Onosume's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Anime UK News Reviews: 37
7.1Avg. Review Rating

Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost #1

Sep 27, 2021

Overall, Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost gets off to a strong start, offering a dark and mysterious twist on the classic fairy tale, filled with fascinating and mysterious characters and almost too many questions to set up the main plot of the story. If youre looking for a promising new dark fantasy, then Id highly recommend giving this one a go.

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Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost #2

Jan 27, 2022

Overall, Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost continues to be a fascinating and fresh take on the classic fairy tale, with this volume building nicely on the mysteries set up in the first while developing the main backstory. Its just a shame it doesnt quite nail the pacing and tries to jam too much in, as otherwise this is a very entertaining read.

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Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost #3

Apr 19, 2022

Overall, Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost continues to be a strong series with this volume finally giving us most of the answers we have been begging for since Volume 1, bundled together with some very tense and action-packed scenes in which you find yourself doubting if the heroine is going to survive. Its just a shame that pacing and narrative issues continue to affect the series, as this volume can be confusing at times when youre trying to understand what it is trying to show you.

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Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost #4

May 29, 2022

Overall, Volume 4 of Beauty and the Best of Paradise Lost is a fascinating read that grabs you with its mystery, intrigue, and dramatic developments as it marks itself out as a turning point in the story and we head towards the endgame. If you have enjoyed the series so far and have fallen in love with its characters, then picking this up is a no-brainer as it reveals a lot more about them and pushes them through a variety of twists and turns before we get to the final confrontation. While seeing a good series end always has a tinge of sadness, I personally cant wait to dig into the final volume.

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Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost #5

Feb 1, 2023

Despite some flaws, I honestly loved this final volume of Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost, as it pulls off an excellent finale that satisfyingly answers all our questions and ties up all the mysteries neatly with a bow, all the while allowing its fantastic cast of characters to thrive on the page and show who they truly are. While it does have its dips here and there, this has been a really good series to read through and Id highly recommend it to anyone looking for a unique, dark and mysterious take on the popular fairy tale.

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Blood Blade (2024) #s

Mar 6, 2025

Overall, these two volumes of Blood Blade really show this to be a rather rough debut work that is going to need time to work out all its kinks. I think theres enough in the plot here for a decent series with good action and both a clear goal and a visible final boss, but the rough writing and pacing can make specific volumes a slog to get through if youre not completely sold by the action. The awkward art style can also make this a tough sell and isnt doing the series any favours. For most people then I wouldnt say this is a series to follow volume by volume, but readers interested in seeing the start of an artists career might get more out of it.

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Blood Blade (2024) #1

Mar 20, 2024

While this first volume of Blood Blade has its faults, I think it comes across as a fair debut with some potential, even if things are a little awkward in places and the plot is rather by the numbers. There are definitely stronger titles in the genre, but I enjoyed it for what it is: a simple if quirky Japanese spin on western monster stories.

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Bloom Into You #3

Mar 25, 2019

With the third volume, Bloom Into You continues to be a highly entertaining and refreshing yuri manga with a more grounded and realistic take on relationships in general, while showing that the genre can take same-sex relationships seriously when it tries. With great character work and well-executed story, this has hooked me in for the long run and I cant wait to read what happens next.

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Cagaster #1

May 6, 2021

Overall, then, its a bit of a rough start for Cagaster. While its initial ideas are interesting, it feels mis-sold as a humanity versus monsters story when it barely uses that part of the plot, instead burning through a lot of the mysteries surrounding one of its main characters in a single volume. Couple this with its bland and controversial side characters, rough artwork and a very blunt translation and this becomes a difficult manga to get into, even though it does have the potential to improve in later volumes.

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Farewell to My Alter OGN

Dec 28, 2021

Overall, Farewell to My Alter is a fantastic way for fans of Nio Nakatani to sample some of her other work outside of Bloom Into You without having to track them down in their original publications. With this being a collection, you may not click with all nine stories, but each is at least unique and fascinating in their own way, brilliantly tackling the themes that Nakatani likes to focus on while being beautifully presented in her distinctive art style.

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Friday at the Atelier (2024) #1

Jul 29, 2024

While my initial impression of this first volume of Friday at the Atelier was awkward and stiff with a weird premise, it warms up as you get further into it, to the point where you can see it has some potential if Hamada can loosen up the dialogue and pour more heart and soul into the mangas main characters. This is definitely a niche pick and wont be for everyone, but might be worth a look if you want a josei-like spin on both unusual relationships and those driven by the love of home cooking.

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Heaven's Door: Extra Works #1

Sep 18, 2022

Overall, Heaven's Door: Extra Works impresses with a set of fascinating stories that dig into human nature and the meaning of life and death, paired with detailed and mature artwork that both shows off Koike's talent and sets the work apart from the more typical manga releases we see in the West. However, it's execution and subject matter might be too trippy and confusing for a lot of readers, leaving only a very small niche being able to truly appreciate it.

