Everett Harn's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: GWW Reviews: 12
8.4Avg. Review Rating

Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #12

Jan 7, 2015

This event has my jaw on the floor (if it isn't obvious by my numerous articles on it and incessant gushing). This issue had my heart beating with a bit of adrenaline and that's rare for me. It had me searching through Google wondering how on earth I could have missed the new Spider-Men featured in this issue and wanting to know everything about them. Finally the cliffhanger at the end of this issue delivers an emotional punch that will hopefully make them all realize exactly why they are who they are, and why they need to fight for every Spider-Hero out there. Read this book.

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Avengers (2012) #41

Feb 4, 2015

Hickman has restored my faith in this long and convoluted story he's writing with a few minor plot twists. What could he have done to change my opinion so fast? He is utilizing one of the greatest villains Marvel has come up with in a long time" Reed Richards.

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Cyclops (2014) #9

Jan 15, 2015

This series, although ending soon I believe, has been a highlight of this current Marvel run for me. Cyclops needed this redesign and reimagining to put him apart from his evil self, who has been boring me for the past year. This book continues the lighthearted, classical sci-fi space adventure that makes me thing of the greater episodes of Star Trek. If you want a fun tale that is set apart from the rest of the Marvel happenings (for now), pick this book up from your local comic book retailer!

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Cyclops (2014) #11

Mar 18, 2015

There hasn't been a Wild West-esque space opera/adventure written in the Marvel Cosmic Universe in a long time with this much character and detail. Layman is setting up a world for a well-known mutant outside of his natural habitat that can be expanded on for years.

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Django / Zorro #5

Mar 29, 2015

This book is one of the indie books that I must have each month. I grew up on Zorro and loved Django as a character, and if you feel the same this comic's title will pull you in anyways. This issue really ramps up the action (finally!) and gives us a lot of Django back story and catch up. Django and De La Vega really start to realize this issue how very much alike they are. Highly recommended!

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Earth 2: World's End #12

Dec 26, 2014

This is a pretty crazy and dire series. It kind of has the same feel as The Walking Dead or Injustice, in how hopeless their situation feels. They haven't lost all hope, as Constantine from Earth 1 is their doing stuff, and Clark Kent is now back alive, but it still feels a bit crazy. I am really enjoying this book the more I read it.

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Guardians 3000 #6

Mar 25, 2015

My Dei! I am so in love with this book. If you have to pick only one book from Marvel to read this week, I would suggest this book instantly. It's a quintessential example of why I love the cosmic side of Marvel Comics, and why the Guardians of the Galaxy, future and present, are the best team of heroes in the universe.

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New Avengers (2013) #29

Jan 28, 2015

Overall I would say skip over this issue. If you're following the incursions or the Illuminati then you may want this for the ending and Doom panels, but I don't think much new information was given in this issue. I expected better.

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Nova (2013) #26

Jan 28, 2015

I really enjoyed this comic and if there is any way to get more Sam Nova fans, it's to make him look more grown up and act like it too. Read this issue.

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Nova (2013) #28

Mar 25, 2015

While this isn't the best issue of Nova, it was enjoyable from the perspective of someone who hasn't followed this event. I couldn't help but smirk at the irony of Sam having such huge responsibility in hiding this mirror, and the naive hero that he is brings it back to his bedroom under a bedsheet. It's moments like that, that make me like Sam more and more. This isn't your bad ass Richard Rider Nova, this is a young Nova who hasn't had the guidance from an AI mentor to save the universe" He just does it the best he knows how.

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Nova (2015) #11

Sep 28, 2016

The one thing I won't spoil is the very last page of the book; as it sets up the future of where this Nova book is headed, but what I will say is that the book ends in a very gratifying way. With my favorite character slowly coming back onto the scene, having been one of the longest dead cult favorite heroes in Marvel history, I'm excited for the future of the Nova character(s). Sam is slowly evolving into the hero that he's supposed to be, and the whole Marvel Universe is going to be affected by the events that began in this issue.

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Red Lanterns #40

Mar 26, 2015

If you would have asked me a few months ago who my favorite human lantern was, I would have answered differently than today, because now I'm a massive Guy Gardner fan. This series as a whole has given him more character than he's had in years, and this issue really just puts a nice little bow around the full package that is the Red Lanterns. This book is a great way to end the series and I would suggest that anyone who is a Lantern fan to check this book out. Guy really is the superhero he so desperately wants to be, he just didn't realize it until the end.

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