Howard Woolfolk's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Spectrum Reviews: 2
7.0Avg. Review Rating

Demonic (2016) #1

Sep 16, 2016

For all that I found wrong with this issue, one thing will get me to buy at least the next few issues. They spoke of a character called Novo several times in this issue, but didn't really get much deeper into it. That was smart because, at least in my case, what they alluded to intrigued me enough to get me to keep reading so I can find out more about this character. If nothing else, Sebella has me on the leash for at least 2 more issues. If what I'm expecting about Novo is true, I'll continue with this series. If not, I'll have to look elsewhere for my horror fix.

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Seven to Eternity (2016) #1

Sep 22, 2016

There isn't a lot going on in the issue, 3 basic scenes and a reveal at the end, that's really it. There's enough there for me visually and in the story and character setup to get me coming back for future issues. Katie, who didn't get much time in this first issue is intriguing enough for me to actually care about as a character, and the same for Adam. But really, the main thing I want to know is "What does the Mud King have to offer?" It's enough to get me to come back!

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