Josh Price's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ComicBuzz Reviews: 2
7.3Avg. Review Rating

If we continue to get decent stories like this that challenge Kara as a superhero as well as a Kryptonian while being unafraid to visit darker places in lieu of playing it positive and safe, we may end up with a promising new Supergirl series.

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What Rebirth has done with Supergirl is unabashedly draw influence from the CW TV version with Melissa Benoist in the live action role. While the show has its undeniable charm, it hinges heavily on bad TV in moments, with flavor-of-the-week villains every other episode, who serve no consequence with the overall narrative. While the series is decidedly not without its fans, me included (it has its moments), this reader personally hopes the comic book series will not suffer the same villain-of-the-week pitfalls the first season of the TV show did. Lar-On seems like a strong candidate for that title unfortunately, so lets just hope that things get interesting with his character and others in future issues.

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