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I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss #1

Jan 19, 2022

Overall, this first volume of Im the Villainess, So Im Taming the Final Boss offers a great read, adapting the opening chapters of the light novel well, fixing some of its more clunky aspects and tightening up the pacing to produce what is arguably the best way of experiencing the story. For those wanting a more politically focused take on the villainess trope this is therefore a great place to start; just be aware you will have to cross over to the light novel after Volume 3.

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I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss #2

Apr 11, 2022

Overall, Volume 2 of Im the Villainess, So Im Taming the Final Boss continues to be a highly entertaining read filled with interesting political machinations and cute moments between the two leads. It is, however, mostly a word-for-word adaptation of the light novel, and while I think it could have deviated from it further, it does at least make one surprising change that Im hoping will pay off as we approach the source materials climax in the mangas third and final volume.

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I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss #3

Aug 21, 2022

Overall, this volume closes out the manga adaptation of Im the Villainess, So Im Taming the Final Boss on a high. While the original story was already a great concept, this polishes it off as it focuses in on the best bits and trims the fat from the light novel, all while giving it a great visual makeover that both highlights the action scenes and better puts across the thoughts and feelings of the characters. For fans of villainess stories, Id honestly say this is a must-read, but is also worth a look for anyone wanting a more fantastical and shrewder take on a court romance.

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Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Another Story #1

Sep 6, 2022

So far, Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Another Story reads as one for the fans looking to dig more into the Magia Record part of the franchise, as it sets up a good alternative and more mystery-oriented take on its story, while better using the original animes cast of characters. Its just a shame that the focus on the core mystery presented here has let the action sit by the wayside, as that and the sparse artwork are the only things holding this back from being a great instead of a good.

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Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Another Story #2

Feb 9, 2023

Overall, this second volume of Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Another Story is a bit of a disappointment as I was expecting a lot more from a series that has such strong material and characters to work with. While it does have some interesting ideas here and there and offers a good character study of Kyouko and her friendship with Mami, it lacks in its overall execution of the core investigation and reveal of the series central concepts, while it waves away action scenes in favour of long-winded conversations. If youre still interested in this then I might advise you to wait and see if subsequent volumes pick up a bit, but I do fear this may end up being for die-hard Madoka fans only.

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Mermaid Saga Collectors Edition #2

Jun 17, 2021

Overall, Mermaid Saga continues to offer a very dark and mysterious take on the mermaid myth while producing a fascinating examination of the dark side of the human condition. While Id heartily recommend this to anyone looking for a quirkier take on the horror genre, whether you are a fan of Rumiko Takahashi or not, it does come with the big caveat that this is all we get, even if the story is clearly left open for more.

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Orient (2021) #1

Apr 8, 2021

Overall, despite some of the generic character designs, the first volume of Orient is a solid start. The story and character motivations are good, the designs of the demons are fantastic, and the battles against them are pretty solid action sequences. If it can continue with these and build up its characters a bit more, then this could turn out to be a pretty decent entry in the shonen action genre.

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Orient (2021) #2

Jul 14, 2021

Overall, volume 2 of Orient is a step down from the first, being rather light on the action and is burdened by all the exposition required to move the story forward, heavily applying the brakes to its pacing. Thankfully, the introduction of a stylish new character in Tsugumi prevents this from becoming too much of a bore, with there being plenty of interesting character development as we begin the next arc of the story. At this point I think the series has all the elements it needs for success; it just needs to combine everything it has shown so far into a more consistent whole, something that it promises to do as it moves into Volume 3.

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Orient (2021) #3

Sep 7, 2021

Overall, Orient still feels like it is waiting for the follow-up to its breakout first volume. While Volume 3 does a good job of building up Tsugumi and allows her to take a lead in the action, the sidelining of the main protagonists and its poor pacing really drag it down. Its probably still worth taking a wait-and-see approach as it moves into its fourth volume, but it needs something to energise the story and its leading duo going forward. It does keep promising more interesting things, but its going to get harder and harder to get by on just the strength of its artwork alone, and I fear that if things dont change soon, itll have a lot of readers dropping off.

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Orient (2021) #4

Dec 13, 2021

Overall, Volume 4 of Orient is a marked improvement over the last couple of volumes, as it picks up on the action, gives us a threatening antagonist, and delves further into the worlds mythology. Its still not quite on the level of the opening volume, but this is definitely a step in the right direction and Im looking forward to seeing where it takes some of the new elements introduced here.

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Orient (2021) #5

Jan 5, 2022

Overall, the fifth volume of Orient is highly entertaining with plenty of high-stakes action, offering a satisfying conclusion to the current arc of the story that ends cleanly and wraps up the current ongoing plot threads, but also gives you enough glimpses into the future to make you want to read on and see where our heroes end up next.

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Orient (2021) #6

Jul 11, 2022

Overall, while Volume 6 of Orient is no match for the meat of the previous volume, it still feels like a smooth transition over to the next part of the story, introducing a swathe of new characters in preparation for the upcoming arc, while filling in bits and pieces of the overarching plot while it can. With this being a long-running shonen manga its rather expected we get these types of volumes from time to time, and I feel like Orient handles it pretty well despite there being not too much going on. While it is tempting to skim through to get to the next part of the action, its still worth taking the time to appreciate some of the world building and character introductions and avoid missing some of the finer details that may pay dividends later on.

