New Avengers #29

Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Kev Walker Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 28, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 26
6.8Critic Rating
8.4User Rating


  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 30, 2015

    So far, this has been an amazing series - complex, character-driven, with surprising twists and an ending still shrouded in mystery. It's an impressive accomplishment by writer Jonathan Hickman and a small army or artists - highly recommended! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Kalem Lalonde Jan 28, 2015

    Time Runs Out is Hickman at his best and New Avengers #29 was a testament to how good Hickman’s best truly is. Few books are able to hold onto my attention for very long but New Avengers has remained at the top of my reading pile since I first started buying it. It’s a grandiose story with human suffering at the dead center of it. Hickman isn’t the kind of writer that will make you smile from bittersweet moments, but he will keep you on the edge of your seat and make you ponder his stories. I can’t wait to see what he brings next and I’m sure I’ll be thinking about it greatly. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jan 28, 2015

    New Avengers #29 takes the baton from the strong Avengers #40 and just keeps running with it, adding more layers to Time Runs Out and building the momentum toward Secret Wars. These are strong characters that are written and penciled well, and, as has been the case for the vast majority of the run, you can't go wrong with New Avengers. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 28, 2015

    Unfortunately, this issue suffers a bit on the visual front. In general, Kev Walker's work on this series hasn't impressed on the level of previous Marvel assignments like Thunderbolts and Avengers Arena. I blame this largely on the fact that he isn't paired with the right inker and colorist and his traditional, heavily textured artwork is diminished. Case in point, here Scott Hanna struggles to bring Walker's pencils to life. The facial work is plagued by unnecessary lines that make the characters look like cracked statues. Generally, the non organic elements in this issue fare better, though. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Feb 2, 2015

    The dark and sullen tone of Frank Martin's colors compliment the emotional gravitas depicted by Kev Walker as the question becomes not how do we stop it but what should be done after it occurs. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Jan 28, 2015

    That we can get satisfying emotional beats alongside some that are less so is a testament to how well both the characters work together and how deeply satsifying this storyline has been overall. There are still more gaps in the story to fill, but its actually begining to feel like were going to get some satisfaction on just about everything. We see the return of a long-absent character (along with some others, also long-absent from this specific title) and get a Doom check-in, with mandatory amazing quote, all while we head, inexorably, toward much, much larger things. This issue isnt a perfect jumping on point, but in terms of its importance to Secret Wars, it shouldnt be missed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Feb 2, 2015

    Overall, this is yet another enthralling piece of a large puzzle. With the end in sight, every second and every page matters and the creative teams are doing their best to make the most of that time before it runs out. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Geeked Out Nation - John Tuppen Jan 28, 2015

    For people only vaguely following the events leading up to Secret Wars you could get away with only reading the last four pages of “New Avengers” #29. In the end that fact alone makes this issue a bit of a dud. Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    Comic Book Herald - Matt Lehn Jan 30, 2015

    In all, this issue is an incongruous and semi-enjoyable episode. While righting itself before any real energy is lost, it does project its share of nosedives along the way. Again, a major plus is that Hickman's greater story is in much stronger shape coming out of this issue than going in. With Walker also slated as artist for the remainder of the run, the missteps here are far from the creators' final testimony. There's still ample opportunity to get back to fighting strength" before time runs out! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Jan 28, 2015

    New Avengers #29 is perfectly okay. There's nothing really too bad about the book, but nothing all that great either. The writing is fine, but the lack of progress and weak artwork really holds it back a lot. With the end coming in a few months, the book should really pick up the pace a bit for its own sake" unless it's just biding time until Secret Wars — which would be rather frustrating. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Infinite Comix - Michael Roder Jan 31, 2015

    New Avengers is both winding down and picking up steam at the same time. 'In 4 months time runs out' the cover reads. Hopefully we get some kind of closure on what has been a very good Avengers run, before the Battleworld begins. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Feb 2, 2015

    In four months, time runs out but New Avengers #29 seems more concerned with theorizing about what that means instead of showing our heroes dealing with it. Like I had said before, this could all be untrue by the time the next issue of the series rolls around, but for a series with this great of a hook and a wealth of interesting characters, I don't understand how it could be so boring. Jonathan Hickman has been a writer that has delivered thrilling and thought provoking comics time and time again, and you would think that a series like New Avengers would be his superhero swan song, but #29 finds him still hobbling along aided by jargon instead of throwing our heroes into action. The table is set and it has been for a while now; how long until the guests grow tired of waiting for the goods, and get up to find a more satisfying meal? Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    GWW - Everett Harn Jan 28, 2015

    Overall I would say skip over this issue. If you're following the incursions or the Illuminati then you may want this for the ending and Doom panels, but I don't think much new information was given in this issue. I expected better. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Jan 31, 2015

    The situation for our characters and their world(s) continues to lumber downhill like a monstrous snowball, but it's a direction and momentum that all feels too obviously pushed by the writer and a publishing agenda. As a final, positive sentence for this review, I will admit that Dr. Doom's voice and mannerisms were captured perfectly in his small cameo. Read Full Review

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