Dan's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: IGN Reviews: 4
8.7Avg. Review Rating

Captain America (2004) #34

Jan 30, 2008

I've been rather harsh on Marvel and DC's recent insistence on tirelessly interconnecting the continuity of all their titles (mostly in detriment to each title's story), so for fairness' sake, I feel obliged to point out that Captain America perfectly reflects current Marvel continuity while feeling very much like its own, self-contained story. As Brubaker proves, as far as continuity is concerned, you can have your cake and eat it too. It just takes one heck of a talented writer.

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Captain America (2004) #35

Feb 27, 2008

As far as the art goes, I honestly had no idea this issue was handled by a fill-in artist until I read Jesse's review, which should tell you all you need to know about either Butch Guice's ability to replicate Epting's style or my general stupidity. Take your pick.

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Teen Titans: Year One (2008) #1

Jan 4, 2008

Besides a head-scratching scene that suggests Wally West and Dick Grayson attend the same school (since when does Wally come from Gotham City?), Wolfram's script doesn't really attempt enough to make any missteps. Wisely, she's left most of the heavy lifting to her unparalleled artistic partner. I'm usually not one to be swayed by artwork alone, but in the case of this book, I have no problem lauding Teen Titans: Year One as nothing short of brilliant based solely on Karl Kerschl's art. Man, I wish this guy drew more comics.

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Wonder Woman (2006) #14

Nov 14, 2007

And now, there's finally a legitimate light at the end of the tunnel, and it's finally looking like a good time to be a Wonder Woman fan.

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