Adventure Comics (2009) | 1 issues |
Adventure Comics (2009) #12
Jun 4, 2010 |
Kevin Sharpes art was good which is almost all I can bring myself to say about it. It effectively conveys the action of the story, and doesnt allow any confusion with characters or flow of action, so I really cant complain. The aesthetic, however, didnt quite hit my sweet spot, so while it accomplished its goal of telling the story in a clear and concise manner, I was left with a feeling of overwhelming ambivalence. But hey, thats better than some. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) | 4 issues |
Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #634
Jun 18, 2010 |
And if that wasn't enough, all of this is followed up by a short by Stan Lee and Marcos Martin that will run through the next twelve issues of Amazing. It's a "Sunday" format comic, spread across two pages, and it's a fun little story, with some nice layouts, but really, at this point in time, there's not a whole lot that can be said for it, as we're merely given a taste. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #636
Jul 9, 2010 |
Now, the visual aspect of the comic well, it was pretty fantastic. Deadlines once again seemed to grind their way into the gears, with this issue shipping a couple weeks later than planned with a new artist (Checchetto) taking on the lions share of the art duties but the story does not suffer as a result. The deadpan tone maintains, and the storys movement continues apace, solid work done to maintain the look of all characters involved without any tonal whiplash when the original art team returns for the last couple of beats. As the proceedings wind down, I cant help but hope that the next story arc for the book (the pre-emptively infamous One Moment in Time) injects a bit of fun into the proceedings because if they expect me to take the follow-up to Spideys love deal with fake-satan seriously, theyve got another thing coming. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #638
Jul 23, 2010 |
The "once upon a time" thing though? Still ridiculous - if for the fact that these stories usually end with "and they all lived happily ever after" (or alternatively, "happily until their deaths") and do not involve making love pacts with fake Satan. Usually. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #641
Sep 10, 2010 |
While I came into this arc with high expectations and while I enjoyed every issue before this I cant help but tell you that the end really lets what came before deflate into something a little lesser than what it could have been. A valiant try, to be sure, but when theres that much vitriol and baggage pushing down from the real world, it doesnt take much to send the cart careening off the edge. That said, the subsequent issue thats also on the stands this week? Is phenomenal, and quite the work of fiction. Just goes to show you, that no matter how hard reality tries, it cant forever take the power away from worlds of pure imagination. |
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Batgirl (2009) | 1 issues |
Batgirl (2009) #12
Jul 15, 2010 |
Buy the first Batgirl trade through Amazon.com. |
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Batman Beyond (2010) | 1 issues |
Batman Beyond (2010) #1
Jun 30, 2010 |
And now, the art. When I saw Ryan Benjamins name on the solicits, I cringed a little bit. After all, he was the guy who was brought in to pinch hit for Tony Daniel right before Batman R.I.P kicked off and holy wow, were those some terrible looking comics. However, Ive learned that fill-in work is a completely different beast than planned work, and often times, artists who can are tossed a book to turn around in the span of two weeks or less and the quality always shows. So, I walked into the book ready to give the man the benefit of the doubt and well, he did a pretty good job. There are some weird looking bits that sit a bit uncomfortably on the page, but the look of the future Batman is solid, and the action, when it takes place is kinetic. Hopefully this can maintain across six issues, because his rushed work? Is not good. |
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Brightest Day | 1 issues |
Brightest Day #4
Jun 18, 2010 |
Now, as for the art" well, the art is good, and I like how they're handling the chores for this book. Each artist has clearly been given a character to follow throughout the series (notice how the complete lack of Martian Manhunter syncs up with the disappearance of Partick Gleason from this issue) and it gives each little story its own little flavor and look. The artists were also clearly chosen to complement each other, as the shifts in style never feel jarring, so on that front, this book is a success. On the whole, I would much rather not be reading this book, but hey, when something is selling so well in your shop, you really should keep tabs on the events. And so it goes. |
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Chew (20090 | 1 issues |
Chew (20090 #11
Jun 7, 2010 |
This is probably my favorite comic on the market right now. Out this Wednesday. |
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Deadpool: Wade Wilson's War (2010) | 1 issues |
Deadpool: Wade Wilson's War (2010) #1
Jun 11, 2010 |
