Huy Tu's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Latest Pull Reviews: 1
9.2Avg. Review Rating

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #14

Aug 7, 2014

Spencer and Leiber are still killing it with Superior Foes. The splash page of Overdrive's escape is worth the price alone. These origin issues that happen every so often are great for letting the hilariously convoluted plot breath and also gives the audience some context for the characters since they are mostly C-listers. This issue also pokes fun at the common comic trope of “bad guys switching sides” and I feel that this type of introspective meta-humor should be commended. Don't get me wrong, this comic also contains a bunch of other fun jokes too, including a bunch of sexual innuendos which this book as been known for. I would recommend this cult hit, but be sure to start at issue #1, since the story is somewhat layered with the many factions and characters presented in the current story, e.g. , Silvermane's head, Hammerhead, Owl, Chameleon and Doctor Doom's portrait.

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