Mark Driscoll's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Word Of The Nerd Reviews: 2
6.8Avg. Review Rating

Groo vs. Conan #1

Jul 25, 2014

Groo vs. Conan #1 is a great read, the writing for all three portions (Conan, Groo, and Mark and Sergio) is sharp, and right on point. During the individual sections, there wasn't a single portion that seemed out of place. The quality of the art is exactly what you'd expect from these two artists, and when the characters cross over from the Groo world to the Conan one, they aren't drawn in each other's styles, but instead is very reminiscent of a "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" type of production, with each set of characters inhabiting the other's world.

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Robotech/Voltron #2

Feb 27, 2014

If you, like me, were a big fan of these two properties growing up, then pick this up. On the other hand, if you weren't ever a fan of either one of them, or a fan of just one, skip it. This book is a labor of love for and by fans of both properties and it really shows.

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