Chris Massari's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Monkeys Fighting Robots Reviews: 5
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #4

Aug 24, 2015

As far as the artwork, it's not clear who did the majority of it, since Adam Kubert and Scott Hanna are both listed as artist, but no indication is made to who did what, as far as pencils or inks. Outside of whom to give credit to what to, the art is very well done in Renew Your Vows #4, without any real noticeable complaints. There's a nice mix of more detailed panels, with ones more abstract in design, switching back through the entirety of the issue. Sometimes certain scenes or expressions are rendered in great detail to convey the emotion needed, while other time's it lacks the same focus. So to whoever did this comics' artwork, it was pretty solid across the board.

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Axcend #1

Oct 19, 2015

Whether you're an indy fan or not, AXCEND is definitely a book recommend to check out from IMAGE. It's solid around the board in writing and artwork, as well as character and tone. The strengths are clearly in the character's themselves, which in a comic, will always make a better reading experience long term, than plot. Good characters create connections to the reader, creating lifelong fans who will support and follow the series. AXCEND has that quality and is worth the time to read.

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Old Man Logan #4

Sep 2, 2015

Read this issue, read this series. By far, Bendis and Sorrentino are the best duo in Marvel comics right now. The way these two are able to mesh the scripting, as well as the art work, is discredited by a review. It needs to be read and experienced for oneself. In the future, Marvel really needs to put these two on other series without a doubt. Luckily, when Marvel launches their new titles in the fall, Sorrentino will be working with Jeff Lemire on the new Old Man Logan series, which is spectacular news. If you haven't read those twos' Green Arrow for the New 52, then you don't know what you're in for and if you have, then you probably share in the excitement for it. Praise God-Doom for what is to come with that title.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #20

Aug 24, 2015

This is a highly recommended series from DC, it's solid from the dialogue and script, to the artwork. The characters have heart. This is a story about these characters driving the script, rather than the plot that pushes the story. Personally, the New 52 era Wonder Woman makes more sense, as a character that was literally raised in an ancient warrior cult(ure) but, hopefully in later issues this classic Superman will be felt again, like he was in this one. This is the Clark Kent anyone can get behind and would want to read about. Definitely a must read from DC's current line and worth checking out.

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Superman: American Alien #2

Dec 17, 2015

Superman: American Alien is a must read series and could easily be one of the best in 2016 when it comes to its seven issue conclusion. It's extremely well written and will shift to different artists, throughout the mini-series, to capture various points of Clark's life.

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