Paul Twist's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comics Bulletin Reviews: 3
7.7Avg. Review Rating

The Unfunnies #1

Jan 30, 2004

Any fears that The Unfunnies is just Millar's attempt at a super-sick, gross-out comic will be put to rest by reading the first issue. Sure, you'll feel a little dirty, but you'll be curious, intrigued, and gagging for the next instalment.

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Wanted #2

Feb 4, 2004

Issue one set up the premise of the book; issue two follows the induction of Wesley into the governing body of super-villains. The next issue is, I expect, where the fun really begins. Wanted rewrites that hoary old comic-book proverb as "with great power comes doing whatever the fuck you like", managing to subvert, celebrate and commentate on the superhero genre and its idiosyncrasies, while at the same time answering the question that has no doubt bothered comics fans for many a year: what would happen if the villains won? It's definitely worth finding out.

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X-Statix (2002) #18

Feb 4, 2004

If you've been following the "Back From The Dead" storyline, then X-Statix #18 is a worthwhile purchase, albeit a slightly disappointing one. Casual readers, however, are advised to give this issue - and the entire arc - a miss. It's an uninspiring ending to a clumsy, messy arc, which was a shadow of what it could (and should) have been. That said, the forthcoming "cure for Myles" and "Avengers" storylines promise to be a return to form. Despite my misgivings about this issue, I trust Milligan and Allred to bring X-Statix back to their former glory.

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