John Turner's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 7
8.2Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #42

Jul 2, 2015

Action Comics #42 is many things. It is a good looking, beautifully presented piece of work. It is a powerful politically meaningful narrative. It is also action packed from its start to its finish. I recommend this book for everyone. It is incredible.

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All-Star Section 8 #1

Jun 12, 2015

For now it's an okay distraction, a joke that I think was about semen, and a joke about accidental racism, and that is it. For five minutes it will please some but All-Star Section 8 #1 is not really something to recommend, though for the $2.99 cover price you could do worse.

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Batman (2011) #41

Jun 10, 2015

When this new story was announced there was a certain amount of things that were expected to happen. Batman #41 mixes in some of those things with a good amount of stuff that maybe we did not expect. The effect is a well-balanced opening issue that reads as something new that never treads too heavily on new ground to the point where it sinks or risks losing more traditional fans.There's only one Batman but that doesn't mean we can't all be Batman. That's the message I left Batman #41 feeling. As Jim starts his journey, I look forward to taking it with him.

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Inferno #2

Jun 12, 2015

The issue ends strong with a gut wrenching reveal that sets up what will almost certainly set up the battle that will make this series. Where the first part introduced the world, this issue spends its time arranging pieces towards what looks to be an action packed end game. Of the Secret Wars stories Inferno is one of the more purposefully jovial entries. It is a lot of fun and something that can be enjoyed without concerning yourself with the big Secret Wars event surrounding it.All together, that makes Inferno a book very worth reading for just about everyone.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #16

Jun 19, 2015

The issue ends very much with a battle still to be fought and still to be won (or lost as we all know the case is). Ms. Marvel #16 meanwhile is a stellar comic book that will delight most who read it.

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Orphan Black #1

Feb 25, 2015

This issue focused on Sarah. The next issue promises to be from the perspective of Helena. Hopefully it will be here that the comic book can deviate from its counterpart and give us something substantial. For now, the book is off to a fair start but in no way comes close to capturing the spark that makes Orphan Black such compelling viewing on the small screen.

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Runaways (2015) #1

Jun 19, 2015

Runaways #1 doesn't feature much in the way of running away, and is minus a lot of the tone I understand made the title so popular among its fan base. What is present is heaps of the style and personality that has contributed to Noelle Stevenson's ascent in the comic book industry. Runaways #1 is a very fun book both as an entity unto itself, and as more light hearted relief to the Secret Wars event proper.

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