Jon Reyes's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: GWW Reviews: 5
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Now us Supergirl fans have something outside of the show to fill our want to spend more time with not only the titular heroine but all of the secondary characters. As the artwork took centerstage the first go-around, Gates' writing did this time, as mentioned. Yet I still feel the need to give the art its due. Adventures of Supergirl is turning into a good read and is really awesome to look at.

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Other characters would try to avoid staring too long or making any sort of leading comment to him about his appearance. Once they did, Montclare would call them out on it. Then they'd either call him a dick or feel like s–t over what they said and apologize profusely because when they find out how he possibly came of these scars, they'd walk everything they said back and offer whatever they could out of feeling bad. Let me say, it's an interesting topic to touch upon. Leave it to comics.

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For once somebody in comics gives time to its more secondary villain. And Gates hits a homer.

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It's not a story no one has read before. The artwork makes Dejah Thoris standout in its first issue. But the story is too clich for it to go beyond just having potential right now.

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There's not much to say in way of Gates' writing in the first issue, it's heavily based in the introduction of Supergirl and setting up who the readers can expect to be reading about. I will say, however, there's a noticeable charm he adds to his characters voices. If that remains the same throughout, the artwork matches up with it well with all of its bright colors and spectacle.

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