Amazing Spider-Man #638

Writer: Joe Quesada Artist: Paolo Rivera Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 21, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 1
5.4Critic Rating
4.5User Rating

ONE MOMENT IN TIME Part 1 & 2 The questions have been haunting readers throughout Spider-Man’s Brand New Day and now the answers are here in four double-sized issues! What really happened at the wedding of Spider-Man and Mary Jane? What does Mary Jane know about Spider-Man today? How did ONE MORE DAY affect the Marvel U? Joe Quesada and Paolo Rivera are here to pull back the ... (each)

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Jul 21, 2010

    Not the train wreck comic that people thought it would be based on "One More Day," the first part of "One Moment in Time" blends the classic story of Peter and Mary Jane's wedding with new events to show how history was changed. It's a small, subtle change and the shifting art styles is a little distracting, but the overall package is good. This issue is a good sign for the rest of the story. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    cxPulp - B. Schatz Jul 23, 2010

    The "once upon a time" thing though? Still ridiculous - if for the fact that these stories usually end with "and they all lived happily ever after" (or alternatively, "happily until their deaths") and do not involve making love pacts with fake Satan. Usually. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicBuzz - phil Jul 27, 2010

    The last 3 years have produced the most consistently good issues of Spider-man in decades wiping away and bad taste left over from the event that was necessary to create them. With an ark like this that addresses it directly I couldn't help but have some negative feelings left from before and I think that this leaves One Moment In Time facing an uphill battle. All that said I really enjoyed this issue, though I would have been happy for them to ignore OMD and just continue with great stories it probably needed to be addressed eventually. Filling out a full 42 pages I can't help recommend picking up this issue and giving it a chance. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Tacopina Jul 23, 2010

    In the end this issue was just there. It didnt really deliver anything One More Day worthy at least not that has been revealed so far. I do think that the potential for the rest of the arc to open things up and infuse those moments are potentially there. The question is, can they be executed properly? Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jul 21, 2010

    My main problem with Amazing Spider-Man #638 isn't as simple as the original Paul Ryan drawn pages sitting uncomfortably next to the Rivera-drawn pages, even though they do despite Rivera's best efforts to channel a classic look; my main problem is that the new sequences seen here don't add much of anything to the table, focusing on the aforementioned nameless henchmen breaking out of a police car (with some help from Mephisto), setting about on a half-realized scheme to kill a cop, and then ultimately preventing Spidey from reaching the ceremony. If Quesada truly intended and tried to make this story fit organically into the original, and it's fairly clear he did, then I fear he accomplished the opposite. This comic feels very much like a team of editors and creators rolling up their sleeves to try and jerry-rig past continuity to fit their needs. Which is probably the biggest criticism I can think to assign it. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Brandon Jul 22, 2010

    Amazing Spider-Man #638 is a miss on all levels. Unless you are a diehard OMD fan (they do exist) I would recommend skipping this issue. Frankly, due to some things, this seems to be an insult to both fans of OMD and those fans that would have preferred the marriage had never been touched. It is because of these distinctions that I award the very first HOT SHAFT award to this issue. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jul 25, 2010

    Peter misses his wedding because a fat guy fell on him. I repeat, Peter misses his wedding because a fat guy fell on him and he couldn't get up. This is why they don't get married. This was the great story that justifies the Brand New Day continuity and had to be told. Additionally, they butchered a classic story to tell this abomination of a comic. Read Full Review

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