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Orient (2021) #7

Oct 21, 2022

Overall, Volume 7 of Orient successfully ramps up the action and presents us with a fun series of fights but misses the mark in what it was going for with the direction of the story, confusingly rolling back Musashis character development and running opposite to the message it was trying to convey. Its still doing just enough to keep me going with it in terms of the art and action, but its definitely not as compelling a read as it has been in some earlier volumes.

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Orient (2021) #8

Jan 3, 2023

As much as this series can be frustrating to read as it constantly missteps with its unconvincing lead, it can still bring enough punch to the table to lure you back in. Volumes 8 and 9 of Orient produce an action-packed combination that focuses on the battle between the Uesugi and the members of the Obsidian Eight who are backing up Orochi on Awaji Island with some horrific destruction and a fantastic back-and-forth tactical battle. Its just a shame those long-standing issues hold it back, while it misses the presence of some of the main characters who continue to pop in and out of existence on demand.

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Otherside Picnic #1

Nov 8, 2021

Overall, this first volume of Otherside Picnic presents the opening of a very interesting story, but perhaps not as effectively as its light novel and anime counterparts, making it sit in a weird place that makes it difficult to recommend over the other two formats. Its a slow start in any case, with plenty of exposition needed to build up both the plot and the world of the Otherside, but it comes off best when tackling the dangerous creatures that inhabit the eerie other world. If this is your chosen option then its still a good read, but personally Id opt for the anime or light novel over the manga.

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Otherside Picnic #2

Jan 16, 2023

Now that the exposition is out of the way, Otherside Picnic is starting to pick up into a very interesting exploration of common themes in horror and science fiction, pairing an isekai mindset with a solid leading duo that just needs maybe a little more depth adding to their current relationship to make it a bit more compelling.

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Otherside Picnic #3

Mar 22, 2023

Overall, this volume of Otherside Picnic shows that the series is continuing to get a lot of things right as it offers both some particularly horrifying moments and some thought-provoking sci-fi mysteries with a good slice of character development exactly when its needed. It just continues to be a solid read and one Id recommend both horror and sci-fi fans picking up.

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Otherside Picnic #4

Sep 14, 2023

Our review copy from Square Enix Manga was supplied by Turnaround Comics (Turnaround Publisher Services).

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Otherside Picnic #5

Nov 7, 2023

Our review copy from Square Enix Manga was supplied by Turnaround Comics (Turnaround Publisher Services).

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Otherside Picnic #6

Jan 11, 2024

Our review copy from Square Enix Manga was supplied by Turnaround Comics (Turnaround Publisher Services).

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Quality Assurance in Another World #1

May 1, 2023

Overall, Quality Assurance in Another World makes a decent start, offering a unique type of isekai story that provides plenty of laughs through the adventures of its very underpowered protagonist and his energetic new assistant, but also isnt afraid to get into the nitty gritty of its main subject matter and provide a darker, more morbid spin on it. While those unfamiliar with the topic may struggle to connect with it, I think it does have potential if it can balance out its main story with its more industry-focused comedy as it goes forward.

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Sugar Apple Fairy Tale #1

Jul 10, 2023

This first volume of Sugar Apple Fairy Tale shows plenty of promise, offering a lovely adaptation of a story that really fits into any medium, complete with some cute artwork that works well in bringing out the comedic side and showing off the characters' emotions and the chemistry between them. If youve been enamoured of the anime adaptation and want another perspective or are just getting into the series for the first time, then Id highly recommend checking this one out.

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Super Mario Manga Mania OGN

Mar 31, 2021

Overall, Super Mario Manga Mania is a bit of a weird release. Taking it at face value as a collection of comics adapting iconic moments of the Mario games shows it to be very hit-and-miss with an unclear focus on who this release is actually aimed at. If you are a fan of the Mario games and open to trying something different then there is stuff to enjoy here, and the inclusion of the authors personal experience at the back of the book really opens it up; however, a more general manga reader may have a much harder time getting into it.

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The Kept Man of the Princess Knight (Manga) #1

Aug 21, 2024

Overall, I feel quite mixed on this first volume of The Kept Man of the Princess Knight. Its a struggle to get into things at the start with it feeling quite brash and edgy alongside a protagonist that never really shines in the best light, yet it does mellow out with some good action scenes, as well as building in some lore and mystery as it closes out. I feel like it needs more time to pin itself down on its overall tone, for if it can get its balance right it has the potential to become a decent dark and gritty action series.

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The Misfit of Demon King Academy #1

May 28, 2020

Overall, volume one of The Misfit of Demon King Academy is very much an introduction, setting up the characters and the world around them. Theres nothing particularly special or gripping about it so far, but the class divide between the demons is clearly the main hook of the story and gives it something to differentiate it from other similar works or from it just being a power fantasy. It definitely needs more time to stew and flesh out some of its other elements which makes it hard to recommend as a single volume; yet if it continues down its current path the series could make for an interesting read further down the line.

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