals, if you haven't pegged me as a Robo fanboy by now you need to open your eyes. Atomic Robo is the best comic on the shelves right now, and this volume is shaping up to surpass anything that has come before. Do yourself a favor. This issue is incredibly new reader-friendly, so scurry down to your local comic shop and snatch this one up. You won't be sorry, and you'll be part of a whole new world, a world were comics are fun again.

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Darkwing Duck #3

Aug 17, 2010

I would LOVE to see them making TaleSpin comics (my favorite), especially if they can keep up the excellent work :)Quote Refresh comments list

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Flash (2010) #2

May 18, 2010

">Written by Brandon The Flash. This is one superhero I never thought I would enjoy. Then came Final Crisis, and I really dug this Barry Allen guy, even though I had only seen him in Crisis on Infinite Earths. Unfortunately, that was the last time anybody had seen him. Next was Rebirth, and again, I didn't see a whole lot to like. But once I picked up Secret Files and Origins, I knew I was hooked. I am now giving Flash a chance every month. This is the second issue of Barry Allen's new ongoing. How does it stack up against the competition? Read on to find out.Creative Team:Writer: Geoff JohnsArtist: Francis Manapul and Joel GomezColorist: Brian BuccellatoStory Rating: 8 Rogues out of 10Art Rating: 9 Rogues out of 10Overall Between Johns' lighthearted take on the story, and Manapul's colorful, almost playful art, this book is the brightest spot in the Brightest Day. Here's hoping the book keeps the momentum the first two issues have established. I would recommend this book to anyone.

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Hellboy: Hellboy in Mexico #1

May 11, 2010

Hellboy in Mexico has whet my appetite for more things Hellboy. I'll probably go back and pick up some trades, as this universe, while a dark and gritty one, is a whole lot of fun. The references to wrestling, as well as the fight scenes mostly being made of purely stylish luchadore high-flying combos, make this book a must own for everyone. In a week of excellent books, this one stands out as one of the best.

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Power Girl (2009) #10

Mar 27, 2010

So, in a week that saw the release of Green Lantern #52 as well as the highlyoverhypedanticipated Nemesis fromMillarandMcNiven, how does Power Girl #10 fare? It's the best book I'veread this week. Thatdoesn't say much when held up against Nemesis, granted, but against the stellar Green Lantern that is some high praise indeed, and I mean every word of it. Go buy this book now.

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The Mystic Hands of Doctor Strange #1

Mar 15, 2010

Birng on the Savage Axe of Ares next month!Quote 0#2RotSman2010-03-16 13:18I've said it before, but that Mephisto summoning is the best he's ever looked, and one of the finest pieces of graphic art I've seen in a comic in years. I'll buy this just for that image...if I can find it!Quote Refresh comments list

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