Jose Murillo's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Outright Geekery Reviews: 3
8.0Avg. Review Rating

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #12

May 8, 2016

The writing and dialogue is great. The back and forth between Peter and Harry is witty and full of heart, you can tell that they're firm friends from the get go. And there is a stark contrast (excuse that) between Peter and Tony in their civilian guises that makes Tony an excellent foil to Peter's character. Slott is in good form here. Camuncoli leaves a bit to be desired, specifically with faces and specifically with Mary Jane's reveal page. Her face is so tiny and sharp and dull. Other faces seemed rushed and often times with very little expression. The worst of this issue comes from the colorist Marte Gracia. Gracia needlessly blends the different colors of the faces making it look even more rushed. I don't blame Camuncoli or Gracia entirely, however, being on bi-monthly book must be strenuous alone.All in all, Amazing Spider-Man #12 continues to showcase Peter's new life in the MU, and you can bet that I'll be reading more as long as Slott can continue to bring it home.

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Black Widow (2016) #4

Jun 17, 2016

Fans of the previous Daredevil run would appreciate this, and fans of the collaborative work of Waid and Samnee even more so. It's more detailed art-wise than Daredevil, but not as talkative dialogue wise. This book so far doesn't have anything much to say unlike the Daredevil run Waid and Samnee worked on. But for what it lacks in substance regarding story, it more than makes up for it with style. That's not to say it doesn't have any substance, it does. But Waid is playing the long game, establishing elements and characters of his story and possibly using them later. All we can do is wait and see.

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Spider-Man (2016) #4

May 23, 2016

Well paced dialogue and the lack of the usual infamous "Bendis speak" makes up for the lack of direction the plot is currently in. Pichelli is in top form as always. Her beautiful drawings are perfectly suitable for the tone this book has. And while this book might or might not be heading somewhere/anywhere, anyone can expect this creative team to keep this book upbeat and fresh.

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