Matthias Talley's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Book City Podcast Reviews: 4
8.8Avg. Review Rating

When it comes to the look of this book, Paolo Rivera's art is a good as always. It is unnerving at times, as the story is almost told through character's expressions, in addition to the layout designs. I really like the design of the Immortal Enemy. This thing looks creepy and without a doubt belongs in a horror movie. The little details that Rivera gives to his characters faces provides a lot of personality and emotion.

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I have to say after reading issue one, I wasn't looking forward to this issue, but after witnessing the climax, it's excellent story, and first class art, I can not wait to have issue three in my hands. If you were on the fence as to whether to buy this new series, don't hesitate. Do yourself a favor buy this great comic. Welcome back Gilad, you've been missed.

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This issues serves as a great new jumping on point for new readers who want to delve into a futuristic, scifi mystery with a character that hasn't seen his continuity change dozens of times in a course of 75 years. Just as they aimed to do in the early 90's, Valiant is bringing something different to "Superhero" comics by publishing titles such as Rai, which are a shining example of quality writing and art. This is a must buy for those interested in the genre.

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In conclusion, this comic is fun to read and was created by a passionate group of independent creators, who obviously have a lot to say about bigotry, homophobia, and other social ills that are on their minds. There aren't many comics that cause me to audibly laugh while contemplating societal depravities. After looking at the last panel, I want to run to my LCS and read the future shenanigans of the Toe Tag Riot. If you like zombie comics and a good laugh, this is a must buy. More Brains!! More Good Dumb Fun. Solid read.

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