Reviewer For: Florida Geek Scene Reviews: 19
8.4Avg. Review Rating

Akaneiro #1

May 22, 2013

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the belle of the ball and all that shit, id give it a 6. Yeah, its better than I expected, but not enough for me to hand over cash for it or force someone into reading it.

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B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #105

Mar 20, 2013

Peter Snejbjerg makes these characters his own. His big monsters are as good as Mignolas or Guy Davis's. I love how these books are always about some giant evil monsters invading and attacking the earth and that it never seems old. I never tire of this masterfully played tune.

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Burn The Orphanage: Born to Lose #1

Aug 7, 2013

I cant stress enough how sold I am over the fact that this comic doesn't waste your time. From first to last page the reader is taken seriously and given just a really fun story to digest. The art bends to meet the story very well and often delivers a visual pop. Its a well made comic book that I'm gonna spend the rest of the week encouraging all my comic book reading friends to check out. In Frank speak, THIS COMIC SO HAS YOUR SHIT. Its a ten, even with some of the "on the nose-tongue and cheek" dialog. Oh yeah, it has things in it called Stripper Ninjas so GET THIS COMIC NOW!!!

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Catalyst Comix #1

Jul 3, 2013

Joe Casey".he's comics American dream. Has been for some better part of 20yrs now. He's always doing something different and new. They call it kicking sand. He kicks sand here and I hope it stings some. I hope that everyone else in comics is licking some open bloody sore and there goes lil Joe Casey kicking some sand in it making them go Woo Hoo. Cause that's what he said this would be. And it is. Its an opportunity for something old to be new. But did they think cool? Of course they did. Each artist is a perfect fit. Its what you want in super hero comics even though no matter how much you continue paying for, you don't seem to get. It stings hard, how damn good this comic book is. Its a ten or whatever the hip kids say when its time to fucking act. Act now, this comic has my shit. And its been a long long wait.

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Catalyst Comix #2

Aug 7, 2013

I cant imagine the reaction to you discovering this like I have. Its everything those other books aren't. Mayburry has made an impression on me like some comic art junk dragon I need to chase now. McDaid alone makes this feel like a bargain. Farinas gets all 80"s VCR jams on it and I'm like "yo everyone!!! I'm outside your window and I am holding this comic over my head. Do you like my Jean Jacket?". Its a 10 a "must buy". It's a theme park of comic book dreams and I want you all to go there.

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Dream Thief #1

May 15, 2013

Nitz and Smallwood do a good job of making you interested in this mystery. The right pieces are moved along the board. By the last page they have you asking the questions that will lead you into coming back for more and I kind of admire that. You should have no problems liking this comic.

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Dream Thief #2

Jun 19, 2013

Its a strong title. Its got a mystery unwrapping before your eyes and you cant, just cant guess where its going next. You should have no problem enjoying this comic and coming back for more.

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Gamma (One Shot) #1

Jul 24, 2013

Between this one shot and Farinas work in Joe Casey's Catalyst Comix its safe to say that Dark Horse is doing a real good job of guaranteeing that im gonna throw large wads of cash at them. Im happy to see Dark Horse representing Farinas like this. Take my word, BUY THE TICKET AND GO FOR THE RIDE. It has so many things going for it; its loads of fun, funny, and NEW. And yeah, in my opinion its drawn by comics brightest talent. It deserves your attention. Its the kind of comic you make sure everyone in the shop is picking up. I cant stress it enough, read this comic book. It has your shit.

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King Conan: Hour of the Dragon #1

May 29, 2013

If this is your first time reading a Conan comic you fall in love with them here. This is your bar met if you haven't kept up in decades. This comic makes falling in love with Conan again easy as pie. I was gonna drop the f-bomb but I wanna make it clear, its magic. The "i dare you" kind.

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King Conan: Hour of the Dragon #2

Jun 26, 2013

ts everything you want and expect from a Conan comic by an ensemble of creators who'se names alone merit checking this title out.

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Mars Attacks #10

May 1, 2013

Final Thoughts: how many times can you fail at forcing Mars Attacks to be hot shit?

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Quantum and Woody #1

Jul 24, 2013

Fowler makes giving a shit about this title so damn easy for me.

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Quantum and Woody #2

Aug 14, 2013

Issue two just feels bigger and better. Between Asmus's writing getting me to care and laugh so much and the perfect pairing of Fowler's delightful art with Bellaires big colors, this comic has balls. It's a 10. everything's done right here and we haven't even gotten to the goat.

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Reality Check #1

Sep 11, 2013

Its a well told story. I feel Brunswick sold me with Willard and his troubles. The best parts are the questions that this issue leaves me with and how that makes me curious to check back with it to see how this will all work out. Its real and I wasn't expecting it either. I'm giving this comic a 10 based solely on Brunswick's writing. Its pretty neat the way he makes you wait and the way he diverts your expectations. You come in with these important questions and he makes you forget them with some questions of his own.

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The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys #1

Jun 12, 2013

If I saw you pass this up at the shelves I would make you buy it. The folks at the comic book shop would call the cops to come down and have me and my wild pack of dogs removed from the shop. And as they cuff me the clerk would hand me a bill for all the books that were damaged by dog slobber and blood and Id pay it cause it be worth it. You get that kind of value here. Its that big of a deal. You'll love this world and will stop at nothing to force it upon loved ones. Shit, even your enemies. Find it. Read it. Pass it on. Use it to reawaken the notion of cool in everyone's mind.

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The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys #2

Jul 10, 2013

Cloonan just draws the shit out of anything.

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Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters #1

Jun 5, 2013

hey, at least I wasnt asked to watch those shitty movies.

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Transformers: Monstrosity #1

Jun 19, 2013

Its the best looking Transformer comic I have ever seen. I would encourage you to look at it, try it out and make up your own mind. Its got what I would want in a Transformer comic so its safe to say it will have something for you too. Its got the right amount of drama and satisfies my eye holes. Id say its safe and see you back for more next issue.

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Transfusion #3

Mar 29, 2013

.I wont get all douchey here and bring up any Watchmen ending similarities on you too. instead I'll go on about how Steve Niles went off and gave me a post apocalyptic western opera thingy staring vampires and robots that I turned out to like regardless of my assumptions upon first glance. Id tell you shit about how this comic reinforces leaving all your preconceived notions at the door and how its reminded me that comics at their core are all about the suspension of disbelief. Yay Comics. Yay Me.

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