Now normally, Im able to look over little annoyances like this if the plot as a whole is something special but its not. Or at least not yet. Right now, its a fairly by-the-numbers affair, where a team of killers goes out and kills things. Theres no nuance, and as far as I can tell, no special reason. It was just a thing. Needless to say, I was quite disappointed in this outing though to be fair, the story could have a few wrinkles yet. Lets hope thats the case. |
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Forgetless | 1 issues |
Forgetless #5
Jun 18, 2010 |
You wanted to read this book. You now know that you want to read this book. Dont miss your chance: seek it out now. |
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Franken-Castle | 1 issues |
Franken-Castle #17
Jun 4, 2010 |
Anyway, this is the start of the new arc, and with it, they renamed the old Punisher book Franken-castle just to let you know that theres a bigger story at work - and I can be more excited. It should be an awesome ride. |
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Hulk (2008) | 1 issues |
Hulk (2008) #23
Jun 24, 2010 |
The art is well, the art is actually really good in this book. I like the way Ed McGuinness draws (even if he takes a while to put product out) and using different artists associated with the different Hulk eras to draw those events was a really nice touch. Honestly, not enough to redeem the story, but whatever. It looks like the events of this book and Incredible Hulk will make way for fill-ins next month before concluding in August so look forward to that. |
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Incredible Hulk (2009) | 1 issues |
Incredible Hulk (2009) #610
Jun 18, 2010 |
The art is pretty solid, and takes great pains to make sense of whats happening, but with all of the explosions and crazy science talk going on, things are still a little hard to follow. Admittedly, it would probably help if I had read all the preceding issues, but right about now, that isnt going to happen. Ive washed my hands of the current Hulk stories, and will return once more when I can feel the ground below my feet. But hey, at least everyone should be happy that the real Hulk is back, yeah? |
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Morning Glories | 1 issues |
Morning Glories #1
Aug 12, 2010 |
All in all, this is a pretty fantastic debut - and it looks like it might have the power to stick around. Diamond has stated that they have already sold out of the first print run, and Image has a second printing set to arrive on September 1st. Check your local comic shop to see if they have some copies left, and nab one today - or alternatively, berate them for being out and demand some second print action. For your troubles, youll be rewarded with 44 story pages for a scant $3.99 American - a deal on top of a good read. |
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New Avengers (2010) | 1 issues |
New Avengers (2010) #1
Jun 17, 2010 |
All told, a solid start. A little talky, but by this point in time, if youre walking into a Brian Michael Bendis Avengers book, and youre expecting something that doesnt involve quippy fights and conversations, then you really should be giving your brain a good hard look because there is something wrong with it. |
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Superman (2006) | 1 issues |
Superman (2006) #701
Jul 15, 2010 |
But what do I know. I'm just a critic. |
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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2009) | 1 issues |
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2009) #11
Jun 11, 2010 |
The change in energy can also be attributed to the books new artist David Lafuente who has been quite a polarizing presence on this book. Some of the customers at my shop complain that his style is too manga for them (which betrays a fundamental lack of knowledge towards the term manga), and have subsequently dropped the book, while others like myself find themselves becoming more and more enamored with the ink hes slinging on the page. His facial expressions, his body language, and his well developed sense of drawing Things and People in motion are pretty much second to none plus, the way he punctuates a joke by changing the panel imagery really makes each chuckle hit a little harder. Its a fantastic book that you should be reading, even if you werent too keen on it right when the first series was winding down all those months ago. |
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We Kill Monsters | 1 issues |
We Kill Monsters #1
May 16, 2009 |
Now, for the business part: this book is in the current volume of Previews " the orders for which are due on June 2nd. With Diamond's new publishing threshold, we've watched as several series disappear from existence before given the chance to breathe properly (Warlord of Io, anyone?). So do yourself a favour: if you like monsters, and if you like punching " tell your local comic shop to give this book a try " and in July, you'll be rewarded with 32 pages of good times. What's not to like? |
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Young Allies | 1 issues |
Young Allies #1
Jun 10, 2010 |
Regardless, this book is highly recommended especially if youre looking for something that will be able to move a little looser than the Avengers books, in terms of what can be done with the characters involved. |
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